

Año de formación


País de origen

in the beginning there was chaos 
in which the germ of the beginning and the rights 
they emerged from the tangled elements 
not brightness, not human being but dusk 
from which earth and day came into existence 
brightness- a daughter of darkness, not of spirit 
the black sky without its jewels stars 
gave the glory to its father with brilliance 
first parents Ereb-night, eternal night 
and their fruit, mankind, constrains the tribe 
the toys of elements,the children of dreams 
their gods are only illusions 
human rights crushed in the fingers of the might 
long centuries the sleep of mother earth 
the sleep so coloured real but fog woven 
and awakening will come from dusk
it was night when they came 
evil and deceit were hidden under frocks 
on their necks-crosses in their hands-swords 
they came to kill on behalf of their God 
dissimilarity is imprisoned 
in the darkness of the dungeons 
the old faith impaled on the stake 
old holy groves were destroyed 
in the name of the cross 
against other people 
against the truth 
against everyone 
against yourself 
tortures of liberated souls 
which are decaying in the cells of the ecclesiastical strongholds 
the knights of good are distributing death 
spreading violence in the name of God
i in the abyss on the ruins of my dreams 
my burnt world god treads on the cinders 
envy and revenge two sisters i am their brother 
is it my fault that i am a human being? 
i wont forget how the wind was blowing in your gardens 
i was your knight i was a traitor 
i, created to die, to fall into the abyss 
my existence for you to have your flower 
your gardens grow on my soul 
the roots of your trees draw juice from my blood 
and yield fruit from my wounds 
your world comes from my pain 
my wandering your triumph my cry for you to existmy feelings, longing,and rebellion 
i suffer at the bottom unnecessary for you 
for the first time the question- why me? 
the fire wont flare up in my soul 
chained to my dreams forever 
unfulfilled ,unreal but i last 
and ill be a thorn in your eye forever

the body of god who died and rose from the dead 
the eye of the body which will never be killed 
first trinity above the earth taking care 
and the god of the night, desert, and storm 
your stony cemeteries 
impossible to destroy, above time flowing 
in the gloom of the night 
in the light of the eye of horus 
they last 
eternal truth,power of words and knowledge 
the river of life, the land of the dead 
fathers of the moon, creators of clandestine books 
and son of su,cursed,powerful 
gods with stolen names 
rituals forgotten forever 
gods of the land which doesnt exist 
the eye of horus a monument of the world 
which is left to oblivion
light- a flash in the eye of the truth 
darkness- a sea of eternal sin 
we, the shadows without destination 
following the spark, the whisper of the unknown 
the beast of time and truth of the universe 
the human thought trudging from the creation 
to catch a falsity that is no more 
the struggle of forces the struggle of the unknown 
one that defies the dust and ruin ofmankind 
the fire of the truth burning bright forever 
whose light in the world is but visible 
children of the stars that glare without death 
are burning the moment to expire forever 
tears and pain are signs of futile desires 
unknown and lost in the storms of force
when the warriors of the gloom came 
when the wolf of the night conquered the sun 
time of revenge and death set in 
the sons of fire shed the blood of gods 
nine steps towards victory of the night 
nine steps to the comeback of chaos 
nine steps to eternal darkness 
nine steps to death 
when the time of the northern rulers was over 
like a drop of blod in the sea of eternity 
thors blood sealed up their end 
the dusk of gods set in 
but their names will never be forgotten 
the memory of these centuries will never pass away 
thors blood still flows in the northern rivers 
thors hamer will shed the fresh blood again

murder at your every footstep 
a childs toy sudden death 
sniper blazes you through your knees 
falling down can you feel the heat 
ambushed by the spray of lead 
count the bullet holes in your head 
offspring sent out to cry 
living mandatory suicide 
holes burn deep in your chest 
raked by machine gun fire 
screaming skull sent out to die 
living mandatory suicide 
lying dying screaming in pain begging pleading bullets drip like rain 
minds explode pain shears to your brain 
radical amputation this is insane 
fly swatter stakes drive through your chest 
spikes impale you as your forced off the crest 
soldier of misfortune 
hunting with bated breath 
a vile smell like tasting death 
dead bodies dying and wounded 
litter the city streets 
shattered glass bits of clothing and human deceit 
dying terror 
bloods cheap its everywhere 
mandatory suicide massacre on the front line
Rise! And look at your face
Centre of existence leans toward the end
One visage of earth
Cold flame under the mask
Cracked face of dying spaces
Millions of lonely splinters disappear
Uniting flame start fading
Universe enters the new cycle
Outlines of uncountable entity growing grew
Morbidly dependent sons of error
Great dance comes to an end
Spheres of existence reaching the center
Forms of existence wash away
Resemblance becomes a curse
Ultimate justice in nothingness
Last error is no more
World of shadows too blind to cry
Worms crowded together to weak and want
Running from reflection to reflection
We measure the world with measure of our blindness
Can you see while looking at the shadows?
Can you touch the shapeless illusion?
Can you hear the echo of words never told?
Can you taste your own transitory notions?
One color of earth shimmering with different shades
Shapeless shadows independent of the light
Kneeling n the ruins of sacred towns
Crying on ashes of refuted truth
We shall remain and dream again
And moment of awakening is too short to recognize
Satisfaction is the seed of hunger 
Beginning of the circle is its end
There's no centre-emptiness in between
And perfection is not always in the midst
Living for a moment? Being a spark
And there's no light but flame
Middle state leading to boundlessness
War is the order of this world
Harmony of the earth is always and never
Everlasting order is illusion and deceit
War is mother, fight is harmony
We're burned to burn
Word is nothing without silence
What is your god without infinity of zero:
Father destroy to create
Father burn to be forever
Father fade to burn again
Father don't be but change
You are the ones that will free us from colours
That will free us from words
Squeezed in the rock of existence
We never experienced anything else
Mind, moment, spark-there's nothing
The weight of this world breaks my spine
So maybe emptiness completes existence?
Does something that never was exist?
Destroy, change- you are unable
Hatred, fear, frustration- laughter
Is it possible to be in the temple of nothingness?
World is you, you're the eternal everything
Never-always, one- nothing
You think that destruction is the way
Let your own pain be the answer
For nothingness, for non-existence in emptiness
Being for not being, religion of black hole
Did we find already:
Can something that never was give us an answer: 
What you truly hate is a part of you
World without move, we flow in substance
Devoured by perfect entirety
Homogenous millions of perfect shape
To stars and suns we carry
To superhumans names in stone
Into the depths of seas of grand desires
To the thought pure, into nothingness
Limitless solitude without numbers and names
Where names a curse no longer are
The ideal one- the true number of man
The sick stench of crowded dogs
With their eyes closed
That are looking into others for gods
Rotting millions keeping guard
Of their own truths which you cannot see
A many-headed worm of names uncounted
Is eating its tail in wretched self-hatred
Blinded millions on the road to death
The hunger of self-destruction always defeats
Raise your gaze- you can´t
You won´t- it´s easier to follow the herd
You suck on an empty bag of words
You fulfill yourself in a cage
Of your own blindness
Carry me, my wings of hatred
Above the fear of knowing all other
I want to see my very own death
On bigger than everything
In the crown of your own self you preach darkness
Yet would you be able to obey the lack of light?
Darkness, light, word, existence
Could it be false?
Salvation is nothing- nothing is salvation
The great fractal of existence sinks into itself
Nature calls for destroyer, desires
It´s the highest time for zero to come
Collapsing reality craves for the end
Everything rots in itself
Maybe its time to stop worshipping the own image
So non-existence is the only sense?
I rise in spheres of madness
In darkness of unknown I perish
To see, to remain in all time
Eternity in second, not!
Senses, flower of existence- bow to Babylon
Pain, father of creation- bow to Babylon
Look- you're the creator of your own creator
Your beginning overthrows your myth
Parody of perfection feeding on mere mortal
Perfect being can only exist in itself
Let him die at last.
I will never worship reflection of imperfection
Questions: I carry my own cross to be
Flesh, blood, mind- see the flower of Babylon
Stigma of earth will never disappear
Aiming to zero is the testimony of existence
I'm here to be, to watch and to fade
All world focused on one single entity
I kiss my reflection in the universe
Alone in dying Babylon: proud
Thickening mass of reality
Curve the existence descends to zero
Crowd loosing its colors
Tightening nature points at the middle

Weighing of central point
The other side of existence arrives
Reflection of what is known devours imperfection
Existence is defective by nature

Highest independence- sacred zero
Final order-sacred zero
Lack of imperfection-sacred zero
Forward on! Just go on!
Directionless rush, for close by, before
Species specific-motion
No change for equilibrium-stop!
Fetid, persistent stench of the race
Rushes in every slot
Sticking all together into a mass
I hate you!
I hate us!
You know what I mean? Fuck off!
This world stigma cries out on your forehead
Anti-god prepares your own personal void
The only way to equilibrium
Kill yourself! But...
Blinding void veils colours.
All features melt into one vision.
All-absorbing and all-swallowing time
The singing of the black hole is calling.
The shrill silence of universe
Blows up all minds from inside.
Desire of your own death makes flesh burst into flame.
Another moment of senseless reasoning
Opens the gate to the real existence
That is not for the eyes.
Inexpressible pain of the ripped flesh
Releases so far unknown senses.
No chance for losing consciousness.
Suffering in the thickening void.
Stop! Human defect is triumphing.
The passage into fourth dimension
Is passing out of sight.
Pathetic is the species being it´s own negation.
Big words locked in the holy books.
Flame in the eyes fixed on heaven,
And the stench of decaying bodies
That have lived to see the answer.
Another word spat out from under the mask.
No meaning, no goal.
Doomed to cling to each other.
They laugh crying and lie sensing their weakness.
Clotted human mass struggles
Trying to rise and run away from themselves.
It´s time this jest reached it´s end.
The church of the black hole will fulfil the sacrifice.
Blind is the euphoria of the crowd
Staring at themselves from inside
And observing the succeeding patterns
Of the world that spirals downwards.
I sense! Tangible phantasm
It causes human pride to swell anew.
Come on! To touch, maybe catch.
Fever of senses stimulates animal brain.
And to those of you who scream that they know
Keep roaming in your dance
Singing of truth and happiness
Quelling the misty vision of end.

No! Catharsis through scream
Too many ways, too many truths
The myth of the reward
And the punishment
Still feeds our fear.
No to all of the masks of this world!
No to the empty words!
Open eyes look, yet closed can truly see
Creeping vermin still cross their traces
Seeming movement of the elements
Does not chance the vision the throbbing whole.
No to those that have seen,
And thus have believed!
No to those that have not seen,
And yet have believed!
Global negation of the visible existence
Is thedelusion in itself.
Yet the truth the animal eyes look to
Dies at the closed eyelid glance of spirit.
Absorbing, feeling and desiring
You fade away spewing their words up.
Rise to fall, lie to last.
Look! Nothing is opening it's arms:
Tangle of urges overflows
Staining every gesture and moment.
Raise your head and grasp that jest.
Anti-god lurks in non-existence.
Mute words of those who know
Distort the mouths of deranged fools into a sneer.
No war will be! No revolution!
The punishment is equal.
Perfectly cold-no bond with this comedy.
Another urges from outside change nothing.
Hideous, complete in itself tangle of desires
And millions of hands stretched out
Towards the swallowing void.
No cry-long desired dementia.
Expansion of the ever increasing universe
Thins down imperfect pictures
And certainty of the tangible existence
Trickles between fingers
Entering the center of the point.
Physical reality dies
Giving birth to the new order.
Negating all that has ever been said for good.
So what are we?
Attracted by the gravity of the black hole
Veiled by the faith in words
Proud of the promised immortality.
Hysteria at the moment of sudden illumination
Will ring with countless screams
Uniting in a sneer
Coming from the empty throne
Servants of death, enchanter of pain
From the land of no return, you'll kill again
Smear the blood on naked corpse

Lunatic of God's creation
No resist
Hear the voices of devastation

There is darkness in his eyes
And you won't see it, before you die
Feel the knife of the Lord Divine's

Lunatic of God's creation
No resist
Hear the voices of devastation
Waiting on Death Row
People coming in overalls
Taking me to the gas chamber
Scuffling of feet
They took him down the hallway
Feeling everyone´s heartbeat
The central control of the soul
Batons and retro-tons
Ingrown toenails
One time all around you
All round you, bump-bump
Save my air, save my air
My air, my air
Air, water, trees
Machines eating the night
Energy moving
Nuclear fires
Burning reactors on my gate
Fires of hell are burning
Come home
Can you see
Can you say
That you say
That you really love this place?
(The) shaft of daylight melts dirty panes
(The) stench of life pulls them out from (their) dreams
Those living wastes on the streets outside
Woken up again with no place to hide

Daily food like shit and beer
Daily bread as tough as steel
(and) this taste is stronger than heroin
I open cardboard door to see
An empty face flowing by... like a stream
As a river of shit pours over me
(The) secretions of city mass machine
Sewers running through my veins
Acid corroding remains of my brain...
Floating in this world of satisfaction
Contentment for an immeasurable time
Echo's vibrated my universe
The universe of endless dreams... dreams... dreams...

All objects complete in themselves,
Many worlds buried in them,
Each world as worlds and objects endlessly,
Everything continuously in flux,
New things from new they born.

Exhausting in a timeless pulsation,
Reached many eternities
Akin with infinity, akin with death
I'm breaking all barriers
(Revelation of existence. Eternity...)

Unknown peace descended over me,
Not that I was familiar with,
The peace that descends when life transcends to death.
Death... the beginning of eternal silence.
Sodium sunrise burns my eyes
Electric charged reanimation
I must recombine my (scattered) mind
After techno-crucifixion

Growling engines
Transmitting praise
Audio sensors detecting wavs
The factory
Reanimates me
As a post organic form of life

Vacuum breath on the surface
Of my positron skin
Covered by the barbed wire
And life-proof membrane

I'm the factory's newest product
Son of serialized destruction
Perfect body - perfect soul
Reborn in a post organic form of life

Oxygen - no longer needed
Brain - lobotomized
Heart - pumping cyanide
Arms - mechanized
Eyes - throwing x-rays
Tissues - mummified
Erased - my memory
All the rest is vaporized

Baptized in a lake of acid tears
I am resurrected in a toxic soul
Hardware body - software soul
In post organic form

I've seen the android god preaching
Radiating his nuclear love
I've seen the world around
Bewitched in a pill of mescaline.
Bastard, Lizard! lick my wounds
Lucid dream, (our) world turns to chaos
Demonic shadows floating in blood
Waiting for me to fall asleep

(they whisper... deep...)

Inside my head an outstanding pain
Millions of voices screaming for help
Their/venom poured all over me
An essence (of hate)
So powerful it destroys

(help me!!!)

My visions all flounder in the whirl
Of blood storm. see, feel, smell
I see plastic Jesus nailed to the cross

The black hole of nothingness absorbs all...

(I) see, (I) feel, smell...

Doom, nihility, holocaust comes
The cataclysm I have feared... comes
Doom, nihility, holocaust comes..

Organic... visual delusion

Stench of rotting flesh
Melted seas of human hate
Doom, nihility, holocaust comes
The cataclysm I have feared... comes
Doom, nihility, holocaust comes..

Why must I be born?
Why must I to be born to this?
To feel my heart and limbs torn
To see and dream through these fears
And shed my poisoned tears?

Cut myself, release the blood
My time has come
Why must I be born?

Organic... visual delusion

Cutting my veins, infecting my brain
Burn my throat burn my eyes
Throbbing pain throbbing brain
Heavy lids heavy thoughts

Bitter throat pumping blood
Oh fuck.....!!!!!
Black worms and exclamations
Challenge of spoken lies
Holocaust - filled greed and ignorance
The betrayal of human laws

Eruption of pain
Infection of sensual sickness
What are our secret fears?
Black in snow of ice tears...

Screams of lust echo through the earth
Striving for that final truth
Beckoning it with our call
Ignored by pain and misery

Beyond the bounds we flow
Searching for the exit
Goats under mass hypnosis
(only) symbols of rape remain
Faceless faces in the "net"
Sleepless watchers of mankind (us)
The society of "chosen ones"
(No) traces left behind

Masked by mist and mystery
Dim lit heads, the masterminds
Transparent faces - silent control
Yet knowing - the unknown

Motionless spawns, governors of life
Hold sway over the earth... (eternally)
Hidden faces, superior command
Owners (of the) portal, of mass control

Rulers of this planet. Lord of the flies (us!)
Raging wars, spreading lies, in control, over mankind.

We the slaves. We the mass (We the flies)
Knowing nothing in the hands of imaginary gods.

Rulers of this planet. Lord of the flies (us!)
Raging wars, spreading lies, in control, over mankind.
Oceans mumble their songs to deaf ears of sands
Mountains guard their dominions until the end of time
Rivers carve hieroglyphs only read by the birds
Lion hunts antelope, hyenas fight over the corpse
Breed then kill or get killed, holy circle of life
Red sun rises again, chokes cold light of stars
I sharpen the knife

Wooden Handle
Bolster, heel
Edge of cold steel
Mirror mirror
Speak to to me

Now the painting is done, bored models dress up
German writer, Asian poet, both expect Nobel prize
New Picasso's sketch on sale, bids mostly from Japan
Hagia Sophia gets new roof, circus hires new clown
Ballerinas bleed but dance, famous composer gets bald
All music's already been played, critics are always right
And I sharpen the knife

Wooden handle
Bolster, heel
Edge of cold steel
Mirror mirror
Speak to me

News on breakfast television drown in a shit of lies
UN troops storm Kabul, or Cairo, or Baghdad
That war was wrong but this one is so right
Cure for cancer nearly there- perfect drug, decent price
White smoke covers Rome, habemus papam
Farmer in Montana breeds two-headed cows
I still sharpen the knife

Wooden handle
Bolster, heel
Edge of cold steel
Mirror mirror
Speak to me
You will never walk alone
Counted, trained, controlled
Being a cog in the machine
Being a grain of sand in the desert
Being a sheep in the herd
You breathe on command
You shit on command
You kneel on command

Born with no herd instinct, afraid of the crowd
Forced to follow the rules, to obey your laws
deserter in uniform, refugee on constant run
I'm not proud of victories, nor distraught with defeats
I refuse to take part in this conspiracy of lies
I take no orders from your idiot generals
How come motherfuckers that you always unite
For the wrong cases, under false flags?

Lo and behold! Admire the show
Lethal duel between me and the world
Where the world wins the battles 
But I lose the war

I was the crippled Spartan child thrown over the cliff
I was the villain crucified at the right hand of Iscariot
I was the black albino torn to pieces by his own tribe
I was the woman that knew the herbs burnt at the stake
The music is too loud, you can't hear the clock
Conductor is missing and no one misses hum
Band of politicians, lawyers and false prophets
No one reads notes, yet everyone wants to lead

So you think you can dance?
Said hooded axman to the king
Monarch nods, the wheel turns
Head rolls through the ballroom
Dancers stumble, loose the rhythm
Dogs play with blood-stained crown
Fool looks noble in king's cloak
Cooks and crooks fight for the throne
It's still warm

Herr Fritzl invited his kids and their kids
They stay in shadow and sip champagne
Agoraphobic and somewhat pale
Telling bad jokes to relaxed Natascha

Rwandese waiters serve cold snacks
Nothing for vegans: it's all bones and blood
The night is bright as teh world burns
Or is it Theodore and his pyro toys

Elderly women hunt for soldier boys
Soldiers hunt for civilians, it's always fun
getting hard to breathe, it's either smoke or gas
Master of Ceremony smiles behind the mask.
Homo sum and hate humanity
Despise the culture, spit on law
Mongrels, scorpions, snakes and men
Only species that bite their tails
Ever since Nero burnt Rome
All the good roads lead to hell
So learn how to live in the cage
Or die trying to avoid the fate

I´d sell my soul to the devil
Or anyone who would buy
If I had one

I´ve been a burden since day one
Stranger in the strange land
Blind to what you wanted me to see
Numb to what you wanted me to be
rather philophobic than philosopher
But one thing I know for sure
If I´d free myself from the world
The world wouldn´t mind at all

If you want to make god laugh
Tell him about your plans
Erase empathy, abandon hope
Stand up
Zero day. Successfully installed on this earth
The miracle of birth, the irony of fate
Enslaved by time, cause and effect
Armed with laughter, doubt and despair
Let me start the game

One needs deft fingers to survive 
Sharp eye and pliant spine
No time to rethink your decisions
Just find the treasure, score high
Avoid bugs

Could the avatar in the mirror be me?
Blood on my hands and empty eyes
Still smiling, too mad to be scared
At this level I'd use the mercy of god
But where's god? He's 404

Don't be sorry it's not your fault
The malfunction is an integral part of the program

There's no save game, no hidden keys
And don't be a fool- for fair play reward
Crash data, fatal error. I'm done

Did I deserve to rest in green meadows
To drink sweet water from his peaceful streams
To stand by his side? To fulfill my needs?
Access denied
So what do you do for a living?
I dug holes
And what do you put in there?
I bury hopes

Born in the shadow of Babylon
I speak in tongues but don't understand a word
I know how to wield a sword
but never learned how to plough
I know how to build castles mountain high
That are bound to fall
I'm not a coward but I hide behind the words
I play my songs, winds carry them home

I know the science but the science doesn't know me
And every now and then I burn Rome
My children rule this world
But they're raised to fail

World owes you nothing
Promised you nothing
And nothingness swallows it all
Don't curse, don't run
Don't fight, don't fear
Grow up before you grow old

I really hoped that if I dig long enough
I'd find hell- fire, pain and death
But it's just mud and some plastic bags
It´s raining birds
Seagulls, nightingales
They don´t sing, they stink
Feathers glow in the dark

Black clouds thicken
Your shutters won´t help
No one to answer your prayers
Lord of Flies sends his regards

What doesn´t kill you makes you strive for death
What doesn´t wound you makes you cut your wrists

Fear not the sickness that harms your body
This one will leave you in perfect shape
This is the virus that kills illusions
Fatal disease that opens the open cage

Be careful what you wish for
Pitiful knowledge junkies
Be careful what you pray for
Your sheep chasing the slaughter
You would have never thrown the dice
If you had learnt the rules before
But once you´ve started the game
Don´t leave the table
Don´t go home


There is no home
The war is on

Awaken again into my daymare.
Location unknown, memory zero,
vision distorted, sound muted, mind lost.
Slowly stabilising, removing self paranoia.
Reconstructing reality from pieces
till discovering the common sense between here, now and why.
These severe answers cut my screaming tongue.
Detain a Nomad soul in my motionless flesh.
Haunted by desires, sat in this fucking chair.
I won´t fade in a dumb row crawling between the defeated.
My ears still follow the notes, veins pulse with the rhythm.
Well-known faces open wide my eyes.
Acidic air fills my lungs.
Awakened senses assault!
These living shapes, noises from the world outside.
Exiled inside myself again, ready to wake up!
Vermin-ploundered void inside.
City flash melts the wax soul.
Sewed myself shut in speechless mouth.
Could it be the promised land?

Elysium, Eden - the abandoned search.
Non-essential deific light, eclipsed in vivid world.
The only eternal form: Eternity in formalin.
Couldn´t find their own selves, expecting the guide.

Those who shall remain in shadow,
always shine the most.
The mortal visage is more familiar.
Mellifluous whisper sublimates their egos.
The blasphemous psalm to the dummy-god creation.

If it only could melt the inner self,
if it could bring relief,
I would sign in!
Marked as a "new human breed", with the face ripped from the amorphic body,
half breathing to not disturb this order.
Wired to a demo-god, upgrading the faith, downloading the holy soul-ware.
Saved or just safe?
Data flooding a weak brain, confused mind under mass media control,
submissively taking the nourishment until it pukes with cybernetic dope.

New age has come, shiny screens display the true world.
How many bytes are You worth?
You get a "sweet" and it does the trick.
Be a clown or get the throne through knowing "more"?

Mental extermination machines, pumping shit into the brains.
Global factories mass-producing the new kind of man.
The numbered model scalped of identity, steered and deafened.
I cut the wires, I wrestle with the veins.
Must disconnect!

Millions of clones, humanoidal folk, being bred and dying,
Suffering the same kind of dole.
Touching the throne, the invisible throne, are the kings of lethargy
chained to the fake crown.
Serving the gods, the digital gods, on the altar of stripped privacy.
Fucking system´s sluts!
Through centuries leading their wars
Armed with crucifixes
Hardened with dogmas
And murdering every Proteus
I heard faith is a weapon to protect or kill?

If you want me find me a faith not raised from ruins
Find me a god with non dirty hands
And I will be your, I will be your assassin, assassin

Eternal struggle, exchange of souls
Seven billions of souls and there is no free trade
If god is a ware who is the businessman?
Innocent merchant with familiar face
Is kingly trying to strike a bargain

Salvation for sale
A unique offer?
Who likes fairy tales? [2x]

Instinct calls for destruction
Prayers will muffle their screams
Good lord will drink this blood
Every divinity demands sacrifice
Every sacrifice needs divine purposes
This is blood mantra
A universal rite, rite

Divided by symbols
Possessed by laws
Throats cut for power
Rebels choked on their blood
Temples carved in red stone
Altars from looted gold
Sanctification by slaughter
Absolution by doom
Saviours impaled on their thrones
The reaper�s dancing around
Vicious circle rolls on

I see the cultures fed by the same earth breast
I see the races watered by the same earth veins
I see all the chosen nations sharing the same breath as me
I saw civilizations burnt their blood soaked into this earth

I saw gods raised from their ashes under different names
I saw devouring hate driven by fear of otherness, otherness, otherness
Experience your race!
You are the son of the hostile nest.
Dormant, damned skills, and mercy-proof eyes.
Black gates to its core. Welcome to the swarm!
Grind your string, pull out the tongue, forget speech, impale claws.
Ready to attack, always bites back twice.
Banish the Decalogue, the strongest shape the law.
Never lower the eyes, the weak ones lose at once.
Born in pain, bring the pain. Burnish bloody, priceless craft!

Inner crusade, man against the beast,
or beast against the anthropic man?
Eternal search for thyself.
The delusion of triumph. The burden of plague.
Human ever-equal death!
Humanize yourself - die!
Or incarnate the beast - strike!
Seal the cursed fate.
The wrath is the way. Discover its taste.
The virgin hit - a furious release.
Don´t move a step back!
This is the lethal symphony of nature.

Experience your race!
You are the son of the hostile nest.
Dormant, damned skills, and mercy-proof eyes.
Black gates to its core. Welcome to the swarm!
Grind your string, pull out the tongue, forget speech, impale claws.
Ready to attack.

Born in pain, bring the pain.
Burnish bloody, priceless craft.
Hunting for some satisfaction?
Follow the species hidden under royalty of our kind.
Instinct and treacherous mother Evolution,
left the beast standing at Your side.
Congratulations! You are the highest of the links...
But remember! You can�t deny what You are.

Couldn�t it be different,
cause we are the whores of the porn generation.
Nude witches on the walls,
lewd spell cast on media trash.
Listen to their voices lilt.
Can You hear them, calling for your animal?
Inquisition of paraphiliac minds.

Orgasmic Value rules the aphrodisiac world.
Fuck for money!
Fuck for name!
Fuck for money!
Fuck for fame!

Masked with exquisite lives.
Avoid taboo world, taboo world.
The forbidden world of primal pleasures.
There is no freedom in our nature.
Whenever You reach!
Whatever You achieve!
Whoever You are!
There is no freedom in our nature!
Kin after kin, and day after day.
We were waiting. Searching for answers.
Admiring sharp signs on a liquid horizon.
Prophetic words, ominous phenomena,
and the wise Mayans´ calculations
betrayed their own destiny.
Failed us!

Some had prepared for this show.
Dug their salvation underground.
Concrete paradise raised for the chosen ones.
Deep enough to be deaf, bury remorses on the surface.
Blind enough no wander in the dark of own madness.

Prophetic words, ominous phenomena,
and the wise Mayans´ calculations
betrayed their own destiny.
Failed us!

I´ve never known our beginning,
but I´ve found the end.
Doom lies in every creature
under the human crest.

I´m writhing among my brothers.
Vigilant and distrustful.
Enemy among predators.
Always traced by the others.
Hatching the lifeshel,
that I used to wear,
absorbing paramorphosed reality.

No one will lead the blind!
No one will call the numb!
Follow superior´s principles.
No prayers, our silence is out speech.
No bread, our fear is our feed.
No light, our blindness is our hope.
No warmth, our coldness is our force.

God left! There is no Eden.
The sky struggled with ash. Disappeared.
Lungs taste the venomous air.
the curse of cannibalistic breath.
We are existing in phantasmagoric hell.
Limits of human creation,
crossed at every point.

Moral schism, images of decay.
The coma is wrapping me up
cocooning senses in a catatonic shell.
The pallid chamber-extinction stench.

The pallid chamber-extinction stench.
Awakening in Fire-Imago in Death.
We are the burning nation,
the torches of absent light.

In forge of this flame
I hammered out my wings,
spread wide towards the freedom.
Grey wings covered with dust.

God left. There is no Eden.
The sky struggled with ash. Disappeared.
Lungs taste the venomous air.
The coma is wrapping me up
cocooning senses in a catatonic death!
The creative urge, the urge to destroy.
The black flag of the chaos star,
flown to quake our lusts
The energy locked in the primal source leaks into the mind.
Features combined to divide.
Tangled elements and the fortune
power the cruel universe.
Death drives the vicious circle.
Perfection was just the beginning.
The code bound to collapse or something that never did exist.
The human path brought the shame,
a track figure, the defunct species, Æonian discord!
The Defect that gives birth to divinity.
Worship derived from silence.
The powers that be arise. The voiceless serfdom.
The incarnation of impossible dreams.

Minds fed from the one and only source.
Anti-attitude is a calculated effect...
so who pulls the strings?
the noises is hidden deep inside us ALL.

The creative urge, the urge to destroy.
The black flag of the chaos star,
flown to quake our lusts
The energy locked in the primal source leaks into the mind.
Features combined to divide.
Tangled elements and the fortune
power the cruel universe.
Death drives the vicious...
You´ve got control, learnt ably the principle -
"The bigger always devour the small"
Never a servant, acting more like a demigod!
Exposed power led you to the throne
Vulnerable minds - weak ones asserted you on
Bloodstained ties strengthened your name
Made them feel fright - afraid of death!
Feed them with fear like you feed them with bread

Death sets the value on the world!
Religion´s price, authorities, taste of flesh
Death is our favourite dope

You waste life to reach higher and higher
Feeling immortal, the man who´ll never expire
Remember time is the reaper, it will bury us all
The hooded end and nothing more than a fragile body and a mortal soul
Hourglass of a hundred years, everything turns into ash
Your all empires will fall with the last of the rotten cells
What is your heritage ?

Death sets the value on the world!
Religion´s price, authorities, taste of flesh
Death is our favourite dope

Mother of life, the mother of pain, the birth of chaos, the harmony of fate
The fatal blood, the bond we can´t avoid! Search for the aeons lost in her name
The doomed game but worth the show - begins her dance, let the dice be thrown!
The worship of life drives the destiny´s course, the cult of death kills the remorse
The plague of our era, parasites batten on us
Chosen to spread delusion, monkeys of a self-made God
The cult of puppets, idols, forged in the artful hands
Hands which pull the strings - the strings attached to weak brain!

Kill this cult!
Cult of lies..
Cult of scars..
Divine falseness

Kill this cult! Cult of lies
I burn your symbols and spit in your faith
Take all this shit and go back to your hell!

Wallow in filth - the great cult of sin
Only one dogma - Their immunity!
Holiness on the charlatan�s face
Threaten with damnation, summon Lucifer

Kill this cult!
Cult of lies..
Cult of scars..
Divine falseness

Kill this cult! Cult of lies
I burn your symbols and spit in your faith
Take all this shit and go back to your... Go back to your hell!

Kill this cult! Cult of lies
I burn your symbols and spit in your faith
Take all this shit and go back to your hell!

Kill this cult!
Cult of lies!
I take your lies and stick them back in your throats
Drink the blood your Gods spilled and fucking choke!!!
The heavy crown of the kings
The confidante of their unabashed plans

A scepter broken in a wolfish grip
Ancient insignia of a lost intent
Is this the burden carried for power ?
A bludgeon crafted to crush heads or just the blind man´s golden cane ?

There is no power coming from gods
There is no providence for the chosen ones!
There is no servant created to serve!
Flesh equals flesh like man equals man
The greedy ego tips the fate´s scales!

Old sages say - in the land of the eyeless
One eye is enough to reach the abandoned throne
Always wash blood with water. Never with another bloodshed
Dark fruit of the wisdom born in the masterminds

There is no power coming from gods
There is no providence for the chosen ones!
There is no servant created to serve!
Flesh equals flesh like man equals man
The greedy ego tips the fate´s scales!

Blinded queen leads the Cyclops
Cyclops lead the visionless folk
Blind men´s shoulders, not titans
Carry the weight of this world!

Queen Themis covers her terrified eyes
Words shaped in peace, the peace after war
Her hand of justice wields a double-edged sword
If I could take this blade
And carve the eye out deep in their heads
Pierce dormant minds awake and illume
Raise the one-eyed nation, a race built on truth

There is no power coming from gods
There is no providence for the chosen ones!
There is no servant created to serve!
Flesh equals flesh like man equals man
The greedy ego tips the fate´s scales!
Since I remember, every eye´s burnt with wrath
Since I remember, every hand´s been stained with crime
Since I remember, every word´s dripped with lies
Since I remember, every step´s been a risk
We´ve been the hate´s alchemists
The great violent search for shimmering release
Death, fear and anger are the perfect recipe!

I´ve fallen and crawled through the ages in nowhere land
Blind, suffocated by submissive life
Prolonged lethargy grows like a claw
Then breeds anger, cuts the bonds
The human swarm full of spikes, sting without mercy every time

I slotted into the order of this severe world
I bred my anger, my dormant arm
Sculpted in the lurid forge of my fears
Hounded mind reached into the darkness sphere
The inside fury gained with every wound, the latent fuse, the bomb inside
I slowly enter the fragile Ground
Sanity stands against the wrath
I´m getting closer to the anger line

Closer than ever to slake the urge
Curiously staring at what is beyond the line
Too many years, too many scars...
Pointless awaiting just whets appetite
Sinners, the cursed ones, temptingly calling my fucking name
Just a few steps forward to feel released
Just a couple moves to awake the beast!
Closer than ever, closer to hell
I walk into shadow, the valley of the damned
I scarify my brain with memories
The intensive taste of yesterday�s air
The breath of freedom, the breath of fate
Distance between million names and places
The touch of native life, the culture�s spell
I�m a man born to settle but with soul born to stray

The source of my being, the core of this path
I�m raising my army stronger than death

The sacred art of waiting, humble votary
Time leaks through the days lost in dissolving dates
The hour of sacrum. The sacrum of stage
Sweet mantra of life, the cure that revives!
I morph into the shaman performing the rite
Trance of the screaming faces, the voice of my tribe
Mellifluous prayer that will never fade
Hear the common rhythm pulsating in our veins

The source of my being, the core of this path
I�m raising my army stronger than death

I�m digging my earth scar. Step after step
Against everything I follow my fate
I�m digging, my earth scar till I dig my grave
Wherever I�ll fall, I�ll fall as a fulfilled man!

I�m digging my earth scar. Step after step
Against everything I follow my fate

My fate!
My fate!
My fate!
The welkin disappeared
There is no horizon
The sun, the primeval mother, abandoned us
It despairingly burns behind the shroud
The pervasive shroud of the deathly ash
The orphaned nature, the last vital sign
Fades out in the shadow, burying the old vivid earth
I knew that even light needs darkness to shine
But learnt that every darkness always kills the light

Heavy clouds went grey and down
Crushing lungs with acid air
This isn�t home!
This is the civilization�s grave

This place smells of grimness and fear
The great vigil of the pending extinction
Words spat out from the prophet�s mouth
Always tasted so dire, now taste so familiar

Heavy clouds went grey and down
Crushing lungs with acid air
This isn�t home!
This is the civilization�s grave

Wean off being "human" with every single breath
We perish in a concrete gas chamber
Inhaling the self-prepared fate!
Black visions went real, more real than we�d thought
We were born as free men but the world we have forged
Negates the perfect plan and forces us to crawl

Life - death�s hybrids slouching around
Prosopagnosia? Everywhere same blurry faces
Faces hidden behind the masks - the failed escape
Masks saving life or just protracting the end!