Amon Amarth
Amon Amarth


Año de formación


País de origen

(Balder) Nightmares
Demons haunt my taunted mind
I'm scared
My death's forseen ungloryful
Plase Father
Make my demons disappear
Please Mother
Death is everywhere

(Odin) My son I've seen your fear
I have felt your pain
No harm will come to you
An oath has been sworn

(Balder) The evil forces around us
Still wants to destroy me
Who is the evil slayer
I cannot see

Loke the deceitful God
Discover the arrow of death

Pointed for the Hoder the blind
by the jealous Loke
The arrow cut through the skin
And into the heart of the bright one

Silence spread throughout the hall Aesir
As the God of Light fe to his knees dying!

Sorrow throughout the nine worlds
The bright God is gone
Sent to Nifelheim by the deceitful...
The bleak fimbul winter arrived
Raging across the world
With a fury that defied the memory of man
Terrible wars where fought,
the like had never been seen
Men slew without a thought
The ties of kinship were no more

Skoll and Hati, the ravenous wolves
Arose and devoured the sun and the moon
Darkness descended upon the earth
And the stars fell from the skies
Loud blows heimdall the horne's in the air
Odin quests the head of Mim
Now shakes the holy ash where it stands
The ancient tree moans, Fenris breaks free

How are the Aesir?
How are the Alves?
Loud sounds Joutunheim
Aesir comprise
By the stonedoors dwarfs are moaning
The mountains wise men
Know you now or not?

With his shield at hand
Hrym travels from the east
The serpant is turning, enormous in rage

The serpant breaks the waves
The eagle screams
Nidhoggs tearing corpses
Free comes Nagelfar

Loke leads the legions of the dead
In holy war
Against the justice made by Aesir
Surtur comes from the south
With red hot fire wargods swords
shines like the sun
Mountains breaks, men on hel-road
The heaven crumbles, Ragnarok is at hand

Then to Hlin appears
Another grief when Odin goes to fight
The evil Fenris
And the brave and glory Frey
goes against Surtur
Then will Friggs beloved one die
Vidar,Odin's mighty son,
he will come to slay the wolf
The sword runs into the
heart of Hverdrungs son
So he avenges his father

So comes Llodyns noble son
Thor he goes to fight the snake
In anger he slays the guardian of Midgaard
Nine steps dying walks Odin's son
Away from the snake who misdeeds not fear
Dying from it venom

When all are gone
Only Surtur remained
Passing his hand of fire
across the whole world
Consuming all of creation
A battle on a distant shore
Seawolves' wrath sweeps the land
Down from the sky Valkyries ride
And walk the field, hallowed by Tyr

The fight is hard, axes swung
Swords bite sharp, men are slain
The ground turns red, blood-soaked field
Dead man's last bed and Oden sees

Vikings fall, in blood they lie
The web of Horns
They've met their fate
With shield and sword
They're brought in pride
To mighty doors of the Speargod's hall

The gates open and into the hall of braves
They silently walk
The one-eyed sits in glory might
Raises his cup and says:

"Pl vida faltet
Harman svingat
Det blankat svardet
Oeh banen mott
Till den hoges sal
De i ara forts
Oeh vid mjodet hor
Oden kvada"

Dawn breaks. The Einherjer goes to
Relive their last fight
With passion, swords held high
As they ride in the morning mist

The sun warms the air
War cries sound
"Tor Hjelpe!"
The battle begins

Charging horses with fire in breath
Rush to battle - in glory die!

Swords sing in joy
Again they cut
With shining edges
Blood-stained steel

Axes shine, again they're swung
Ripping flesh - death be done

The cold night comes
With charging darkness
To Oden's hall
The Einherjer return

A feast awaits until the next day
When warriors' eyes again shall burn
Grey clouds - cover the winter sky
Cold snow - falls like autumn leaves to the ground

The icy wind
Pierces the skin of waiting warriors
Like spears
Will pierce their bodies in battle

Beards on pale grey faces
Eyes of death
Are burning with rage

Glancing across the fields of Tyr
In the early morning light

Grey clouds - cover the winter sky
Cold snow - falls like autumn leaves to the ground

The icy wind
Pierces the skin of waiting warriors
Like spears
Will pierce their bodies in battle

War cries break the silent wait
Charging warriors rush to kill
Swords are swung in the air
The gods of war are called

Vikings with fire in soul
Clash on the open field
Slaying with powerful strokes
The snow is turning red

Hooves gallop the plains
Warlords on horsebacks
Ride into battle
With a thunderous roar

The storm wind of death
Blows across the field
Sweeping with it
Everything in its way

So the battle settles
Alone stands just one man
Under the grey-clouded winter sky - alone. . .
As his life's blood leaving
I hold my son, my only son
And tears fill my burning eyes

While his skin turns pale as snow
Butchered he lies here bleeding in my arms
Slewn by the men of the single god
Hatred burns in my chest

Rain falls from a raging heaven
The wind howls like wolves at the moon
I will seek my vengeance for my son
I swear I'll avenge my first born one
I ride fast through the woods
My friends are by my side
Dark hatred burns in my eyes
"Slaves of hvitekrist today you die!"

"Maktiga gudar,
i gyllene slaen.
Hjalp mig i striden
mot sondraparna,
Den hoge skall
For huggen hamnas
och blod skall galdas
i blod"

Our cloaks fly in the wind
As we ride in the cold dark night
We're closing in our enemies
We rage in our hearts burning bright

The clouds scatter in the northern wind
A full moon rides the pitch black sky
"Now, hounds of Hvitekrist,
your time has come to die!"

"Kneel before my sword!
No mercy! Your time has come to die!
This is the ride for vengeance!"
Alone he stands in the doorway
His family still asleep
Gazing at the starlit horizon
And the moonsparkling sea
When dawn comes he must leave them
His home, his children and loved
For his destiny beyond those waves
Known only to the Norns

He's already dressed ready to leave
His four friends are waiting by the shore
Each with a dragon ship
And one hundred men prepared for war

He returns to his bed kissing
His sleeping wife goodbye
And as he leaves his youngest son
A tear rolls from his eye

They set sail with the first morning rays
Heading for glorious wars
And as the five ships steer out from the bay
Their hearts pound like never before

The wind is strong, the sun is warm
Their Dragons fly across the waves
No greenfaces are seen here onboard
Only a crowd of braves

Many nights pass
And days long as a year
They await the battle
They await without fear

On the morning of the fifth day
Before the sun arose
They hear bells chime and see pyres
Torched at a nearby coast

I see
Without fear my destiny
As the raging skies begins to fade
Pouring rain
Licks my wounds as my blood flows
From my torn flesh!

As I die
I hold my sword
My only friend
And pray that Oden
Will take me home

The battle rages
But I hear only raindrops falling
Like in slow motion to the ground

Death release me
Free me from my earthly pain
Oden I ask thee please
Take me home

Without fear I die!

As I look
To the sky the heaven is lit
And Valkyries in shining armour

I rest my head
On the ground
And close my eyes
I know that Oden's sent for me
As I die

Without fear I die
I close my eyes
And die
Without fear
Ten heavy feet
Walk the bloodsoiled ground
With rhythm these
Five warriors march

No matter how much
The bleeding wounds
From enemy swordcuts
Hurt to the bone

The revenge they sought
Was taken in blood
No mercy was showed
No mercy was showed

They ignore the pain
That hammerlike pounds
From falls, off slain horses,
To the ground

No signs of weakness
No signs of weariness
Not even a glimpse
Of remorse in their eyes

They slew men ruthless
Fed the wolves with flesh
And now they leave
This land side by side

Now they're headed home
Five swordsmen who fought repentlessly
Their story will be told
Of five brave men endlessly

All sorrow is left
For the women to bare
The children cries
They live in fear

No man was spared
No house or farm remains
No christian woman unraped
Their church consumed by flames

Their steel shines red
With enemy blood
It sings of victory
Granted by the Gods
And as they return
Bleeding but proud
The horizon burns
And the song is ringing loud
Salt water licks my face
and wind fills the sail
We head for wars on distant shores

My friends are all with me
And so they'll always be
We'll never bend untill the end

We cross the open waves
On course to far off lands
Thor guides our ships
With his strong hands

Across the waves our seasnakes fly
Carried like ravens in the sky
By heavens breath on wings of death

Blood will run red
As we sever bodies from their heads
We maim and kill by pure will

We hail our Gods
Sacrifice in blood
Our altar is the battlefields

Death is something we don't fear
Though it's always near
Ygg brings us home when time has come

We are five of us
Friends of the suncross
Strong and brave to the grave!
They came riding down the slopes
Five fearless men prepared to fight
We heard with fear the rumbling earth
In the mid-day light

Surprised we saw all terrified
The brave northmen's run
The fearless five with power ride
Attacking us in the mid-day sun

Their charge was fast, no alarm was sound
They broke right through our lines
I felt the cut it threw me to the ground
And now I feel has come my time

I lie here in my blood
And see my family get killed
I feel abandoned by my god
I fear death's chill

I see Hel's gates
Towering high
And dark are they
I don't want to die

Oh no! I was wrong
Denied the true gods
And now I'm doomed
I trusted foreign men
And their god's son
But now when I need them
They are gone

I see Hel's gates
Towering high
And dark are they
I die!

They ride across the planes
And punish those of false belief
All resistance is in vain
As they caress them with cold steel

They are the punishers
And they will never bend
They are power the five of them
From Asgard they are sent

The power they have in all they do
The Christians non will feel
No one can escape them no
They will make them kneel

Their fight is through, they must return
No one here survived
And as the blood red sky begins to burn
To Valhall they will ride
A storm rolls in from the sea
Covering the land with black thunder clouds
Rain whips the ground at their feet
As they come ashore in this foreign land

Thunder brakes the silence
Of fivehundred men assembled ashore
Gazing through the misty rain
At the mountain not a mile away
So dark and silent it stands there
The mighty AMON AMARTH
Reaching for the cloudcloked skies
So grim and fearful in might

With the wind in their backs they start walking
Decisive men of the north
They strive through this darkened land
With only mount doom in their sight
The closer they get to the mountain
The clearer their eyes can see
A forest of one thousand spears awaiting
Awaiting the battle that will be

A cry of war emerges
Echoes over the field
Warriors run, like wolves up the sloaps
Boldley charging the enemy lines

With weapons so fearsome and sharp in their hands
And shields of oakwood and steel
They slit open stomachs and split skulls to the jaw
Intestants cover the field

The defenders are weak in this brutal war
The northmen have power and guts
A bloodshed like no one has seen here before
None can escape their cuts

Arrows with fire fly through the air
Touching houses and shields
The Vikings can feel victory is near
As the enemy headlessly flees

A gust of wind blows in from the north
Clearing the clouds away
As twilight falls and the stars come forth
And the seawolves return to the bay

Corpses lie scattered all over the field
For the ravens to eat as they please
The mountain is now left there behind
As they sail with the first morning breeze
Rumbling thunder cracks the sky
And rain starts pouring down
Lightning strikes a cold bright light
Upon the blooddrenched ground

The sword play is hard
And many fall
Steel bites sharp in flesh
And upon a mountain
Towering tall
Stand the messengers of death

Five horsemen in armour bright
Waiting in the flashing light
Looking down upon the field
Where Vikings fight with axe and shield

On stallions black as night
With eyes burning red
They ride with thunder to the fight
Deliverance of certain death

A warcry loud as Heimdall's horne
Echoes across the land
Enemies who hear it freeze to the bone
Friends of doom proudly stand

They ride faster than the wind
With lightning speed they strike
Black ravens follow where they've been
To feed from those who died

With power they wield their swords
As they ride down fleeing men
Sending them to Hel's dark court
To never come back again

The warriors ride once more
To the mountain from which they came
Once sent by the gods to war
And they never return in shame
Making way through blades and spears
We attack at dawn
The glory scene is near
From northern gods we're spawned

Defender's fighting spirit crack
Torching house of single god
We leave land burnt black
And bodies floating in blood

War to us is holy
We sacrifice our blood
War to us is holy
We bleed for ancient Gods

Blasting forth with rage in our war eyes
We burn with hate
Cut our way through hordes of weak Christian flesh
Cast them into death

War to us is holy
We sacrifice our blood
War to us is holy
We bleed for ancient Gods

Burn away the false and untrue ones
We make them kneel
To the only true and powerful Gods
And then we kill
We storm ahead with swords and shields
For victory we ride
We fight the world on these battlefields
To re-erect the pagan pride

We draw the blood of those in our way
It's 'victory or die
With pounding, raging fury we slay
The Christian hounds will pay

Charge ahead, no retreat
No mercy, none shall live
To us there is no defeat
No remorse to give

A wind of power blows from the north
The enemy shivers to the core
We slay with strength, pushing forth
Silence before the storm

The gates of Valhalla open up
The ground beneath us shakes
As Odin leads the Gods to war
The Rainbow Bridge cracks

Nothing can stop this final attack
We carve up all in our path
Now there is no turning back
Final battle is here at last

A feast awaits us when we return
Awaiting all that fought in wrath
By the long fires we sit in glory
And beer will cool our soar throats

We are few but strong in will
The last with pagan blood
We fought the world with burning steel
Now we sit in Hall of Gods

Pride and glory in our hearts
Pride and glory in our hearts
Above my heads mighty men battle
Flashing blades rip through the air
Cracking shields with rumbling thunder
Rolling over the waves

Blood pours like rain onto the sea
As it wind-whipped foams
Warlords in shining helmets
Send men screaming to their death

Clouds of black cover the sea
Day turns into night
Infinite darkness beckons me
No more sun, no more light

Ships tied stern to stern
A battle on the north sea waves
Hearts of braves brightly burn
Berserks swing their metal-blades

Battle hammers hit with force
Crushing helmet covers heads
Dying men tumble over board
Foaming waves colored red

Memories invade my mind
As my harness brings me down

My body's getting cold and numb
As the ocean pulls me down

Above my head my brave friends battle
Their flashing blades rip through the air
Sending men screaming to join me
As I die in these cold north sea waves
My pale face face glows in the light of fire
My hollow eyes see but cannot see
I stare deep into the glowing inferno
The loss I feel is breaking me

I heard their screams
Through flaming walls
Walls, I could not tear down
I could not help them

I'd been away for two full years
Only to return too late to save them
Helplessly I watched my life go up in flames

I pull the sword from the glowing fire
And hammer-beat in on the anvil
Forging it with rage and hate
I will seal my enemy's fate

I engrave the blade with magic runes
And summon Gods by sacrifice in blood
Pure blue hate shines within this sword
This magic sword will cut only once

No sword has ever been like this one
The Avenger is its name

Now my sworn enemy
Vengeance will belong to me
A year has gone by
Now my sworn enemy
It's your turn to die
It's your turn to die!
To die!
Die, die!
Die, die!
Die, die, die, die, die!

The sword cuts through his throat
His head tumbles to the ground
The headless body lays gently down
Down to sleep in a pool of blood

The Avenger has lost its shine
The magic is now drained
Dull and useless it rests in my hand
Its purpose is soon fulfilled

Now hate is gone but emptiness remains
So I turn the blade around
And run it through my stomach veins
And I fall to the ground
Serpent tongue speaks to me
Of a man from southern land
How ancient Gods are enemies
But I don't understand

Hippocritic voice of love talks of peace and Christ
Blasphemer of Gods above
One thousand years of lies

They hold their swords to out throats
And force-feed us with faith
'Bout god, his son and holy whore
But now we retaliate

Prophets of a false believe talk with tongue of ice
Threaten us with hell beneath
Now they all shall die

Turn the blade around, put the oppressors down

Free yourselves from the chains
Of lies that hold you down
Arise to be free again
We'll fight till we have won

Priests of hippocratic love talk of peace and Christ
Power is their only goal
Now they all shall die

Turn the blade around, put the oppressors down

Mess with us and you will feel
A pain so true yet so unreal

Yeah, use your hate, uncreate
Christian state will meet its fate

God, his son and holy whore
Now you will meet your fate
Wrath, hate, pain and death
The code we live by
It's in our souls
Metal is the way

We fight the world
With glowing metal
Now the falses will pay

Our fight has just begun
We're sent from hall of gold
Messengers of death

We're coming after you
You can't escape us
We'll take away your breath

See us ride for vengeance
Friends of the sun cross
We are born of steel

See us ride down
The Amon Amarth
The last sight you'll ever see

So as you stand there
Under gray-clouded skies
Abandoned by your god
You know you're gonna die

You feel a sorrow
Surrounding you
As of the nine worlds
Screaming pain you feel
Your soul vaporizes
As your hearts burst

We charge without fear
Your time has come
Your Fimbul winter's arrived

A chilling wind of ice
Whirls through your heart
Pierces your bones and spine

We are all
Gazing to the skies
We'll make the false hammer fall
And we'll make Thor arise

Our quest is done
Your creation burns
Now we return to Odin's hall

Our dragon's fly
Across the waves
As twilight begins to fall

In victory we ride
We enter the mighty doors
Of the spear-god's hall

As Ygg salutes us
We raise our beers
And drink in honor of our cause

We are all
Greeted by the Gods
We made the false hammer fall
And Thor arose in blood
Run for your lives, death has arrived
Try save your soul, run from the sound of rowing oars

Out of the mist
Breaks a dragon ship
Even more feared
Than the nail-ship "Naglfar"

A bear-coated man stands in the bow
Cold-eyed he gazes towards the shoer
The dragon's head is grim and red
All covered with blood, a gift to the mighty Gods

Warshields are raised, the Gods are praised
The people stare paralyzed with fear

The legend tells of a man that fell
From grace of his baptised king
As a banished man he fled his land
But solemnly sworn to return with holy war

But no one knows how the legend goes
'Cause no ones survived
That's gazed into his eyes
'Cause no one's returned that's met his fire

They say wolf-skinned men follow him
Berserks whose eyes burn with flames of ice

Some say mighty Thor
Guides their blades in war
They say they cannot be killed
Nor can their blood be spilled

So run for your lives
Death has arrived
The legend has come
To take the lives of the deceitful ones

Run for your lives
The death ship's arrived
There's no way you'll live
To tell of meeting his fire
Run for your lives, death has arrived
Try save your soul, run from the sound of rowing oars

Out of the mist
Breaks a dragon ship
Even more feared
Than the nail-ship "Naglfar"

A bear-coated man stands in the bow
Cold-eyed he gazes towards the shoer
The dragon's head is grim and red
All covered with blood, a gift to the mighty Gods

Warshields are raised, the Gods are praised
The people stare paralyzed with fear

The legend tells of a man that fell
From grace of his baptised king
As a banished man he fled his land
But solemnly sworn to return with holy war

But no one knows how the legend goes
'Cause no ones survived
That's gazed into his eyes
'Cause no one's returned that's met his fire

They say wolf-skinned men follow him
Berserks whose eyes burn with flames of ice

Some say mighty Thor
Guides their blades in war
They say they cannot be killed
Nor can their blood be spilled

So run for your lives
Death has arrived
The legend has come
To take the lives of the deceitful ones

Run for your lives
The death ship's arrived
There's no way you'll live
To tell of meeting his fire
Bastards of a lying breed
You've ruled us for too long
Truth to you are lies to me
And your right is so wrong

Moral preached by immoral fucks
All I feel is despise
Lie no more you fucking cunts
You tare me up inside

Your sons die from your abuse
But you're giving us the blame
The easy path's the one you choose
That road will lead to pain
You're trying to control their mind
And strip them of free will
They way you force them to go blind
Will surely get them killed

My mind is free and so is my soul
You can't put me in chains
I won't play the well-adjusted role
Or bow my head in shame

So throw your stones of guilt at me
Point your finger, Curse my name!
Your scapegoat I will never be
I won't take the blame!

Now we're on trial to serve your crime
And pay for your mistakes
There is no way we'll do the time
The chains of lies will break
Censorship can't stop our truth
We speak straight from the heart
There is nothing you can do
We'll tare your souls apart

So see us rise we're few but strong
We'll crack your fucking teeth
And feed you with your twisted tongue
Until you cannot breathe

The fury makes our eyes see red
It burns within our hearts
Soon you'll all be stone cold dead
We'll tare your souls apart!
Fast and hard, show no mercy for these men
The vermin of Christ, prophets of lies and their disciples
Seek them out, hunt them down
Break their spirits, crush their hearts
Not even death will set them free from this pain

Ride them down as they flee from our steel
Draw their blood, make them suffer
Before they die by war-field sacrifice
Wipe them out! Burn their homes and fields
Feed the wolves with their offspring, annihilate them all!

Masters of War, torment every soul
Rape every whore that carries the cross

Burn them all, burn them alive
Send their souls to Deathqueen's hall
To the land of cold burning flames
Send them to the land of famine and despair
Eternally they will starve and freeze
He's running through the woods so black
A loyal servant of Christ
Dogs are barking down his back
He's running for his life

He came with words of love and peace
These heathens had to be saved
He thought that he could make them see
Instead he was enslaved

In captivity he spoke of god
To all he met he preached
But when his master's patience ran out
He knew he had to flee

Tears are running down his cheeks
As he sobbign realizes
That in this land his god is weak
And today he's going to die

He stumbles out onto an open field
Where an old oak tree grows
In the branches hang men of three
Dressed in preacher robes

His knees refuse to carry him on
Terror shines in his eyes
His faith in Christ is almost gone
His god's left him to die
Below the dead he says his prayers
To the god he thought was alive
When he hears a calm voice say:

As his breath leaves his eyes open wide
A bright light comes from above
He greets this light with a smile
And thinks: "There is a God"

The sound of eight hooves reaches his ears
Comes from the heavenly light
Two wolves' howls fill his heart with fear
And he sees two ravens fly
Down from the sky a warlord rides
Like fire his one eye glows
And just before the preacher dies
He knows his god is false
Risen from the sea
The beast of hell is here
He's come to rule the earth
Kneel and obey his power

A second beast rises
Rises from the earth
Followed by an army
An army of immortals
An army of the dead

Second beast breaks from the earth
Kneel and obey his power
Fire in the rocks
Fire from the sky
Kneel and obey

Kneel or die!!
Kneel or die!!

There is wisdom with him
Who hath understanding reckon
The number of the beast for it is
A number of a man its number
Is six hundred sixty six, 666

He's risen from the sea
The beasts of hell are here
Come to rule the world
And you will be in fire

So it is written, So it has been
The beast is here, to rule the world
So it is written, So it has been
The beast is here, to rule the world

So it is written, So it has been
The beast is here, to rule the world
So it is written, So it has been
The beast is here, to rule the world
Men will fight and men will die
Wars will be lost and won
That's how it's been and still will be
Long after I'm gone

Doubting not I give my blood
So I may enter hall up high
The sky belongs to Asagods
As long as the raven flies
Death is drawing near
I know it's true but I have no fear
I know I can't escape my:

FATE! Turns it's deadly wheel
Judgement day is closing in but still I cannot feel:

REMORSE! Is for the weak
I stand silent while they speak, their accusations are all:

LIES! Spread by preaching men
I'm on trial for being who I am
And praising the Gods of my native land

I will stand firm, I refuse to kneel
The fury in me is divine
My dark grave awaits, my fate is revealed
But I'm not afraid to die

Death! The day to die is here
The sun rides high on the northern sphere
And the executioner sharpens his:

Axe! Shines in the sun
I smile when they tie me down
And hear the sound of the falling blade
Death! Sweet death, relieve me from this world
Death! Sweet death, relieve me, relieve:

So death finally came to him
The pagan man could not be turned
He faced death with a grin
Now his head rests in the dust

The proud man stood firm, he refused to kneel
Then fury in him was divine
Now he is dead, his fate has been sealed
He's brought to Golden Hall up high
All is lost and foreign kings
Rule the northern realms
Hammerfest, the last outpost
Has fallen to unbearded men

Lords of the bloody cross
Deceived or murdered all of true faith
Now the temple of Thor, where Mjolner is kept
Is under siege

They fear the power of Mjolner
The hammer of Thor
And all their efforts to destroy it have failed

From deep within the frozen ground
Comes a rumbling sound
Ravens fly and wild wolves howl
Sending shivers down Christians' spines

As if from nowhere
Dark and grim he appears
The warlord of the Gods comes with force
To retrieve The Crusher

The first man died with a gurgling sigh
When his head was crushed
Painful surprise in his eyes
As his life was snuffed

With raw and brutal force
The warlord breaks the temple doors
The weak back off in fear
On the altar it lies, he lifts the hammer high
And before it he swears:

`Allvise Ygg, Maktige Harjafader
Guda av Asars och vaners att
Hor mina ord, nar som jag svar
Att om tusen vintrar ater ta var ratt?

While he speaks his prayer
Mjolner rests in the air
As if holding breath

Frozen by fear
They gathered stand and stare
And what they see is death

A laughing cry fill the shivering night
He lets the hammer strike
A bolt of lightning bright
Rips the darkened sky
Fire of doom - Ignite!
Once I was - Now I am no more
A burst of flames threw me into oblivion

The life I knew - Seems distant and unreal
A fading dream, a memory I can't recall

Am I real - I can no longer tell
A notion tells me I still exist

Infinite dark - Through this void I float
Resting, waiting for the day
When I will live again

Eons pass or maybe I just blinked
Deeper into this hell I sink

Falling through Ginnungagap
I'm pulled towards an unseen gate
I seem to hear my name being called
I float towards these cries of fate

Faster than - the speed of light
I am falling through universe

Stars flash by - Before my eyes
The time has come to return

Out of the dark - Into the light
Back into life I am cast

By my side - A demon army rides
We ride to reclaim that once we lost

Eons have passed, I'm back from the dead
Victory lies ahead
He's riding down 'cross a field familiar but nothing is the same
This place he knew as Hammerfest
When the old Gods reigned
The army of demons rides
By his side with weapons drawn
Today is the day
When Ragnarok will be spawned

There lies the mountain where the temple once stood
Where eons ago he arose to spill their christian blood

Stuck in the rock is a golden ring
That yet no one's dared to touch
The legend has it it's where the Crusher once struck

He pulls the hammer from the mountain's grip
The sign for demons to attack
He's been called upon to arise and he won't spare a single life
No, Thor (won't) spare a single soul, nor let them get away alive
They strike down on the world with overwhelming force
All resistance is brutally crushed, crushed without remorse
Dark angels descend to join the bloodfight
The slaughter brings them on, see Odin's Valkyries ride

The battle of Midgard is almost won
And the thousand years of tyranny will be forever gone
Soon a new world will be born rising from the Sea
Where Asagods again shall reign and humans will be free

He rides once more upon the black mountain of doom
Holding firm the Crusher of giants' bones
He lets the hammer strike, now everything will burn
As Surtur's fire is released upon the world
Every night I see through eyes
Of a different lunatic
And every night I fantasize
In trancial mesmeric

All alone inside my head
Within my padded cell
Ruled by thoughts of another mind
Controlled by unseen eyes

In my mind I see the sun
Plunge into the sea I listen to my
Tales now I'll tell you what I see
And so the corpses
And the thrill
My mind is warped
Nothing's real

Do I dream
Or is it true
The piercing scream
She never knew

Every night I see through eyes
Of a different lunatic
And every night I fantasize
The eyes of horror
The wait is soon at end
Always charge never bend
Morning is here, make your stand
Live for honor, glory, death in fire!

Total war is here
Face it without fear
Age of sword, age of spear
Fight for honor, glory, death in fire!

See the fire rise
Flames are raging high
Soon all will burn and die
Burn for honor, glory, death in fire!

Storm of lethal flames
Only death remains
Ragnarok is closing in
Die for honor, glory, death in fire!

Forces of chaos is on the move
Everyone, choose your side
And know the end is coming soon
The day for all to die

The day is here when Bifrost breaks
Nor sun or moon will rise
When the dead rise from their graves
And Surtur spreads his fire

All you know will wither away
And sink into the sea
A new world will be born one day
Where everyone is free

Total war is here, face it without fear
Age of sword, age of spear
Fight for honor, glory, death in fire!

Storm of lethal flames
Only death remains - Ragnarok is our fate
Die for honor, die for glory
Die, death in fire!
Silently we bide our time
Soon we'll pay you back
For all the wrongs you've done our kind
For the stabwounds in our backs

You think you're safe. Well, live your lie
There's no way you'll escape
The day that all things living die
The day we rise again

Then Fenris' father will summon us
And we will rise from the death
One million warriors with foaming mouths
To challenge life itself

A horrid ship of dead men's nails
Will bring our ranks ashore
The eastern wind will fill our sails
And your son will hold the oar

You think you're safe. Well, live your lie
There's no way you'll escape
The day that all things living die
The day we rise again

Our rusty swords will never rest
So send the best you've got
Into our grinning jaws of death
We'll make their suffering short

So sit there on your golden throne
Soon we will arise
Time for vengeance is coming soon
The time for all to die!
The last head falls to the ground
No one is left alive
They thought that they could take me down
But it's not my time to die

I wipe the blood from my sword
And slide it in my belt
This is the sweetest of rewards
The best rush I have felt

Ten men are dead by my feet
I smell their streaming blood
And I smile, cause it makes me...
...makes me feel so good

They were crawling on their knees
Begging for their pathetic lives
Now their souls belong to me
As well as their eyes

Each man has something that I crave
I eat their steaming eyes
And drink their blood to make them my slaves
At Oden's feat in afterlife

I bring the skulls to my shrine
Where silent Gods stand guard
Soak them in blood and in wine - A sacrificial ritual

One thousand heads are on display
Collected through years of thirst
Macabre trophies from my prey
Picked clean of flesh by Oden's birds

I am - I am - A wolf in human shape
I am - I am - A predator with flaming rage

[Lead Mikkonen]

I'm a wolf in human shape - Every man is prey
A predator with flaming rage - Blood is in my trace

I will die with sword in hand
And then my seat's secured
When Oden calls from golden hall
He will greet me at the door
One we were scum of the Earth
Now we've cleared our names
In Nifelheim came rebirth
Baptized in Mount Doom's flames

A decade now we've fought this war
Never yielding from our path
Our journeys take us to foreign shores
Where we let our metal blast

We've been battered and left for dead
We've been beaten and we have bled
But we always made it through - Vs the world
This may be our last quest
Before we're put to rest
The end is coming soon - Vs the world

Warriors of the grave took us south
Hell bent on genocide
They made us face the brutal truth
This would be no easy ride

Grotesque creatures of the sky
Met with us on winter fields
Christian god cast aside - Massacre of hallowed eve

We've been battered and left for dead
We've been beaten and we have bled
But we always made it through - Vs the world
This may be our last quest
Before we're put to rest
The end is coming soon - Vs the world

Persian demons brought us south
On merciless campaign
We've raided the western shores
Always going against the grain

All these years we've fought to win
And sometimes almost died
I tell you now we won't give in
Without a vicious fight

We've been battered and left for dead
We've been beaten and we have bled
Versus the world
My days are numbered: soon I have to leave
The Norns have stretched my living thread
The notion of my demise won't leave me be
Why cannot death just set me free!

I've lived a life or prosperity
But I'm not as young as I used to be
Down the road waits misery
Why cannot death just set me free!

Countless armies have I attacked
Not once have I backed down
And though I've spilled a lot of blood
I never once received a mortal wound

I've raided shores in many lands
I cannot count the men I've killed
So many friends died with sword in hand
But the warrior's death was never granted me

I dress myself in battle clothes
Alone I make the final ride
My sight is blurred, by whipping snow
I seek to end my life

I want to walk across the Rainbow Bridge
And see my fathers in the golden hall
They beckon me to join their feast
In my dreams I hear their call
Down the slopes of death he rides
The eight hooves pound like drums
Darkness reigns the crumbling sky
Invasion has begun

Fields of flames greets his eye
He smells the fear and pain
Of dying men in agony
It can drive a man insane

All enemies flee his spear
No bow nor axe do harm
Allfather rides out on fields of fear
When Heimdal sounds the alarm

But on the field waits his fate
Foretold in ancient times
A beast with sharp yellow teeth
And hateful burning yes

Today he'll draw his final breath
The wisest God of all
His son will avenge his death
Iormundr's brother will fall

He knows now what is to come
No use to try and run
What is to be, let it be done!
What is to be, let it be done!

Today he'll draw his final breath
The wisest God of all
His son will avenge his death
Iormundr's brother will fall

Down the slopes of death he rides
The eight hooves pound like drums
Darkness reigns the crumbling sky
Invasion has begun

Down the slopes of death he rides
The eight hooves pound like drums
Darkness reigns the crumbling sky
No more is the sun
He hung on the windswept world tree
Whose roots no one knows
For nine whole days he hung there pierced
By Gugnir, his spear

Swimming in pain he peered into the depths
And cried out in agony
Reaching out he grasped the runes
Before falling back from the abyss

He gave himself unto himself
In a world of sheering pain
So that we all may live our lives
By the wisdom that he gained

You doubted him, and spread their lies
Across the world, with sword in hand
You raped our souls, and stole our right
All for the words of mild-mannered man

You listened to mild-mannered god
And put your faith in deceitful words
Your powertrip was paid by blood
In kindness' name you spilled our blood

I refuse to submit
To the god you say is kind
I know what's right, and it is time
It's time to fight, and free our minds

Let me die without fear!
As I have lived without it
So shut your mouth and spare my ears
I'm fed up with all your bullshit

After a thousand years of oppression
Let the berserks rise again
Let the world hear these words once more:
"Save us, oh lord, from the wrath of the Norseman"

Our spritis were forged in snow and ice
To bend like steel forged over fire
We were not made to bend like reed
Or turn the other cheek

He grasped the runes, they're ours to use
Midgard's cold and hatred reigns
Hunger and disease
Fenris is set free again
Chaos is unleashed

The storm of death sweeps the shores
Famine sweep the land
Ties of kinship is no more
Sons die by their father's hand

Two men meet on battleground
Their eyes are full of hate
By sacred oaths both are bound
Death will be their fate

They share the blood of once proud men
Yet foes they have become
One fights for truth, the other for faith
Perish has begun

Here comes the - Bloodshed
It's the age of - Bloodshed
Here comes the - Bloodshed
It's the age of - Bloodshed

Two brothers meet in battle heat
Both will die to day
No victory and no defeat
Death is their only way

In their eyes is no remorse
They make their final charge
Thrusting their swords with mortal force
Piercing each other's hearts

Here comes the - Bloodshed
It's the age of - Bloodshed
Here comes the - Bloodshed
Prepare for - Bloodshed
The Northern wind brings snow and ice
Humans starve and freeze
The Fimbul winter has arrived
And soon the world will cease to be

Brother will be brother's bane
No one shall be spared
All will die. None remain
That is mankind's share

The southern sphere is set ablaze
Muspel's fire is set free
The sun is on its final chase
And soon the world will cease to be

Across the western sky he runs
A wolf so grim and mean
Devours the eternal sun
And soon the world will cease to be

The North Star falls from the sky
Into the deep cold sea
The first of all to fall and die
And soon the world will cease to be

Muspel's flames lick the sky
Hidh�gg eats the dead
The Aesir meet in hall up high
And Oden 'quests Mimer's head

Land is swallowed by the waves
Rocks and mountains break
Dead men on the path to Hell
And Yggdrasil quakes

[Lead Mikkonnen]

From the East comes a ship
Loke holds the oar
A demon army with swords that rip
Will join the final war

The army of the dead arrives
Heimdal blows his horn
Calling Gods out to die
Before the world can be reborn
Zehn schwere Stiefel
œber Grund blutgetränkt
Im Gleichschritt marschieren
Diese fìnf Krieger

Es ist Ihnen gleich
Wie sehr Ihre Wunden
Von feindlichen Schwertern geschlagen
Bis auf die Knochen schmerzen

Die herbeigesehnte Rache
Begangen in Blut
Keine Gnade gezeigt
Keine Gnade gezeigt

Den Schmerz verleugnend
Der wie ein Hammer pocht
Erlitten durch Stìrze
Von erschlagenen Pferden

Kein Anschein von Schwäche
Noch Behutsamkeit
Nicht einmal ein Funke
Von Reue in Ihren Augen

Sie erschlugen die Männer
Nährten Wölfe mit Fleisch
Und jetzt verlassen Sie
Dieses Land Seite an Seite

Jetzt auf dem Heimweg
Fìnf Krieger die ohne Reue kämpften
Diese Geschichte von fìnf tapferen Männern
Wird ewiglich erzählt werden

Nur das Leid bleibt
Nur den Frauen allein
Die Kinder wehklagen
Von nun an lebend in Furcht

Kein Mann bleibt verschont
Kein Haus kein Hof verblieb
Keine Christin ungeschändet
Ihre Kirche von Flammen verzehrt

Rot scheint Ihr Stahl
Von Feindesblut
Erzählend vom Sieg
Der von den Göttern geschenkt

Als Sie wiederkehren
Blutend doch stolz
Brennt der Horizont
Und das Lied erklingt laut
"Där tog en nordlig vind
skeppet, så att kungen
ombord fördes med
till strid mot två kungar
De djärva kungarna
Hälsade med pilskott
Ordlöst i striden.
Sköldarnas buller räckte."

Blood red bows plough the waves
Dragon heads grin
Twenty ships with Norsemen braves
Riding the northern wind

They left their shores at early dawn
As a red sun was rising in the east
An ancient sign of coming storm
Thunder of sword and shield

Sails appear in the south
Now every man prepare
The sea will be colored by blood
Battle is drawing near

A mighty fleet of forty ships
Two kings bring lethal steel
No words spoken between enemies
Just thunder of sword and shield

A rain of arrows darkens the sun
A cloud of wood and steel
Through shields and flesh the arrows run
Bringing warriors to their knees

A war-cry loud as heimdal's horn
Fills the vibrating air
This is the place where heroes are born
And where death is always near

Here it comes the mighty storm
Every man attacks
Now is when heroes are born
There is no turning back
"Through a dark and desolate valley he walks
Pale, flickering fires light the way
Along an ice cold river lies his path
The sky is of darkest grey

A cold wind pierce through his bones
And the sharp rocks cut his feet
His clothes and skin are ripped by thorns
His eyes appear to bleed"

The land is dead and dry
The water is poisonous
Unknown creatures howling to the sky
Blood chilling and ravenous

The air is thick and dense
A smell of rotting flesh
Every breath is like one thousand knives
Cutting through his chest

Black birds of prey circle the sky
He hears the shadows moan
He sees pale faces pass him by
But he walks this path alone

Darkness fills his heart with chilling fear
A nameless fear he cannot quell
How did he ever end up here?
This place where death seems to dwell

He repeats the question in his weary mind
The riddle gives him no rest
Yet he knows the answer deep inside
He's been touched by the chill of death

Enchanting voices urge him on
Through he wants to turn around
They sing to him with soothing words
A chilling, frighting sound

A cold blue light shimmer ahead
Where a mountain reaches for the sky
Nidafiell, mountain of the dead
Terrifying it's might

He approach the gates
his heart is cold
He understands all to well
She awaits him
The truth unfolds
He's been sent to Nifelhel
I feel a chill in my heart
Like lingering winter cold
I and my son are torn apart
He was just 6 winters old

My first-born was he
And the last of my kin
The last one to carry my name
Death smiled at him its deadly grin
There is no one for me to blame

The fate of Norns await us all
There is no way to escape
The day to answer Oden's call
Or walk through hel's gate

I carry him to my ship
He seems to be asleep
But the deep blue colour of his lips
Is enough to make me weep

No man should have to bury his child
Yet this has been my share
The tears i shed run bitter and wild
It's a heavy burden to bear

His body feels so light in my arms
His skin is pale as snow
Yet his weight feels heavy in my heart
As my sadness continues to grow

What fate has been given me?
Why must I suffer?
Why must I feel this pain?
LIfe has lost it's meaning to me
I think I'm going insane!

I lay him down on a pyre
A burial worthy a king
And as I lie down by his side
I hear the weaving norns sing

The fate of Norns await us all
There is no way to escape
The day to answer Oden's call
Or walk through hel's gate

The fate of Norns await us all
I know this to be true
It's time to answer Odens's call
My son, he calls for me and you
The warming sun returns again
And melts away the snow
The sea is freed from icy chains
Winter is letting go

Standing on the ocean side
We can hear the waves
Calling us out with tide
To sail into our fate

Oden! Guide our ships
Our axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war

Our ships await us by the shore
Time has come to leave
Our country, family and homes
For riches in the east

Some of us won't return
But that won't bring us down
Our fate is written in the web
Woven by the Norns

A ram is sacrificed
Across the longship's bow
And as we set our sails
A strong breeze starts to blow

It carries us out to sea
With hope of fame and pride
And glorious all will be
That with sword in hand will die

Oden! Guide our ships
Our Axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war

Oden! Guide our ships
Our axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war
Soon a new day will be spawned
Scattered fires glow
Soon first blood will be drawn
And dying ambers glow

They await the suns first rays
Anticipation running high
The Norns are counting numbered days
Hear the war-cry rise

See the Valkyries ride!
See the Valkyries ride!

They meet upon this hallowed field
Now the end is near
Two armies not about to yield
The smell of death in the air

This field has served as battle ground
Since the dawn of this world
Through the years a lot of blood
Has been poured into this earth

Warrior's eyes full of purest rage
Steel cutting flesh
Spilling guts and severing heads
Sending men to their death

Ride, ride, ride Valkyries
Ride, ride, ride Valkyries

The screams of dying men
The comfort in their eyes
Here they come, by Oden sent
See the Valkyries ride

Fallen men lie all around
Their dead eyes look to the sky
And as the swordplay rambles on
They see the Valkyries ride
A mighty fleet came across the strait
But Erik was prepared
Five hundred Germans had come to his aid
On horseback with their spears

The fleet was carrying two thousand men
Eager to draw blood
But as they were about to land
Erik released his heards

One thousand men and five hundred horsemen
Came charging down the beach
When the sea-king saw this force
He gave order to retreat

All obeyed except one ship
It held the king's own son
He despised the thought of flight
And attacked on his own

The Danish fleet had to turn around
They charged King Erik's men
But it was too late to save his son
His life was already spent

The fighting continued bloody and fierce
And the bloodshed was immense
Two thousand warriors died that day
Most of them were Danes

The Danish king was captured
Most of his guards were dead
For a ransom he was released
Then his people took his head
They came riding at first light
Fifty men armed to the teeth
The sounding horn called us out to fight
We went to meet them with our steel

Outnumbered yet we fought
But soon we were overrun
We took refuge in our home
Our downfall had just begun

They attacked our home, we kept them out
Defending ourselves with spear and bow
We took them out one by one
As the rising autumn sun glowed

There was twenty dead on each side
When we first smelled something burn
We heard them laughing from outside
Taunting us with spiteful words

They set the house on fire
In order to smoke us out
Only five of us were still alive
And our time was running out

Raging flames surrounded us all
Our home was under siege
Crumbling roof and burning walls
There was no way to break free

As we were all about to die
We swore a sacred oath
Revenge would be claimed if someone survived
And we sealed the oath in blood

The roof caved in and cleared a path
A way out of the flames
It was decided that I'd go first
As we made for our escaped

Suddenly the walls came down
And trapped the rest inside
My closest friends died that day
Only I made it out alive
It's five years since I left this land
Since I left my friends to burn
Five years making bitter plans
Preparing my return

All this time my hatred's grown
The one thing on my mind
The hate in me is all I've known
The one thing keeping me alive

Bold words spreads across the land
Bragging tongues speak carelessly
Know they not what is to come
I'll hunt them down restlessly

The oath I swore, once sealed in blood
A seal between loyal friends
I swore before ancient Gods
I will have revenge

I swore! Before my Gods!
An oath! Once sealed in blood

I swore! Before my Gods!
An oath! Once sealed in blood

Now here I stand in pouring rain
As he comes riding down the path
He will learn the meaning of pain
As subject to my endless wrath

He will be the first to pay
For the bragging words he spoke
He'll regret that fateful day
My friends perished in smoke

I swore! Before my Gods!
An oath! Once sealed in blood

I swore! Before my Gods!
An oath! Once sealed in blood

I swore! Before my Gods!
An oath! Once sealed in blood
I swore! Before my Gods!
Once sealed in blood
I swore! Before my Gods!
An oath! Before my Gods!
Once sealed in blood
I swore! Before my Gods!

So here I stand on the road
With cold steel in my hand
As he looks into my unforgiving soul
His tears begins to run

One man down 29 to go
Consider yourselves warned
I'm coming for the rest of you
And will have no remorse
Blood gushes from the wound
The cut is wide and deep
And before I turn around
He falls to his knees

A clear song rings in the blade
When steel meets hardened steel.
I hear the sound of wood that breaks,
A swords cuts through my shield.

I drop the shield and grab my axe,
A weapon in each fist.
The first blow makes the helmet crack,
The axe cut to the teeth.

I rip the axe from the head,
covered in blood and brains.
Leave the body lying dead,
Ready to strike again.

My sword cuts through clothes and skin,
Like a hot knife cuts through snow.
I smile as the bastard screams,
when I twist my sword.

Sword in my hand,
Axe on my side.
Valhall awaits me,
Soon I will die.
Bear skin on my back,
Wolf jaw on my head.
Valhall awaits me
when I'm dead.

I raise my axe above my head,
My eyes stare in furious rage.
Yet more blood will be shed,
This is a victorious day!

Blood gushes from the wound,
The cut is wide and deep.
As I turn around,
I fall to my knees.

Sword in my hand,
Axe on my side.
Valhall awaits me,
Soon I will die.
Bear skin on my back,
Wolf jaw on my head.
Valhall awaits me
when I'm dead.
We rode the rivers of the Eastern trail,
Deep in the land of the Rus'.
Following the wind in our sails,
And the rhythm of the oars.
No shelter in this hostile land,
Constantly on guard.
Ready to fight and defend
Our ship 'til the bitter end.

We came under attack,
I received a deadly wound.
A spear was forced into my back
Still I fought on.

When I am dead,
Lay me in a mound.
Raise a stone for all to see
Runes carved to my memory

Now here I lay on the river bank
A long, long way from home
Life is pouring out of me
Soon I will be gone.

I tilt my head to the side
And think of those back home
I see the river rushing by
Like blood runs from my wound.

Here I lie on wet sand,
I will not make it home.
I clinch my sword in my hand,
Say farewell to those I love.

When I am dead,
Lay me in a mound.
Place my weapons by my side
For the journey to Hall up high
When I am dead,
Lay me in a mound.
Raise a stone for all to see
Runes carved to my memory
Thunder rolls across the plains,
Thor rides in pouring rain.
He rides to Jotumheim to fight
Lightning strikes when Mjölner bites.

Fire! Burning in his eyes
Fire! His hate is pure, see the lightning strike
Fire! Burning in his eyes
Fire! His hate is pure, see the lightning strike

Lightning cracks the blackened sky,
Hear the thunder chariot ride
All brave men with hearts of war
Ride the path of mighty Thor

Son of thunder!
Lighting strikes
Son of thunder!
Son of thunder!
Thor Arise!
Son of thunder!

Son Of Oden
Master of War

Fire! Burning in his eyes
Fire! His hate is pure, see the lightning strike
Fire! Burning in his eyes
Fire! His hate is pure, see the lightning strike
Ride Sleipner
Ride for all you're worth
Faster then lightning,
To the dark realms of the world

Through valleys of darkness
On our way to Nifelheim
To the halls of Hel
Where my brother waits

Wailing voices on the wind
Urging me to turn
Distant tortured screams
Cold blue fires burn

I hear the sound of river Gjoll
Running cold and deep
It's a golden bridge shines in the dark
The bridge that Modgud keeps

Over the bridge, on through the night
Hel is getting near
There are the gates, towering high
Afflicting me with fear

In her hall, at the honor seat
My brother sits in pain
Pale and tortured Balder greats
Bound by invisible frozen chains

I have come, to bring him back with me
The whole world mourns his death!
Please set Balder free
Give him back his breath!

If it's true, what you say to me
That the whole world mourns his death.
If the whole world will weep I'll give him back his breath!
Darkness flees the rising sun
The village lies ahead
It will wake to a new day soon
Soon they all be dead

We came in cover of moonless night
Fifty man at arms
Now at first morning light,
The church bell sound the alarm

Sacrifice to Gods of old
Bleed them of their lives
Fresh blood on our swords
Gods Of War Arise!

Sacrifice to Gods of old
Bleed them of their lives
Fresh blood on our swords
Gods Of War Arise!

Hear the tortured screams
Shattering the air
They awake the soothing dreams
Into their worst nightmare

Fire sweeps their homes
They feel the dragon’s breath
Consuming and destructive flames
Agonising death

Some seek shelter in the church
A refuge for those with faith
But we know how to smoke them out
A pyre will be raised

But those who choose to stand and fight
Will die with dignity
For the unfortunate few who survive
Waits a life in slavery

The day draws to an end
The night comes dark and cold
We return to our ships
With silver, slaves and gold

We gave them agony, as they fell and die
The gods have granted victory
For our sacrifice

The day draws to an end
The night comes dark and cold
We return to our ships
With silver, slaves and gold
We gave them agony
As they fell and die
The Gods have granted victory
For our sacrifice
Finally the storm arrives
Out wait is at an end
Under dark winter skies
We make our final stand

For each of us, there are four of them
It matters not to us
We won't leave this field in shame
We are here to crush!

Futile to resist
You know why we have come
Futile to resist
The battle is already won!
Futile to resist
You know why we have come
Futile to resist
The battle is already won!

Our hearts are full of pounding rage
Our mind hard as steel
Right before the dying day
We will have you kneel

The snow turns red from all the blood
Severed limbs and heads
A sacrifice to one-eyed God
He will claim the dead!

Under the winter skies
We stand glorious!
And with Oden on our side
We are victorious!

No retreat, no remorse
Victory will be ours
Blood on steel, sacrifice
Victory will be ours

Under the winter skies
We stand glorious!
And with Oden on our side
We are victorious!

Futile to resist
You know why we have come
Futile to resist
The battle is already won!Futile to resist
You know why we have come
Futile to resist
The battle is already won!
Raise your swords up high!
See the black birds fly!
Let them hear your rage!
Show no fear!

Charge your horses across the fields
Together we ride into destiny
Have no fear of death, when it's your time
Oden will bring us home when we die!

The ground trembles under us
As we make our thunder charge
The pounding hooves strikes blinding fear
Into their heart

Our helmets shine in the sun
As we near their wall of shields
Some of them turn and run
When they hear our frenzied screams

Draw your swords to strike
Hear the Black Birds cry!
Let them feel your hate!
Show no fear!

(Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack!)

Charge your horses across the fields
Together we ride into destiny
Have no fear of death, when it's your time
Oden will bring us home when we die!

The enemies are in disarray
Ride them down as they run
Send them to their violent graves,
Don't spare anyone
Dead and wounded lie all around,
See the pain in their eyes
Over the field an eerie sound,
As we hear the ravens' cry
The icy winter is creeping near
Dark skies above us
Biting frost in the air
Darkness surrounds us

The cold piercing autumn breeze
Fills the longships sail
Soon the lakes and seas will freeze
And snow will lay its veil

Many years we've been away
Many oceans we have roamed
Now the North star guides us on our way
As we are heading home

The many hardships we've endured
Have brought us rich reward
Now the North star guides us home
With cargo full of gold

Many friends died on the way
Only few of us survived
But I would gladly take their place
In Oden’s hall up high

The icy winter is creeping near
Dark skies above us
Biting frost in the air
Darkness surrounds us

Soon the lakes and seas will freeze
And snow will lay its veil
And we will long for the summer breeze
Where we can set our sails
Ships were prepared
Weapons and shields
Sails were raised
We headed out to sea!

Norway disappeared in the east
Our journey had begun
Helpful winds gave us our speed
Under a warming sun

Heading to the emerald land
A fleet of 50 ships
An army of two thousand men lead by the king

On the horizon dark clouds arose
Thor rode across the black clouds
As the night rolled in over us
We felt the wrath of the storm

That night I was haunted by dreams
An omen, of what was to come
The serpent arose from the sea

Ready to strike
With hammer in hand
The serpent in pain,
twisting in furious rage!
Fought for its life
The serpent escaped
Thor was in rage
My dreams began to fade

Woke from dreams
Sword in my hand
The break of dawn
We were closing in on Irish land
Time to attack
Grabbed our shields
We came ashore
And saw the waiting horde

The fight was short and deadly intense
The Irish fought us well
But as we gained the upperhand
Their fighting spirit quelled

Ready to strike
With swords in our hands
They struggle with heart
The Irish fell to our wrath
Fought for his life
Their king escaped
With fury divine
King Olaf threw his sword
There comes Fenris' twin
His jaws are open wide
The serpent rises from the waves

Jormungandr twists and turns
Mighty in his wrath
The eyes are full of primal hate

Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits

Vingtor rise to face
The snake with hammer high
At the edge of the world

Bolts of lightning fills the air
as Mjölnir does it's work
the dreadfull serpent roars in pain

Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits

Mighty Thor grips the snake
Firmly by its tongue
Lifts his hammer high to strike
Soon his work is done
Vingtor sends the giant snake
Bleeding to the depth
Twilight of the thundergod
Ragnarök awaits
Twilight of the thunder god
Twilight of the thunder god
Twilight of the thunder god
Twilight of the thunder god

Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits
See them gathered on the plains now
See an army strong and vast
As long as one of us remains here
None of them will ever pass

Here they come so raise the shields high
Like wolves they show their teeth
None of us will ever yield now
To the scavengers beneath

We're outnumbered ten to one here
Still, I love the odds
We will sacrifice them one by one
Send them off to the gods

Soon we will be gone
A free will sacrifice
As free men we are born
And free we shall die

Here they come ten thousand strong
Charging up the hill
This day will be both hard and long
They move in for the kill

Hold the line don't let it break
Use your sword and spear
A glory death, for all awaits
All who knows no fear

Hordes of men they hit the shields
Like waves they break away
We face our woven destiny
And we don't fear the grave

Soon we will be gone
A free will sacrifice
As free men we are born
And free we shall die
Standing firm against all odds
guarding the most sacred home
we protect the realm of gods
our destiny is carved in stone

three evil giants
of the south
are constantly on the attack

with lies and fire
from their mouths
but we always send them back

we are brothers
of the north
who are sharing the all father's blood

marching down the left hand path
we are spawned by Asagods
'cause we are!

we're the guardians
guardians of Asgaard
guardians of Asgaard
of Asgaard

we have faced our enemies
a thousand times or even more

still they cannot
make us kneel
one thousand years of constant war
the giants look for
any chance
to bring down Asgaard's mighty walls
no matter what they send at us
we will never let it fall
'cause we are!

We're the guardians
guardians of Asgaard
guardians of Asgaard
of Asgaard

Standing firm
against all odds
we are guarding
Asgård's mighty walls
we protect
the realm of Asagods
no matter
what they send at us
we will never
let them fall

We're the guardians
guardians of Asgård
guardians of Asgård
guardians of Asgård
of Asgård
The enemy has come for you
Hear the pounding thunder hooves
There's no time to run or hide
Draw the weapon from your side

When they ride out
From morning mist
With sharp blades in mighty fists
One hundred warriors on horse
An awesome brutal force

You feel weak and scared
Fear has gripped your heart
You will soon be over run
You will soon be torn apart

Now, where is your god?
Does he hear your prayers?
Does he even care for you?
His silence speaks loud and clean

Raid is done!
See the country burn
All are gone!
Only misery remains
Raid is done!
The warriors return
All are gone!
All that's left is pain

The Vikings strike
So fast and hard
Those who run won't make it far
And those who chose to stand and fight
They have made the choice to die

The weapons tear through flesh and bone
Dying men that scream and moan
With severed limbs
To the hall of death

The battlefield is full of death
Feel the stench of rotting flesh
When the entire country burns
As the warriors return

And they came out
From morning mist
With sharp blades in mighty fists
They leave this land
All burned and scorn
Those alive will mourn

Now, where is your god?
Does he hear your prayers?
Does he even care for you?
His silence speaks loud and clean

Raid is done!
See the country burn
All are gone!
Only misery remains
Raid is done!
The warriors return
All are gone!
All that's left is pain
Raid is done
See the country burn,
Only misery remains
All are gone
Warriors return,
All that's left is pain
Where's your god?
Does he hear your prayers?
Does he even care?
Where's your god?
Does he hear your prayers?
A silence loud and clear!
Miklagaard has been our home
For twenty years or more
We've lent our axes, spears and swords
In service of the emperor

We are loyal warriors
That's the oath we gave
To protect the emperor
Even to a violent grave

Our loyalty was always firm
We kept our given word
On these southern battlefields
Our northern war cries roared

Battles have been fought
Many gave their lives
But all who died by axe and sword
Were called to hall up high

Our time here
Is now at end
Can't help but reminisce
A cold spring day
So long ago
When we set out to sea

Set out from Svitjod's
With dreams of fame and
The work of weaving
Was for us unknown

We were loyal warriors
That's the oath we gave
To protect the emperor
Even to the grave

It's time to take farewell
We have been resolved
From the sacred oath we gave
It's time to go back home

Out time here
Is now at end
Our memories will stay
Of Miklagaard
Our southern home
Until the end of days

Set out for Svitjod's
With honor and
We return back
We return back
With honor and
We return back
There comes Lopt, the treacherous
Lusting for revenge
He leads the legions of the dead
Towards the Aesir's realm

They march in full battle dress
With faces grim and pale
Tattered banners and bloody flags
Rusty spears and blades

Cries ring out, loud and harsh
From cracked and broken horns
Long forgotten battle cries
In strange and foreign tongues

Spear and sword clash rhythmically
Against the broken shields they beat
They bring their hate and anarchy
Onto Vigrid's battlefield

There comes Lopt, the treacherous
He stands against the gods
His army grim and ravenous
Lusting for their blood

Nowhere is longer safe
The earth moves under our feet
The great world tree Yggorasil
Trembles to its roots

Sons of muspel gird the field
Behind them Midgaard burns
Hrym's horde march from Nifelheim
And the Fenris wolf returns

Heimdal grips the Giallarhorn
He sounds that dreaded note
Oden rides to quest the Norns
But their web is torn
The Aesir rides out to war
With armor shining bright
Followed by the Einherjer
See valkyries ride

Nowhere is longer safe
The earth moves under our feet
The great world tree Yggorasil
Trembles to its roots

Sons of muspel gird the field
Behind them Midgaard burns
Hrym's horde march from Nifelheim
And the Fenris wolf returns
I'm out of breath
And all my muscles ache
It feels like spikes
With every step I take

My heart beats
It's about to burst
This day my luck
Turned to the worse

There's nowhere to run
Darkness is closing in
I don't fear the setting sun
Or the twilight that it brings
Dark clouds fill the sky
My fate is close at hand
Today is the day that I die
Today I make my final stand

I fought so hard
For taste of victory
The war is lost
But I refuse to kneel

I can't go back now
There is no retreat
I will fight hard for
All that I believe

I'm out of breath
And all my muscles ache
It feels like spikes
With every step I take

I can't go back now
There is no retreat
I will fight 'til death
I make my final charge

I, make my final charge
I; have no fear in heart
I will no longer run
I, do not fear the dark

There's nowhere to run
Darkness is closing in
I don't fear the setting sun
Or the twilight that it brings
Dark clouds fill the sky
My fate is close at hand
Today is the day that I die
Today I make my final stand
The blade I swing
Is black as night
Black as my soulless heart
It bears the burden
Of many lives
But I don't feel remorse

I lent my sword
To anyone
Willing to pay the price
No regrets for
What I've done
A mercenary's life

But there i was
On battleground
Until I felt the jaws of death
Cut into my flesh
Defending old and weak
But I did not retreat

Now, here I lie
In my own blood
And strangers cry for me
I'm prepared to meet the gods
I wish they'd let me be

I don't deserve
Their sympathy
I know who I am
My soul is death and misery
I am an evil man

I rest in my blood
Soon I will face the gods
Strangers cry for me
I wish they'd let me be

Show no sympathy
Shed no tears for me
I know who I am
I am an evil man

I know who I am
I am an evil man
The pack of wolves
Are closing in
Now, hear the howling beasts
They move fast
Through winter woods
And soon it's time to feast

A vicious hunt
On through the night
The prey is short of breath
They feel the sting
Of burning eyes
That's fixed upon their necks

A predator's heart
Knows no remorse
It lives for the hunt
A predator's heart
Knows no remorse
It lives for the hunt
A natural force

They show their sharp
And grinning teeth
As howls are getting higher
Sending chills
Down fleeing spines
Their blood runs hot as fire

The vicious chase
Is soon at end
They're hunted until death
They feel the pain
Of sharpening steel
That's cutting through their flesh

Fearless warriors
Feed the wolves
Now hear the howling beasts
They move fast
Through winter woods
See the grey-backs feast

A natural force
It knows no remorse
And lives for the kill
I stroke the blade with my hand
the sharp edge cuts the skin
blood drips to the rain wet sand
my journey can begin

Once a slave but now I'm free
my honor is restored
once again I'll ride the seas
free at last from whip and oar

I slide the sword into the sheath
the ocean god is hailed
and as we push out to the sea
we raise the red striped sails

I've missed the breeze of my home shores
the frozen lakes and winter snow
but now my dreams start to unfold
father, I'm coming home

The storm came down without remorse
and water crashed the rails
the ship was thrown back and forth
as strong winds ripped the sails

The icy waves embrace my skin
I am going numb
The endless ocean swallows me
This will be my cold wet tomb

Won't feel the breeze of my home shore
nor see the lakes or winter snow
my hopeful dreams lie ripped and torn
father, I die alone
War, the very first war of our world,
When the treacherous witch was killed
Three times burned and three times born,
By searing flames was Gullveig torn.

Death, Odin hurled his spear off with great force
Deep into the great vana-fyrd
battle horns gave up their sound
And Asgard walls razed to the ground.

The Vanir felt deceived
Höne was a fool
without Mímir at his side
Höne could not rule
In a fit of violent rage
Mímir's blood was shed
and to Odin's court they sent Mímir's severed head

Truce, so a brittle and frail peace was forged
And to ensure that the peace remained.
Njordr and Freyr to Asgard came
and Hön' and Mim to Vanaheim

Death, see the furious gods wanting blood,
Odin knew that a raging war
would not bring them any gain
Just leave a black and bitter stain.

Odin tog huvudet och
smorde det med örter
som hindrar det
från att ruttna
han kvad sedan
trollsånger över det
så att Mimer åter
kunde tala till honom
You come to me, eyes full of grief
you ask of me to shed all my tears
to let him return from kingdom of fears
Why should I weep? or lose any sleep?
He never brought me pleasure or glee
so why would I help to set Balder free

You come to me,eyes full of grief
all of your tears mean nothing to me
so why will you not just leave me to be
am I to blame? Well, I'm not ashamed!
Oh how I smiled when I heard the tale
Of Loke the sly, so clever and brave

Höder the fool,Lopt's willing tool
he held the twig that cut Balder's skin
Lopt aimed the shot
that killed Höder's twin
leave me alone
don't come here and moan
I've never wished to see Balder's well
so let his soul remain down in hel

My name is Töck and I won't cry
I won't let Balder return
Let hel keep her treasured prize
let his soul forever burn

You come to me and cannot believe
that this old crow now talking to you
is Loke not Töck you bloody dawn fools
you come to me and you do not see
all of your tears mean nothing to me
why will you not just leave me to be

My name is Töck,and I won't cry
I won't let Balder return
Let hel keep her treasured prize
let his soul forever burn
I rise up from muspelheim
My fury is sublime
The sword I bring burns violently
With wild and lethal flames

I march against the asagods
To bring the end of time
I am pure and endless pain
And Surtur is my name

See me rise, the mighty Surt
Destroyer of the universe
Bringer of flames and endless hurt
Scorcher of men and earth

Swordless frej with horn in hand
Rises to his final stand
He doesn't stand a single chance
I'll split his living corpse in half

And yet he stabbed me in the eye
He drove the horn in deep
The overwhelming, raging pain
Is driving me insane

The waves of flames that
I've unleashed will eat us all alive
The rage that burns within my heart
Is uncontrolled and wild
And now everything shall die!
Massive waves consume us all, the ocean is released
Our dying world quakes underneath
And sinks into the sea
And now nothing will survive!
Extinction waits for everyone
For gods and men alike
When all are gone of the old world
A new one will arise

See me rise, the mighty Surt
Destroyer of the universe
Bringer of flames and endless hurt
Scorcher of men and earth

See me die, the mighty Surt
Destroyer of the universe
Drowning in waves that floods the earth
The beginning, of a new rebirth
They speak of love and tolerance
They thrive on people's ignorance
To make you all Slaves of fear

They feed on your anxiety
To build their dead society
They've kept you down for a thousand years

They nurture prejudice and hate
Condemn the wars that they create
In the name of whatever god

They gladly sacrifice your lives
Increasing power is their prize
Without regrets they'll spill your blood

They're feeding you lies
With calculating smiles
Enslavement of the human mind
As long as you kneel to their authority
Religion is what makes you blind

They're treating you as mindless fools
And use you as obedient tools
It's time to set your spirit free

This world we cannot tolerate
It's time to seal all preachers' fate
And let them swing from Oden's tree

They're feeding you lies
With calculating smiles
Enslavement of the human mind
As long as you kneel to their authority
Religion is what makes you blind

Your minds are restrained
Obedience is the chain
They've locked you up and thrown away the key
Your souls are for sale,
And you're the ones who pay
But still, you'll never be set free
From birth we're taught how to survive
We're taught how war is waged
And there are no men now alive
Who stops our wild rampage

Light at heart we bide our bane
whatever death awaits!
Norsemen live without regrets
We accept our woven fates

So fearlessly we charge ahead
There is no time to hesitate

Don't despair, show no fear
Live your life without regrets
Don't despair and show no fear
In the face of a certain death

A coward thinks he'll always live
If it keeps himself from strife
Old age leaves no rest and peace
though spears may spare his life

We don't mourn a friend that fell
or dread the day we'll fall ourselves
Warriors don't go to Hel
'cause we know Ygg will greet us well!

Fearlessly we charge ahead
There is no time to hesitate

Don't despair, show no fear
Live your life without regrets
Don't despair and show no fear
In the face of a certain death

So raise your horns to those who died
Let's drink to fallen friends tonight
Let's celebrate their glory life
We'll meet again in Valhall when we die
When we die!
When we die!
See him rise, from land of flames
our destruction is at hand.
It is time to make stand
now I face, and awesome foe
I will always stand my ground
To this end my fate is bound!

This fight is mine and mine alone
and there's no help from anyone!

His wrath burns!
With insane heat
all his fury is unleashed
there is no way to defeat!
The forces and the power that he wields

My hand holds the horn so firm
I am calm and ready to die
Everything around me burns
And I know that I will not survive

See him rise from land of flames
in this wild and barren land
I will make my final stand
My death awaits, I have no fear
To this end my fate is bound
though I'm doomed
I'll stand my ground!

This fight is mine and mine alone
and there's no help from anyone!

I go forth to meet my doom
but I will die in vain
perdition waits for everyone
The world will die in flames

With all my strength I run the horn
deep into his eye
And as he swings his burning sword
I die with a tired smile!
has come to wash our shame away
to erase the image of defeat
have licked our wounds,restored our strength
and our vengeance will be oh so sweet

They thought they had us down
that we'd never rise again
they will learn that they were deadly wrong
what's owed will be repaid

Again we'll feed the wolves
and then vengeance will be ours
we'll split their skulls and spill their guts
upon the frozen ground
Yeah,we'll never kneel again
not to deity nor men
now they'll taste our bitter hate
what's owed will be repaid

So raise the flag once more
and the eagle will be fed
once again we march to war
for victory or death

They arrived with talk of hvitekrist
by force they wanted us to kneel
with their swords held to our throats they preached
but we will make them pay we'll take their lives away

So Raise!
raise the flag once more
in the east the eagle will be fed
again we march to war
we will march for victory or death
the pain and suffering
is but a bleak and distant fading dream
our disgrace; a withering thought
finally our names will be redeemed
My head hurts like hell
Can't open my eyes
My clothes are all wet
And I'm freezing right through
Don't know where I am
Or how to get home
My arms they're so numb
And it's hard to get up

My muscles they ache
With every move
I stand on my feet
But my knees feel so weak

Somebody wake me
From this horrible dream
Somebody save me
From this terror I feel

I stumble around
on the soft muddy ground
I call out the name
of the friends I can't find
but only the wind
And the ravens reply

With every gasp
with every breath
smoke fills my lungs
and my intestines wrench
With every gasp
the sweet taste of death
The air is full of a thick
pungent stench

So comes then rain
it's colder than ice
I wash off my face
and open my eyes
And then I see
but wish I were blind

They are all dead
there's blood everywhere
The Norsemen they left
only death and despair
A stench of flesh
that fills the Autumn air

Somebody wake me
From this horrible dream
Somebody save me
From this terror and pain
No one can save me
From this horrible dream
No one can hear me
Or my heart-wrenching screams
Conceived was I
From chaos and hate
Of malice, deceit and blood
And how would they know
My fate is to rise
Against the Asagods
My being is full, full of a rage
An evil that can't be tamed
It darkens my soul
And blackens the blood
A fire that fills my veins

So how
Did I ever end up here?
Humiliated, broken and weak
I've waited
For a thousand years
To break these chains apart and
To finally break myself free

I bit the hand, off the mighty Tyr
When I couldn't, tare my ties
Now banished I dwell
A sword in my jaw
awaiting the end of time
In darkness I drown
Consumed by my hate
Longing for revenge
Allfather will pay
For his deceit
At the battle
Of Ragnarök

A beast am I
So vicious and grim
They fear my mean
Grinning teeth
I bide my time
my sweet revenge
Soon my ties will fall
And finally I will be free

So when you hear me howling
You'll know that I have come for you
When you hear me call your name
Your life will end in nameless pain

[Solo: Simon Solomon]

Conceived was I
From chaos and hate
Of malice, deceit and blood
And how would they know
My fate is to rise
Against the Asagods
My being is full, full of a rage
An evil that can't be tamed
It darkens my soul
And blackens the blood
A fire that fills my veins

A beast am I
So vicious and grim
They fear my mean
Grinning teeth
I bide my time
my sweet revenge
Soon my ties will fall
And finally I will be!
Finally break myself!
Finally I will be free!
The autumn clouds are caving in
And night comes crawling, black as sin
Lightning strikes, and rain begins
A storm that tears my soul

I toss and tumble in my bed
My thoughts are spinning in my head
Darkness nears, soon I'll be dead
I'm losing all control

I've spent my life in foolish quests
for gold and riches, I confess
And now I'm left with just regrets
Too late to change my ways

My life, it seems, has slipped away
I leave no legacy to praise
Nothing more for me to say
My life has been a waste

My time has come for me to leave
When judgment's passed upon my life
A cold dark grave will wait for me
Will my name live endlessly?
My time has come for me to leave
When judgment's passed upon my life
A cold dark grave will wait for me
Will my name live endlessly?

So I die
But won't be mourned
Broken and alone
I wish that I were never born

So I die and won't be missed
No rune stone will be raised
As my body rots away

All friends and cattle pass away
And death will come for every man
But I know one thing never dies
The sentence passed upon the dead
The time has come for me to leave
When judgement's passed up on my life
Now I will rest in my dark grave
They speak my name with reverence?

My life has been a waste
No rune stone will be raised
So I die, but won't be mourned
I wish that I were never born
I rest here in my shallow grave
As my body rots away
Life is a waterfall
we're one in the river
and one again after the fall
swimming through the void
we hear the word
we lose ourselves
but we find it all....
cause we are the ones that want to play
always want to go
but you never want to stay
and we are the ones that want to choose
always want to play
but you never want to lose
aerials, in the sky
when you lose small mind
you free your life
life is a waterfall
we drink from the river
then we turn around and put up our walls
swimming through the void
we hear the word
we lose ourselves
but we find it all...
cause we are the ones that want to play
always want to go
but you never want to stay
and we are the ones that want to choose
always want to play
but you never want to lose
aerials, in the sky
when you lose small mind
you free your life
aerials, so up high
when you free your eyes eternal prize
aerials, in the sky
when you lose small mind
you free your life
aerials, so up high
when you free your eyes eternal prize