

Año de formación


País de origen

When you think everybody's fine
Then it starts cracking she flies up in the sky
Taking the souls away from hell living in her dark dark place
Trying to be the most evil witch in this town she says it's nothing but luck
Must be a liar fight the power
She never takes no for an answer she always get what she wants
She doesn't realize she's a whipping queen what else do you want

To those who accept the following lies construct their own reality
So farewell is what you away rubbing eyes with Satan
Scheming in the darkness you know your lady love you wished you had never kissed
She never takes no for an answer she always get what she wants
She doesn't realize she's a whipping queen what else do you want
Did you win the lotto and you said she's a whore
By my life but it is cannot tell our soon survival
Well it might be a thing
Time to think about this well it might be

You never said on the question I could be free
You'd never need anyone to help you do away with me
Death and domination
I just want to breathe
Please don't do away with me
I want to love
Death and domination

So now I take your life to see whose a thief
I can't let you take my clothes, because I was all weak
I can't let get you near my life you said you're cursed
Now your life is mine to sell who is the worst
When you feel no mercy and you want to kill
Going to take a little something because she wants the thrill
Wanting something for nothing pay the price for pain
There were six physicians and they were all insane

We are warlords right here spreading hatred and fear
I think it brightens our world when you walk out the car
When you feel the fear, and you want to run getting chased by a lady
Wish you had a gun it questions the law we're all full of greed.
We're all senseless and liars and lawless spreading like a disease.
There are warlords right here spreading hatred and fear
I think it brightens our world when you walk out the door
Join the prince of darkness give it a try
any of the witches would like to come and ride
Talk it slow sacrifice a demon
Pay the price with a sacrifice dying by his hand in league with Satan
pay the price with a sacrifice dying by his hand
Go to hell dying by his hand

Die by his hand to live on Satan's land
There is no life or birth the undead walk the earth
Die by his hand to live on Satan's land
There is no life or birth the undead walk the earth

Decay down to the grave in league with Satan
Pay the price with a sacrifice dying by his hand
Go to hell dying by his hand

Black magic rites on this black evil night
Begin with the slice of the blade
Metal and blood come together as one
Onlookers they gasp in dismay
Taste the sweet blood of one another
Sharing without any greed
Bang you head as if up from the dead
Intense metal is all that you need

Murder in the front row
Crowd begins to bang
And there's blood upon the stage
Bang you head against the stage
And metal takes its price
Bonded by blood

Metal takes hold death starts to unfold
It's loud like the worlds at an end
Your in a blood fury the metal won't stop
Onlookers they bang at command
Cutting your palm and drinking your blood
The power that few others dare
You feed the need to go out and kill
The same need that your blood brother shares

Murder in the front row crowd begins to bang
And there's blood upon the stage
Bang your head against the stage
And metal takes its price
Bonded by blood
It starts with life, a way to live
I love the sound of pain
The more it hurts the better I feel
The world will fall insane
It comes to me late late at night
When I feel like being cruel
Whip out the chains and get the knife
And slay some innocent fool

Get in our way and we're going to take your life
Kick in your face and rape and murder your wife
Plunder your town your homes they'll burn to the ground
You won't hear a sound until my knife's in your back
The exodus attack

The filthy sound of death and pain
Brings pleasure that I need
The rotting hide the burning flesh
The smell and I agree
Bloody corpse makes me feel great
Painkiller in my life
Cut bare flesh to the bone
Use a rusty knife

Get in our way and we're going to take your life
Kick in your face and rape and murder your wife
Plunder your town your homes they'll burn to the ground
You won't hear a sound until my knife's in your back
And the exodus attack

Buzzards eat as well as worms
Nature s death machines
Pin you on the desert floor
Now you re hell's cuisine
I tell you all it's the way to live
Get stronger on death glory
Infringing on sacrificial rites
Death's your final story
Wars coming start running
Eyes blinded by the nuclear blast
Hearts beating retreating
All around are bodies burned to ash
Children crying and people dying
No salvation from this holocaust
Bodies burning and now their learning
In war painful death's the bloody cost

Life ends in sin
God cries world dies

And then there were none
The world starts to burn
The world powers learn
The satans work is done

Wheels grinding the glare's blinding
Bullets flying all around your head
Tanks crushing and soldiers rushing
If you live you'll wish that you were dead
Stop praying there's no saving
No salvation from your fiery grave
Brains swelling bodies smelling
And Satan comes to see that no one's saved
If you got something to say
Then come my way
I'm guarded by Satan
I'm riding on Baphomet
I'll teach you a lesson in violence
You won't soon forget

The pleasure of watching you die
Is what I will get

Fight - for what you believe to be right
Crushing with all your might
I laugh at their pitiful cries
They run from the fire in my eyes

Nothing can save them now

You've learned a lesson in violence
Get on your knees and bow
Or learn a lesson in violence
I love to stab my victims
Until they're dead
A knife to the throat
Or a smashing blow to the head
I'm judge and jury
My sentence has just been passed
Step into the circle of hell
If you think you can last

Fight for what you believe to be right
Crushing with all your might
I laugh at their pitiful cries
They run from the fire in my eyes

Nothing can save them now
You've learned a lesson in violence
Get on your knees and bow
Or learn a lesson in violence
Your gathered here tonight
To heed our metal. cry
Obeying all. our wills
All others you defy
A wall of sonic sound
With amps turned up to ten
Our legions are advancing
To battle once again

Fists are in the air. banging everywhere
Thrashing to the sound faces melting down
It s time to fight for metal tonight
Bangers take your stand and obey
Our metal command

We go from town to town
And leave a trail of death
And if you don't surrender

You'll breathe you final breath
There will be no survivors
No prisoners of war
Join our ranks or perish

We'll slice you to the core

Fists are in the air thrashing everywhere
Banging to the sound, faces melting down
It s time to fight for metal tonight
Bangers take your stand and obey
Our metal command

Our legions show no mercy
The final hour nears
Sonic blast deafening
It's ripping through your ears
There is no retribution
For those who do not dare
There's only execution
Your dead without a prayer
Slicing jaws a way of life
Brought up to waste mankind
Loki's pets his little children
Deadly every time

Trapped in swamps by gates of hell

Don't ever: let them out
For if you do and they escape
You'll fight a bloody bout

Piranha kill in a pack - you'll run
Piranha start to attack - you'll done
If you think you can beat - deadly school
If you think you can live - you're a fool

Gates of hell are old and cracked
They tumble and they fall
Out rush a bloody wall of death
To kill anything at all
Their sole mission is t0 kill
Strip your bones and flesh
Rip out your eyes tear off your face
An agonizing death

Piranha kill in a pack - you'll run
Piranha start to attack - you're done
If you think you can beat - deadly school
If you think you can live - you're a fool
Come into my home
Black master rules the night
See the power start to surge
Upon a hellish sight
It's time to raise them up
Up from below the grave
White bones glow savagery
Provide the light we crave

Turn to look at baphomet
From below and not above
Welcome to my sacrifice
Tonight there'll be no love

The darkness is my lover
She makes he feel strong
Take what I want, when I want
At night I do no wrong
When I walk the streets:
Got Loki on my side
Slit your throat, drink your blood
Who cares when others die

Turn to look at baphomet
From below and not above
Welcome to my sacrifice
Tonight there'll be no love

You thought you'd live for oh 50 long
Now it's your turn to die
Live with Satan down in hell
Born to forever cry
Took your life I don't feel bad
Born to live in hell
Died for nothing. slow decay
Your body starts to smell
In my grave down below
Hell's fire starts to glow

My prayers have now been heard
By my lord, my god. master Lucifer
There is no life or birth
When the undead walk the earth
Unholy blaspheme and torment
Are now set free.

Lead us into temptation
A reign of terror will begin
Deliver us to evil
We promise death, world's end

Incubus in the sky
Pentagram held high
Hell's filth hounds begin to bark
The bells begin to tone
Virgin lies in blood
The blood was once her own
The redness and the horror of blood
Swept acro55 the land I stood

Lead us into temptation
A weigh of terror will begin
Deliver us to evil
We promise death, world's end

Black prince of hell
In fire he reigns
Your god above wrapped up in chains
There is no love
When works collide
Deliver us to evil
When god has died

I laugh while they cry
Their fears build up inside
In their confusion they try to run
But it's no use, my work is done
Slow death is the price
For living such wasted lives
Their bodies they burn and bleed
Until they bow, my word they heed
You've led us into temptation
Our reign of terror has begun
Deliver us to evil
Prince of hell
Satan's son
Walking down the backstreets
The noon is full and high
You feel your body start to sweat
Someone's about to die
You turn around and run
It's the only thing to do
Someone's about to die
And that someone... is you

Time to run or fight
Off the strike of the beast

You hear the creature's hooves
Start to echo through your brain

You fear the demon's hellish howl

It makes you go insane
You smell the creature's fowl stench
Laced with death and waste
Don't lose your mind he's right behind
Breathing fire in your face

Time to run or fight
Off the strike of the beast
If you fail you'll be
The hellish demon's feast

Black as night he begins his flight
Wings outstretched in the cold
Glowing eyes, he wears no disguise
His evil has yet to be told
Breathing fire the beast is flying higher
Now he swoops down on his prey
All the world a horrid mess
Leaving black earth in decay

The beast prepares for battle
And you prepare to die
The blood running down your throat
Dulls you woeful cry
You can feel the power rage within your soul
When you die you go to hell and live... forevermore
Voices inside my head are making me go mad
Now I'm afraid to sleep from nightmares that I've had
I feel I'm on the edge, I need some kind of cure
Now I've gone and killed someone, I'm mentally disturbed!

They can't keep me locked away
My psychiatrist says I'm ok
They think that they've got me trained
But I know I'm really deranged!

Arrested for murder, my casecomes to trial
Prosecution's accusing me of things sick and vile
I admit I'm guilty, but plead insanity
Six months at Bellevue, then I'm walking free

They can't keep me locked away
My psychiatrist says I'm ok
They think that they've got me trained
But I know I'm really deranged!

They want to calm me so they feed me thorazine
It doesn't make me calmer, it only makes me mean
Now they let me loose, back in society
With some psychiatric help and a lobotomy
But I've got them fooled, I'm playing at their game
I'm more psycho than before, I don't even know my name
I know they should have killed me when they had the chance
But the system let me off with a little song and dance!
There's some that say we won't last
Say that we could never beat the the odds
But we just look at them and laugh
As the pressure surges through our heads so strong
The heavy side of life
Keeps us going day by day
Our enemies we won't forgive
Condemn them to a life of pain

Can't you guess what this has done to us?
It gave us power! It's a way of life!
There's no separation
Total annihilation
Crushing through creation
'Til death do us part!

Gathered crushing force of one
Eluding all the basic obstacles
But we're all in this game for fun
So say fuck off to your politics!
We write the songs we want
And spell it out the way it is
Our music is not a front
It's all about the way we live!

Can't you guess what this has done to us?
It gave us power! It's a way of life!
There's no separation
Total annihilation
Crushing through creation
'Til death do us part!
A distant hum
Cuts right through the skies
Calling my attention I look up
I can't believe my eyes
Thousands and thousands
Hungry for our minds
They're biting, eating and controlling
Anything they find

Coming down from behind
They've got no care for our kind
See the world bending down
On it's knees

Run-but you can't hide
Blood-coming from inside
My mind-doesn't know wrong from right

A million more
Coming after me
They thrive on insecticide
They live on DDT
No poison can defeat
The never ending swarm
They'll eat you from insdie out
You'll wish you were never born

Coming down from behind
They've got no care for our kind
See the world bending down
On it's knees

Run-but you can't hide
Blood-coming from inside
My mind-doesn't know wrong from right

run-but you can't hide
Blood-sucked from inside
My mind-doesn't know wrong from right

Now they're living in my brain
I'm destroying at their cue
A violent reaction starts within
And now I'm after you!
I'll grab you by your head
and split your skull open wide
The infestation in complete
You're dead but yet alive!

Coming down from behind
They've got no care for our kind
See the world bending down
On it's knees

Run-but you can't hide
Blood-coming from inside
My mind-doesn't know wrong from right
Your body lies without a twitch-can't move
Feeling gone, nothing to say or do
Still alive but you can't think or see
You're looking like a vegetable to me

The darkness lives forever
Within your mind

Time rolls by and you never paid the cost
Without your mind your body-it's lost
Should we help to keep you alive?
Now's the time to help you

The darkness lives forever
Within your mind
No dreams, no thoughts it's only
Endless time

Brain dead
Brain dead
Brain dead

Brain dead
Brain dead
Brain dead
Brain dead
Brain dead
Brain dead
Brain dead
Brain dead
Brain dead
Rode up on my steed, dirty and mean
My eyes filled with intent to kill
Came in with the dust, a look of disgust
The sting of the whip's burning still
A crowd of young punks, all getting drunk
Think they are fast as can be
But what they don't, my guns will show
I'm faster than they'll ever be

Sweat pouring out of my face
So many years that I've had to wait
Now when you're ready to draw
Sound of my gun, you're gone!
Drifting around
From high plains to town
The trail of death leads to me
The speed of the hand
Is faster than you'll ever live to be

With fire in my eye, I'll make hot lead fly
No one's a match for me
I'll blow your head off and make sure you're dead
Then pillage on your family
The scars on my back bring memories back
Of hell in a younger year
I'll hunt out the best and lay them to rest
I am the west's worst fear!

Sweat pouring out of my face
So many years that I've had to wait
Now when you're ready to draw
Sound of my gun, you're gone!

You run but you're too slow
You're all out of breath and there's nowhere to go
Now when it's your time to die
No one will hear your cry!

Drifting around
From high plains to town
The trail of death leads to me
The speed of the hand
Is faster than you'll ever live to be
Smell of death lurks around the place
Human need, unholy race
See the bloody pile of bones
The night is filled with hellish moans
It's been around for oh so long
At dawn of time they sang their song
The need to eat the human flesh
The strength it gives to pass the test

Feel the power
Of your unholy death
To live

Ther is no law, it's time to fight
A brutal hunt every night
Life grows through hounds of flesh
A stronger soul from another death
Hidden back, yet deep within
Jungle's there, it's always been
Hunt at night to stalk their prey
Kill and eat it before it's day

Feel the power
Of your unholy death
To live

Dead bodies lie where they fed
Half eaten carcass stained red
Hunting parties come to call
Leaving nothing, they take it all
There's no need to change their ways
Blood and money, it always pays
Don't disturb their solitude
Or the next victim will be you!

Feel the power
Of your unholy death
To live

Hatred is spreading like the plague
The fuse is cut the line's been frayed
The third world's a time bomb ready to blow
Soon the earth will explode!

How can we help you
If you don't know
The ending of the fate?
Would you help us
Raise the terror
Against the seeds of hate

Martyrs dying for their cause
Giving their lives to take ours
Believing that what they do is right
But now we'll help them see the light

How can we help you
If you don't know
The ending of the fate?
Would you help us
Raise the terror
Against the seeds of hate

Innocent victims cry out in pain
Nations are under attack
Tension and anger are building within
Now is the time to fick back
Helpless civilians they hope for solutions
To problems that have to be solved
Now's the time for action, no time for retraction
Now you will stand
Or you will fall!
Politicians, they're all on the take
Toxic polliters, leave cancer in their wake
Campaign contributions are nothing more bribes
Pockets growing, fatter at the expense of all our lives

Now we'll grab them by their white collar
And throw them in the waste
Look at them floating in the cess
They're such a fucking disgrace!

They just want
To make another buck
They couldn't care what happens
They wouldn't give a fuck
Their big house way up on a hill
Was paid for in death
It's chemi-kill!

They don't know what to do with it
They don't want to keep it around
So they pull up behind my back door
And bury it underground
We scream and yell but they just laugh
On the way to make a withdrawal
But we've got to ram it down their throats
Make them eat it all

Now we'll grab them by their white collar
And throw them in the waste
Look at them floating in the cess
They're such a fucking disgrace!

They just want
To make another buck
They couldn't care what happens
They wouldn't give a fuck
Their big house way up on a hill
Was paid for in death
It's chemi-kill!

Babies are lying in their womb
Dying in their private tomb
Born retarded, crippled and lame
But they say they're not to blame
Tumors are growing in my spleen
The children are turning green
We're dropping one by one
Is this the end of all our fun?
How can they get
Away with this?
We take them to court
But it gets dismissed
They've bought off the judge
So he throws out the case
Ther goes the human race!
So you think you're good and ready?
If you do your bubble is gonna burst
We're getting whipped into a frenzy
And you're the one we'll punish first
We've got our muscles pumped and primed
To release our devastating force
Non-stop unrelenting aggression
To us is par for the course!

I hate to love
And love to hate
There's no need to negotiate
So choose your weapon
And choose your fate
It doesn't matter 'cause by then
It's too late!
We'll deliver an assault to your senses
And drive you into the ground
You can rely on us for action
Never stop or slow down
Always running into danger
Taking the lion by the throat
Obeying no law but our own
Violence is what we promote!

I hate to love
And love to hate
There's no need to negotiate
So choose your weapon
And choose your fate
It doesn't matter 'cause by then
It's too late!
The prison system, inherently unjust and inhumane
Is the ultimate expression of injustice
and inhumanity in the society at large.
Those of us on the outside do not like
to think of wardens and guards as our surrogates, yet they are.
And they are intimately locked in a deadly embrace
with their human captives behind prison walls.
By extension, so are we.
The terrible double meaning is thus imparted
to the original question of human ethics
"Am I my brother's keeper?"

The second of February, 1980
Began three days of misery
A scene of retaliation
Epitomizing violence, horror, and vindication
Thieves, murderers, and rapists
Inundated their prison like homicidal sadists
Guards and convicts alike would pay the price
To them the electric chair would look like paradise
Only degradation, torture, and cremation would suffice

A sea of agony rolled in like the coming of the tide
The more fortunate escaped the insanity through suicide
The screams of the dying would haunt the living to the grave
Survivors of the riot relive the nightmare every day
The last act of defiance

With a never-ending appetite
Barbiturates set them off like dynamite
Eradicating informants
Acetylene torches dealt the punishment
Melted from skin to bone
The fire silenced their screams to moans
Smoke filled the air from bodies set aflame
Begging for mercy, but their words were spoken in vain
They weren't allowed to perish until they cherished all the pain

Guards they had taken hostage
Were to blame for pushing them over the edge
Their brutality would be their demise
Like sharks in a frenzy they lashed out at their prize
When the madness had ended
The gore was too intense to be comprehended
No one explained the real reason why
For cruelty of a few, so many should die
They knew of the flaws, but still insist the cause was justified
When the missiles are falling, and the reaper comes calling
You had better kiss your ass goodbye
Atomic detonation, mass immolation
Without a warning, all your memories will die
So try to relax, face up to the facts
You'll either die or the fallout will rot you in your tracks
There'll be no tomorrow, only pain and sorrow
'Cause our futures in the hands of a raving madman

They spend all their time building missiles so people die
What kind of life do you expect for us to live?
We're angered by fear, because the time is near
When some lunatic will finally pull the plug
And forever after, you can hear the laughter
World's being plastered by an evil bastard
Exterminating faster, devastating plaster
Fabulous disaster
Now you can see, what this all means to me
When the bomb
Comes falling

Now the reaper has called, but do you have the balls
To sit there or stand up and fight?
Try to make a note, it's your right to vote
To keep these fucking assholes in line
It will always be the same 'cause they lie in their campaigns
Promise through their teeth for total world peace
So we know it's not the truth, they should call Dr.Ruth
On how to give the people the real big screw

They spend all their time building missiles so people die
What kind of life do you expect for us to live?
We're angered by fear, because the time is near
When some lunatic will finally pull the plug
And forever after, you can hear the laughter
World's being plastered by an evil bastard
Exterminating faster, devastating plaster
Fabulous disaster
Now you can see, what this all means to me
When the bomb
Comes falling
Fall Down
Here's a new dance craze that's sweeping the nation
It's called the toxic waltz and it's causing devastation
You're jumping up and down like a psycho circus clown
Slamming with waltzers all the way around
You get caught up in the whip
You're thrown into a flip
You aim for someone's head
To stain the floor red
Give someone a kick
To prove you're truly sick
Bounce back from some blows
And blood runs out your nose

Flailing round and round
And you're injury bound
Waltz it up!
The pit is it!
You can take your chance
On this rough new dance
If you dare!
To dive in!
There are some that try
But they won't survive
They don't hit!
'Cause they're wimps!
And this exercise
Helps you brutalize
With us!

Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Kick your friend in the head and have a ball
Come on and do the toxic waltz
And slam your partner against the wall
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Good friendly violent fun in store for all
Get up off your ass and toxic waltz
If you hit the floor you can always crawl!

Used to do the monkey, but now it's not cool
The twist and mash potato are no exception to the rule
So don't be a dunce and dance like a runt
Just throw your elbows with good friendly violent fun
Don't start to cry
If you get a black eye
Just dive back in
And give another try
But too much action
May leave you in traction
So you better get insurance
No matter your endurance!

Flailing round and round
And you're injury bound
Waltz it up!
The pit is it!
You can take your chance
On this rough new dance
If you dare!
To dive in!
There are some that try
But they won't survive
They don't hit!
'Cause they're wimps!
And this exercise
Helps you brutalize
With us!

Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Kick your friend in the head and have a ball
Come on and do the toxic waltz
And slam your partner against the wall
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Good friendly violent fun in store for all
Get up off your ass and toxic waltz
If you hit the floor you can always crawl!

Get up on your feet
Don't look so obsolete
And thrash like an athlete!
Don't sit there on your ass
Don't look like you've got too much class
You'll be harassed!
You know we guarantee
This is the key
So rage or get the third degree!
You begin frontal assaults
And start your somersaults
And do the toxic waltz!
Do the toxic waltz!
All my friends
Own a low rider
Low rider
Is a little higher

Low rider
Drives a little slower
Low rider
Is a little lower

Low rider
Don't use no gas now
Low rider
Don't drive too fast

Take a little trip and see
Take a little trip with me
Down in the bayou where the alligators roam
Live some people, you leave them alone
Getting lost may be your last mistake
Unfriendly strangers, unkindly they take
Living off the fat of the land
They hold their justice in the palm of their hand
Lay down your gun and surrender quiet
Or there's gonna be a Cajun riot

Danger in the swamp, that waits for you
There's nothing left that you can do
Better watch your back, for the vicious attack
'Cause they'll be looking for you
Playing with your life, for your life is too short
Pain is too good for you
Your last breath, is all you have left
Take it before you're doomed
Cajun hell
Before you're doomed

Raising hell, and they're ready for fighting
Huntin' gators and drinking white lightning
Brewin' moonshine at a still in the swamp
Playing Creole from dusk until dawn
Protect their own is the law of the land
Mess with their law it will get out of hand
Keep it in mind if you're ever down there
It might be fatal, you better beware
Spare the rod, spoil the child
Daddy's boy's been too wild
His discipline's taught with a strap
No sweet song on father's lap
He always said that men don't cry
But burns and bruises seldom lie
Dad learned his lesson well
Spitting image of a man in hell

Brought up in a home where love's replaced by pain
And when he's on his own he's sure to do the same
Expressing his feelings not with love but with his fists
The pattern of hurting began generations before

Like father, like son
Another life has begun
The punishing ways that you choose
You were always born to lose
Like father, like son
A war you've never won
Please Daddy, no more...
Please Daddy, no more!

The circle continues of violence passed down
All there is hope for is a tear from a clown
Hoping someday that this torture will end
To prison or death I hope you will be sent

Now do you feel like your life is on hold?
Maybe you've come to the end of your road
Admitting your sins may be your sacrifice
To stop all this pain to your son and your wife
The lowest form of life that's crawling in our streets
From seedy dope pushers to the politicians we meet
The sorry religious vomit that infests in our TVs
The weapons that we sell to the trash in the middle east
Murderous drug smugglers pay their way to pass
They look the other way when they take the kickback
We've got to put a stop to this senseless bullshit
Take all these people and throw them in the pit

Let us know - where our tax dollars are spent
Tell us how - how much it costs to repent
Time has come - for us to take a stand
Let us know - when you meet our demands

You can take this all to hell
Shove it up your ass where the sun ain't shining
We know now what it takes to defend
If disaster strikes then they'll be hiding
You can take this all to hell
Shove it up your ass where the sun ain't shining
We know now what it takes to defend
If disaster strikes, then they'll be hiding

From laundering money to hookers on the make
There's always a scandal, someone's on the take
They payoff for secrets, sell plans to a spy
They cover their asses and say it's a lie
Society cries when the vermin go free
When they're done, what's left for me?
This social disorder that's causing us pain
Indecent disease, it's they who are to blame
Every time I see your grinning face
I realize you're a pitiful disgrace
So many fingers pointing down at you
Talking behind your back and you don't have a clue
Parading around like you think you're god
You're just a cheap imitation, a complete and total fraud
I'm sick of hearing all your bragging and your lies
A real born loser and that's no surprise

You said your father died in Vietnam
But you're a bastard son with a whore for a mom
Mirror magnet, smelling like a rose
You plastic motherfucker, all you do is pose
Conceited, self-righteous, and arrogant
Your head is so hollow there's enough room to rent
Little big man, so full of shit
Just shut up, you damn hypocrite

Verbal razors - cut you down to size
I'm sick of wading through your bullshit
I see through your disguise
Verbal razors - slice you to the bone
You've been abandoned
And now you're all alone

You lost your job because you're incompetent
Everybody hates you, your friends all came and went
The facade is getting old, we're hip to your charade
You mother has disowned you, your wife's out getting laid
Evicted from your condo, now you're living in a shack
Sitting on your ass shooting up and smoking crack
Now look in the mirror, and tell me what you see
A strung-out junkie with a college degree!

Nobody cares if you're alive or dead
We've had enough of being used and misled
You've pissed on everyone you've ever met
Now you're digging through the trash looking for a cigarette
No one's there to lend you a hand
You better help yourself, 'cause I hope you understand
Self-centered, back-stabbing egotist
Don't fuckin' ask for favors, 'cause you're on my blacklist
Feelings cold as ice, I never, never think twice
Hunting down my prey - they die
Cross my line of death and there's nothing else left
Any way you choose - you lose
Architect of pain, deadly is my middle name
And I'm living proof - crime pays
I'm a psychopath and I create the aftermath
That sets the sun forever - on you

Haven't you figured out it open season?
I'll track you down and kill you for no apparent reason
Running like a frightened little rabbit would run
I won't be satisfied
Until you're nullified
Before my eyes

It's open season on you

Calling the police and I'm gonna pull my piece
Your heart's gonna cease - to beat
Just look in my eye, black as pitch to horrify
You can scream and cry - goodbye
It may never last and I blame it on the past
Being told to kill - at will
Shivers down my spine when the victim is all mine
You begin to beg - for help

Haven't you figured out it open season?
I'll track you down and kill you for no apparent reason
Running like a frightened little rabbit would run
I won't be satisfied
Until you're nullified before my eyes

Intoxicating, invigorating
It's open season on you

Go ahead and run, the chase is always fun
But the kill is the icing on the cake
A curtain of red from my hailstorms of lead
Will rain on you as you die
Your face will be spewing chunks of bloody ruin
Your baby face will be a gory mask
My personal crusade is to see that you are flayed
And my hunting knife will complete the task
I never smoked with no cigarettes
I never drank much booze
But I'm only a man, don't you understand
And a man can sometimes lose
You gave me something I never had
Pulled me down with you
Pulled me up, think I'm in love
Hope you can pull me through

I overdosed on you
I overdosed on you
Crazy but it's true
Ain't nothing I can do
I overdosed on you

Oh woman you give to me
More than I can take
But listen honey, I don't mind
You're a habit I don't want to break
Don't want none of that hard stuff
Don't need it anymore
I'm in love, and I'm sinking fast
And I don't need no cure

Gee I was happy as a man could be
To far gone to escape
Power of love, don't pull me off
Just write on my grave:
You wouldn't take a taxi
You said you couldn't stay
You drink and drink and drive
Almost every day
Your life speeds through your mind
Faster than you drive
Living on a shoestring
All your fucking life
Your friends say you need help
You tell them that you're fine
As you tip the bottle
And swallow some cheap wine
You're a living time bomb
Waiting to explode
You'll just be a statistic
When you're dead and cold!

Every time you drink and drive
You always think that you'll survive
Till your car is crushed and bent
Impact is imminent
Sirens fill the streets aloud
It always draws the biggest crowd
They peel your body off cement
Impact is imminent!

The daily obituaries reveal
More and more fools climbed behind the wheel
Thinking they were sober enough to drive
They didn't know they'd never come back alive
A bad case of double vision
Led straight onto a head-on collision
Passed out and crossed the double line
How can anyone be so asinine?

Blind drunk and hauling ass
He got airborne off an overpass
He never knew he left the ground
Like a warhead target bound
You can't correct your fatal mistake
When you're the guest of honor at your own wake
Thought he could fly till he hit cement
Impact is imminent!

Drunken time bombs set to detonate
When happy hour's over they're off to celebrate
Their vision's but a blur, they barely see the road
Been drinking for so long they're starting to erode
A fucking drunken lush climbs into his car
Kills you in an instant coming from the bar
An alcoholic bum hits you from behind
A child and his mother run down in their prime!
Decorated in war
A.U.S. ambassador
Caught in selling secrets
To a foreign conspirator
Pledged his allegiance to
The red, white and the blue
As government secrets turn to revenue
He shredded documents
Restricted and confident
Then he got caught
The proof was evident
Traitor to the cause
He broke our highest laws
So why is he still greeted
With the big applause?

American disgrace
Patriot gone to waste
He took a little taste
And had to have it all
Betrayed the fatherland
The flag and all for which it stands
Desertion was the plan he chose to call
American disgrace
Patriot gone to waste
Greed was his demise when he took the fall
Betrayed the fatherland
The flag and all for which it stands
Traitor to the cause

Now a media star
The whole thing is so bizarre
How this turncoat's rich from seminars
Paying out their ass to see
A man who sold out to greed
A Benedict Arnold who made the nation bleed
New book's a bestseller
T.V. movie in the cellar
Unpatriotic asshole
Should be a prison dweller
Iron clad alibi
Nothing but a pack of lies
Just another felon
Wearing a disguise!
Look at all the freaks!
Lined up head to head
They wait for out arrival
Some are here for the show
Some are here to watch
And some to preach the bible
Hats off to the faithful
That come to waltz with us
They're doing what they wanna
Come on to the next show
Parade along with us
You won't be forgotten
You won't be forgotten

Listen to the freak show
Shouting to our songs
They sound like charging rhino
A place to meet an old friend
A place to meet some new
You can always follow
You wanna meet the clowns
When the circus comes to town?
Gather all around!
We'll remember all of you
Unless our crew dismembers you!

Come in from hell or wherever you came
Slums of the world are to us all the same
Step up and join us now and don't be afraid
Our party's starting to become a charade!
Lunatics everywhere will all act the same
And when the sideshow starts there's no one to blame
There's no one left, the town is having a raid
They all have joined us in our lunatic parade!

You wanna meet the clowns
When the circus comes to town?
Gather all around!
Come on to the next show
Parade along with us
You won't be forgotten!
Murder, drugs, cash, and greed
It touches everyone and everything
Within the walls there's no escaping the disease
Sidwalks turn to pharmacies
All the pimps and pushers territories
Dollars pouring in from the victims trapped within
Schoolyard's a place of sorrow
Pray your children live to see tomorrow
A place where mothers cry, and kiss their dying sons goodbye
Living in a state of fear
Afraid of everything they see or hear
Someone they love may get shot
For drugs they never even bought!

Violence is a way of life
Revenge delivered with a gun or knife
Paybacks are a bitch
They'll leave you dying in a ditch
Caught in the hypnotic spell
Their life's story they'll never life to tell
In a hazy curtain, they can't see the end is certain
Imprisoned by narcotic chains
Life for some will never be the same
Trapped in walls of glass
Hoping that this all will pass
But some will find their way outside
Face the evil, eyes open wide
Break the bonds that pull you in
Escape the hell that thrives...

Within the walls
Of chaos and despair
Most are unemployed
Living on welfare
Prowling the halls
The vultures come to feed
On the flesh of those
Who are enslaved to the need
The final curtain falls
And no one sheds a fear
Their pleas for help always seem to fall
Upon deaf ears
Within the walls of chaos they forgot
That dignity and sanity
Are things that can't be bought

With every passing day
Another life is cast astray
Wear the wrong colors
And you might get blown away

Turn of a page
Another name's crossed off the list
Shot between the eyes
With a rig clenched in his fist

Driven to the grave
Ruled by need for kicks
Extract their own gold teeth
To satisfy their fix

There's cracks in the foundation
The time will soon arrive
When the walls will crumble down
And bury everyone alive!

Within the walls...
Within the walls of chaos...
Within the walls...
Within the walls of chaos...
Within the walls...
Within the walls of chaos!
All rise and come to order
Bailiff start the video recorder
You've been sworn, what's your complaint?
Speak up son, don't hesitate!
He presided in his courtroom so long ago
He was hanging cowboys for stealing buffalo
Court is adjourned, for his honor's feeling ill
The shaking old relic needs a glycerin pill!

Hang up your rope 'cause you're looking tired
If it was up to me they'd all be fired
Day after day convicting all those liars
This ain't TV jail
It's TV hell!

Believe it or not
Those walking blood clots
Make enough money for a thousand foot yacht
Who in Hollywood
Did they every acquit?
Just senile, judicial idiots
As the drama unfolds
And the law he upholds
If you look real close
You could see him growing mold
Small claims messiah
Is only a pariah to be ridiculed...
Objection Overruled!

All rise as he takes the bench
To hear his old voice make my gut wrench
Silence to those who are in his court
I'm found guilty by his report
No washed-up judge can say to me
The shit he throws arround when he's on TV
What can he fucking do, throw me in jail?
I'd slap out his dentures, post them for bail!

Hang up your robe 'cause you're looking tired
If it was up to me they'd all be fired
Day after day convicting all those liars
This ain't TV jail, it's TV hell!

You lose the case
To a bigger bullshit they you today
When it comes to the end
You tell all of TV land what you've got to say
When you're dead and gone
Will they get another fossil to carry on?
They must go to school
To hand-pick these old fools
I say to you
Objection Overruled!
It's all Perry Mason's fault!
Cat strangling
Sinner, cheater, liar
Made your living till the day you retired
Stealing, taking, using, and abusing
Now for all your sins that you are accused of
Cruelty, greed, dishonesty, and hate
Forever locked outside the pearly gates
Begging, praying, pleading, and bleeding
Won't extinguish the fire you're feeling!
They say when you die you go to hell
But when you're dead it's too late to tell you
You're left to rot in your wooden cell
Am I in Heaven, or am I in Hell?
Am I in Heaven, or am I just in Hell?

Only death decides for sure
Don't you know only death decides...
Where you go!

Pain, sadness, fear
Is all you've ever given throughout the years
Thievery, intimidation, and assault
Tools of the trade until death puts a halt
Because you're deceiving, unfeeling, and misleading
The world is final, there's no use in appealing
The culmination and sudden realization
It's all real, no hallucination!

They say when you die you go to hell
But when you're dead it's too late to tell you
You're left to rot on your wooden cell
Am I in Heaven, or am I in Hell?
Am I in Heaven, or am I just in Hell?

Only death decides where you go?
Can't you see what death decides for me?
You'll never know until death decides!

Dealer, pusher, conniver
It's no surprise you fell paralyzed
Felon, loser, and misuser
You're dead broke, a washed-up boozer
Misery, disaster, catastrophy
Exactly how you knew the end would be
Torture, terror, and nightmare
Is what you'll receive when death comes in three's

They say when you die you go to hell
But when you're dead it's too late to tell you!
You're left to rot in your wooden cell
Am I Heaven, or am I in Hell?
Am I Heaven, or am I just in Hell?

Only death decides for sure
Don't you know only death decides for me?
You'll never know until death decides...
Where you go!
A turn of a card may decide file or death
You better take this lesson from me
Some have it all, then a roll of the dice
Can take them for everything
Night after night you bet all you have
Hoping you won't find yourself in a ditch
More unpaid debts, snake eyes again!

The fever starts to take its toll
You fell your blood begin to boil
When the wheel starts to roll
Don't be late to pay your dues
Or you'll get your concrete shoes
Heads they win, tails you lose.

So let it ride and bet it all
Given any moment you can win or fall
The money you owe, the money you spent
You're caught digging in the jar for this month's rent
They've taken the car you don't pay your debts
They're gonna foreclose on all the rest
How did you get your life in this mess?

Take a good look as you bet your last buck
It comes up tails and you're out of luck
You'd better skip town 'cause your cash has run short
You borrowed from loan sharks and didn't report
Your name's on a hit list all over town
The word on the streets is to bury this clown
Your lease on life is about to expire
The season's all over it's time to retire
Rumanian dictator, emperor for life
Lived a life of luxury shared only by his wife
Growing fat like pigs, eating meals fit for a king
Accumulating assets like none you've ever seen
Now the table's turned, they were stripped of all they owned
The revolution's cast the dictator from the throne
With their execution, so ends the tyranny
Two bullets from a rifle set the people free

Fighting for their rights
They toppled the regime
Pillage all their riches
Left them not a thing
Now they know the feeling
To reap the seeds they've sewn
Banished from the living
When they were overthrown
How did they feed the enormous greed
It took to satisfy their needs?
They drained the country dry
As thousands had to die
But now the monarchy is nullfied!

The changing of the guard
They no longer deal the cards
The world demands democracy
It's the dawning of a time
When the system's redefined
Oppression's now a distant memory
Communism yields to the might the people wield
For a democratic form of government
For their blatant disregard
They have suffered long and hard
It's time for a changing of the guard!

No longer will they rule the land by genocide
The traces of their empire have all been liquefied
Political reform has gotten underway
Now they're free to speak, before they'd only pray
Freedom is contagious, it's spreading far and wide
The Berlin Wall has fallen, there's no need to divide
They walk across a border where many tried and failed
Others died but not in vain, the people have prevailed.

Fighting for their rights
They toppled the regime
Pillaged all their riches
Left them not o thing
Now they know the feeling
To reap the seeds they've sewn
Banished from the living
When they were overthrown
How did they feed the enormous greed
It took to satisfy their needs?
They drained the country dry
As thousands had to die
But now the monarchy is nullified!
We do what we do 'cause we fucking want to
Never give a shit what others say to you
They try to give advice just to find we're cold as ice
Worthless opinions need not be spoken twice
We're proud of what me do, call us Trash we won't argue
We'll never be ashamed if our children ever knew
Forever we'll confirm and we're flattered by the term
Those embarrassed by it never should have tried it!

With my head held high
Standing dignified
I have my integrity
Never gave an inch
And I never flinch
When it came to my loyalty
100% all out nothing less
Aggressive, relentless and mean
When the chips are down
You'll never see us frown
You'll only see
Trash Under Pressure!

Heavy fuckin' sound , pound your head into the ground
Where others try and fail, we're glory bound
It's what we love to hear, we've done it for so many years
Rolling into town and blowing out your ears
Parents are against, they try and keep their children
Fenced in from the world and the evil influence
Like birds of a feather we'll always flock together
We want you to know we'll always thrash forever!
You know that you never gave me a chance to prove myself
And I never thought that my life was worth your wealth
You never said to me anything encouraging that I could see
It's difficult to cure the pain that I've had to endure

I always tried to listen
even when I disagreed with you
Selfish disposition makes it hard
for me to respect anything you do
Then you tried to push me,
but you weren't strong enough to get the job done
Then you tried to hit me,
but the back of your hand just isn't quick enough

You are a thorn in my side,
all my life you never left me alone
Thorn in my side, in your mind you wish I never were born
Thorn in my side, through it all I think you pushed me to fail
Thorn in my side, it's about time you're recognized
for your lies and your worthless alibis

It's been a long time waiting for the judgment day
So I can cast away
The thorn that you stuck so deep inside of me
It's ancient history
You're always acting like a king of kings
Like you were a god
You wear a crown of thorns like a hat on your head
My firing squad will put an end to your facade
Like a thorn in my side
Good Samaritans are something I can't stand
Suppressing their own needs to lend a helping hand
Looking out for number one is my only creed
Self-preservation runs deep in my breed

I, me, mine suits me just fine
I won't even give you the time
Go out and buy your own watch
I ask nothing of you but leave me be

Me, myself and I - Only these three apply
Me, myself and I - On these three I rely
Me, myself and I - My only true ally
Me myself and I - I'm greed personified

Thinking of myself is all I ever do
Not a single thought will I waste on you
My only concerns are things pertaining to me
Don't bother trying to find any generosity

I, me, mine suits me just fine
I won't even give you the time
Go out and buy your own watch
I ask nothing of you but leave me be

No charity, no one rides for free
No solicitors, can't you fuckin' read?
Take your social clauses and your empty pleas
Me, myself and I is the only thing for me
Can't overcome it, it's what I do best
I'll pick your pocket for your last red cent
It's a disease, I'm stricken like the rest
Never return anything I'm lent

It wasn't me, yeah you know it wasn't me
It must've been someone who looked like me
Innocent until proven guilty
And you ain't got a thing on me

Your possessions, your worldly possessions
Mean more to me than your protective obsessions
You wanna hide 'em, lock 'em up inside and
Throw away the key so I can't find em
It's a shame, it's a god-damned shame
I'm the culprit but you're the one to blame
I'll take another lesson from my mother
It's better to take than get took

Steal a dollar, steal a dime
Force of habit will hit you every time
In your pockets, invade your space
Force of habit anytime or anyplace
Pay attention keep an eye on all your cash
Force of habit will deprive you of your stash
If I do it, yeah, if I get caught
Force of habit is the problem that I got

Mama told me look but don't touch,
but that only made me want it more
Doesn't matter if you're a friend or foe,
'cause your house is my candy store
I admit I know I got a problem,
but temptation is controlling me
I can't resist a five-fingered discount,
everything for me is free
I'm feeling so tired can't understand it
Just had a fortnight sleep
I'm feeling so tired, oh, so distracted
Ain't touched a thing all week
I'm feeling drunk juiced up and sloppy
Ain't touched a drink all night
Feeling hungry can't see the reason
Just had a horse meat pie

Yeah when you call my name
I salivate like a Pavlov dog
Yeah when you lay me out
My heart is beating faster than a big bass drum

Yeah you got to mix it child, you got to fix
It must be love, it's a bitch
You got to mix it child
You got to fix it must be love
It's a bitch

Sometimes I'm sexy, move like a stud
Kicking the stalls all night
Sometimes I'm so shy, got to be worked on
Don't have no bark or no bite
There's a terrorist, he's at the door
Says he's gonna start, the third world war
Justifies his illegal acts
The land he says that's his, he's takin' it back

Blood will spill - in desert sand
The people kill - barbaric land
A war for peace - I understand
Obtain the fuel - the master plan
Blood will spill - in desert sand
The people kill - barbaric land
A war for peace - I understand
Obtain the fuel - the master plan

All my life I've spent believin' what I'm told
I'm not a crook, I don't recall, excuse is getting old
But this time I believe that the cause is justified
So those that burn the flag should be hung until they die
I'm sorry bout the casualties you can't avoid in war
They knew what they were doin' when they signed up for the chore
And to all the people who protest aggressive act
The world's not a happy place, a sad but true fact

Now they find our allies far and wide
And now a force of one and will not be denied
When will they finally realize
Our taxes pay for war and that's no surprise

Strong survive - in desert sand
???- barbaric land
???- I understand
???- the master plan
Strong survive - in desert sand
???- barbaric land
???- I understand
???- the master plan

All my life I've spent believin' what I'm told
Those excuse, you know, the ones that're getting old
But this time I believe that the cause is justified
So all those people that burn the flag should be hung until they die
Yeah I'm sorry bout the casualties and people dying in the war
They knew what they were doin' when they signed up for the chore
And to all the people you know the ones who protested what went on
This world ain't a happy place, and this ain't a happy song
Fuel for the fire

There's a terrorist, he's at the door
Says he's gonna start, the third world war
Justifies his illegal acts
The land he says that's his, he's takin' it back

FUEL - for the fire
Why do people sell their souls away
Just to ride the horse another day
They're all slaves to the heroin
But it's a war they'll never win
They'll never live to see the error of their ways

One foot in the grave
Ruled by the drugs they crave
It all began as a need for kicks
Now they'd sell their lives for a fix
Powerless to break those chains
There's only losses and there's never no gains
They only live and die as a slave
With one foot, one foot in the grave

It promised an escape but only lied
Master of the world they're trapped inside
The needle and the spoon only gave
A one - way ticket leading to the grave
And suffering until the day they die
Power fortune and fame
Only a delusion inside your brain
But those who got it all
Fuckin' piss me off they got a lot of balls
To sit there and complain
That affluence is a tremendous strain
Use some common sense
Take nothing for granted, not a fucking cent

A word to the wise, you should realize
If you don't count your blessings, you're in for a surprise
That you got it so hard, but life dealt you all the cards
You better count your blessings, you better let down your guard
A word to the wise, when will you realize
If you don't count your blessings, you're in for a surprise
The roles will be reversed, and you won't be the first
To wish he counted his blessings

Substantial amounts
Of their money lies in Swiss bank accounts
And more in stocks and bonds
They should consider if it were gone
Just what the hell they'd do
They might have to work to pay for their food
Like every one of us
They'll count their blessings without a fuss

Power fortune and fame
Only a delusion inside your brain
But those who got it all
Fuckin' piss me off they got a lot of balls
To sit there and complain
That affluence is a tremendous strain
Use some common sense
Take nothing for granted, not a fucking cent
He was just a poor boy livin' down by the railroad tracks
His father worked so hard to provide that he died of a cardiac
He made himself a promise to leave the poverty behind
Now climbing up the corporate ladder
is all that matters in his grand design

You can forget about friends in your climb before your fall
The climb before the fall
Alone at the top you feel the pressure pulling you
And you try in your mind
to repent your sins in your climb before your fall
The climb before the fall
Change your ways or you will pay in your dying days
In the end, in the end, in the end

Sunrise now and he has to get to work,
he's gotta tell someone what to do
Lives his life thinkin' how to get ahead,
kickin' of his corporate shoes
Throws his credit cards in everyone's face,
name droppin' 'cause he thinks it's cool
Doesn't realize he doesn't know how to act,
he's just lookin' like a complete fool

He left everyone he loved alone out in the cold
His mother was standing in the welfare line
while he was up to his neck in gold
Now he's become a millionaire
and he's sitting right at the top
But he found that the higher up the mountain
means the longer that you're gonna drop
Let me paint you a portrait of a man
whose very name would define in times to come all things profane
Born unto privilege child of aristocracy,
so tender the young mind, yet so unclean
His was a heart of darkness that beat within his chest
Bringing life into the crimes he'd manifest
Imp of the perverse on a bloody path he trots
Scribe of the unthinkable the Marquis De Sade

Outraging the laws of both nature and religion
subjugation in behalf or her domain
Or so he believed with all his hate and narcissism
That to fight the inclinations but in vain

Nature inspires our tastes bizarre
She paints them only as they are
From the darkest corners of the mind as real
as the morning sun shall rise, just the same

He wove his written word with threads of flesh throughout
He promised things so frightening they'll turn you inside out
When terror's grip has set your soul is set aflame
Behold the architect of pain
Unearthing fantasies too savage to reveal
Twisting your world with visions centuries concealed
Was he philosopher or was he just insane?
Behold the architect of pain

Each tale black as pitch dressed in the colors of hell
Your dreams will fill with the sounding of the knell
Feel the looming shadow of the hungry guillotine
And you'll be blinded by the blade's fatal gleam

Outraging the laws of both nature and religion
Subjugation in behalf or her domain
Or so he believed with all his hate and narcissism
That to fight the inclinations but in vain

Nature inspires our tastes bizarre
She paints them only as they are
From the darkest corners of the mind as real
as the morning sun shall rise, just the same

He wove his written word with threads of flesh throughout
He promised things so frightening they'll turn you inside out
When terror's grip has set your soul is set aflame
Behold the architect of pain
Unearthing fantasies too savage to reveal
Twisting your world with visions centuries concealed
Was he philosopher or was he just insane?
Behold the architect of pain

Nature cannot bind you, you only need to serve unto her
Harming without stint or cease at the expense of whosoever may be
Their pain becomes your paradise, your lust their demise

Forced you to recognize
The beast within, he helped you to visualize
No desire to torment flesh and bone
The mind can cause far greater destruction alone
When the seed has taken root
It grows impure, your thoughts pollute

All things please nature,
she has need of our misdeeds
We serve her as we sin
The bloodier our opus
The greater her domain and her esteem for us

Nature inspires our tastes bizarre
She paints them only as they are
From the darkest corners of the mind as real
as the morning sun shall rise just the same
rise just the same
rise just the same
rise just the same
rise just the same
Got out of bed about 3 PM thought it was a holiday
Then my boss called just to tell me
I'm late and he's giving my job away
Well I took me a walk to the liquor store
so I could drink away my blues
Spent my last ten bucks, then I dropped the bottle
and I broke it all over my shoes
So I got home to find the power's shut off,
there was someone knocking at my door
It was my landlord serving an eviction notice
'cause my checks are bouncing off the floor
I pounded my head up against the wall
thinking what else could go wrong
But this was only the beginning to a real bad day,
it wasn't gonna be a lot of fun

I knew I should have never gotten out of bed
'Cause of the rain cloud above my head
I'm down on my luck and it's plain to see
So tell me why does this happen to me?

When it rains it pours, when it rains it pours on me
When it rains it pours, and there's a storm moving in on me
When it rains it pours, raining down on only me
When it rains it pours, when it rains it pours

I drove across town to go see a friend
when I heard a siren on my tail
It turned out I had a warrant for my arrest
and I couldn't even post the bail
So I'm sittin' in a cell for 48 hours
keepin' company with thieves and drunks
I'm free to go but my car's impounded
and I'm thinkin' 'bout becoming a monk
So I'm wandering aorund in a catatonic daze
now barely a shell of a man
I look like I live out of a shopping cart
and I'm picking up aluminum cans
I staggered my way to an overpass
and fell to the dirt asleep
I figured out tomorrow is a new day
and maybe I could buy myself a life real cheap
Woke up this morning and he,
he took a look to the sky
The sun was hot and glowing
decided today is a good day to die
He wasn't sure just how, no he didn't know,
but he knew the reasons why
No one saw this coming because he kept it all inside
Out of control like a runaway train
desperate to end all his pain
You've got to understand there's
a better plan if you can open your eyes

You told yourself on your road to ruin
Today is a good day, a good day to die
Life to you is such a heavy burden
Today is a good day, a good day to die

So that's what you wanna do?
Take the easy way out
Suicide's only for cowards,
is that what you're all about
Are you afraid of the world around you,
are you afraid of what might be?
Think of the ones who love you
all the things you'll never see
Out of control like a runaway train
desperate to end all his pain
You've got to understand there's
a better plan if you can open your eyes

Friends all around, yet you feel so alone
Today is a good day, a good day to die
Carry on and you'll find the peace you've never known
Today is a good day, a good day to die
I've been on tender-hooks ending in dirty looks
Listening to the muzak, thinking 'bout this 'n' that
She says that's that, I don't wanna chitter chat
Turn it down a little bit or turn it down flat
Pump it up when you don't really need it
Pump it up until you can feel it

Down in the pleasure center, hell bent or heaven sent
Listen to the propaganda, listen to the latest slander
There's nothing under hand that she wouldn't understand
Pump it up until you can feel it
Pump it up when you don't really need it

She's been a bad girl, she's like a chemical
Though you try to stop it, she's like a narcotic
You wanna torture her, you wanna talk to her
All the things you bought for her,
could not get her temperature
Pump it up until you can feel it
Pump it up when you don't really need it

Out in the fashion show, down in the bargain bin
You put your passion out under the pressure pin
Fall into submission, hit and run transmission
No use wishing now for any other sin
Pump it up until you can feel it
Pump it up when you don't really need it
Can you hear the roar? I sounds like a war
It's feeding time at the zoo
When their stomachs start growlin' the wolves start to howl
For a bite of what's on our menu
As they pick up the scent they grow violent
And they stampede to the feast
No matter where you're at, you're in their habitat
And they're bound to be disturbing your peace

Your last meal left you dissatisfied
Now the zookeepers have arrived
First come, first served, you better get in line
'Cause it's super time

Yeah, it's feeding time at the zoo
If you get too close you'll lose a finger or two
Soothing the savage beast in you
Is the last thing we wanna do
Yeah, it's feeding time at the zoo
All the stories you've heard, every one is true
The time has come for our rendezvous
It's feeding time for me and you

See them sweat as the tables are set
And the frenzy's about to begin
Eagerly they await the chance to swallow the bait
And their patience is wearing thin
When they no longer bare to delay this affair
We serve it up, thick and raw
We only cater our way, thrash fuckin' fillets
A banquet if you're hungry to brawl
Oh say can you fucking see
The missiles fall like rain
Bloody mountains majesty
Dead bodies on the plain
By the bombing's eerie light
See the crimsons waves of red
What so proudly they all fell
The twilight of the dead

America - the violent
The indifferent
God shit is grace on me
America - the arrogant
The belligerent
Will live in infamy
We the people, for no people
Secure the blessings of tragedy
Do or dain we have enstablished
The scar spangled banner

We pledge allegiance to no god
Only to the blood
Liberty is just a dream
When dying in the mud
This, the land of the deceived, home of the depraved
Bombs, they drop like falling leaves
And the deadly flag still waves

Red - the beautiful color of blood
Flowing like a stream
White - the color of bleaching bone
Lovely and obscene
Blue - the bruising color of flesh
Battered, ripped and torn
The colors of the flag of hate
Of violence and porn
What you see is what you get
You haven't see the bloody trail yet
I'm no patriot, just a hate-triot

Blood sport, my sure bet
See the flag, get a body bag
Salvation form a .44 mag.
Nothing left, no one saved
Cause our goddamn motherfucking bloody ass
Banner still waves
You put your faith in Christianity
I put mine in artillery
My M-16, my lord and savior
Christ never done me a motherfucking favor

Pay for all of those in pain
For those who died in vain
Scars from battle nevermore
Still we march off to
War is my shepherd

Hate it if we can't comprehend it
Kill it if we don't understand it
Pray to god and your fate is sealed
As you die alone in the killing fields

Pay for all of those in pain
For those who died in vain
Scars from battle nevermore
Still we march off to
War is my shepherd

Farwell, Graham and Farrakahn
They need god, I need napalm
Praise the lord and pass the ammunition
My sermon is my demolition

War is
War is my
War is my shepherd
It is no mystery
What you get is what you see
You betrayed my loyalty
You've gone and done me wrong
Now I do you harm
My revenge is guaranteed
You stabbed me in the back
Spit right in my eye
Dragging me into the fray
Take you out, right you off, there's never enough
Ways to throw you away

You'd better start runnin'
Cause you know that I'm comin'
Cocked and loaded and I never miss
I'm onto your game
And I'm layin' the blame
And I'm addin' your name to my blacklist
You should've thought twice
Cause your playin' with your life
You must have some sort of death wish
I haven't any doubt
That your time has run out
Cause I've added your name
To my blacklist

You tried to beat me
Thought you could defeat me
But how you we ever wrong
I rise to the occasion
Character assassination
To put you down where you belong
You've got a lot to say
When I'm so far away
Now you've got a problem with me
Take you out, write you off, when I've had enough
Of your verbal debris

You'd better start runnin'
Cause you know that I'm comin'
Cocked and loaded and I never miss
I'm onto your game
And I'm layin' the blame
And I'm addin' your name to my blacklist
You should've thought twice
Cause your playin' with your life
You must have some sort of death wish
I haven't any doubt
That your time has run out
Cause I've added your name
To my blacklist

For all the shit you talk
You've never walked the walk
All you do is run and hide
Slander me, slag me
I'm not a man you should deride
I've heard everything
All your mudslinging
You better run, as fast as you can
Take you out, write you off, are you brave enough
To stand and fight like a man

You'd better start runnin'
Cause you know that I'm comin'
Cocked and loaded and I never miss
I'm onto your game
And I'm layin' the blame
And I'm addin' your name to my blacklist
You should've thought twice
Cause your playin' with your life
You must have some sort of death wish
I haven't any doubt
That your time has run out
Cause I've added your name
To my blacklist
Christ on a cross
Such a symbol of loss
Since what seems like the dawn of time
It's just an engine of grief
Yeah, a bloody belief
One that has no reason or rhyme
You're cruci-fucked
And you're out of luck
If you put your faith in the flock
Your only sin
Is when you piss in the wind
They've never had any key to the lock

I believe in nothing
Least of all in the word of shit
So hide in your shroud of urine
Because I can't take the smell of it

God isn't great
Just an icon of hate
Intolerance and despise
Believe in me
And I will set you free
I never heard a bigger pack of lies
It's ludicrous
That anyone of us
Would want to be lead by the blind
It's all in vain
It'll be your bane
If you're looking for the divine

I believe in nothing
Least of all in the word of shit
So hide in your shroud of urine
Because I can't take the smell of it

Forgive and forget
such an empty threat
Religion at the end of the blade
The insanity
Of Christianity
Is just a fucking masquerade
You're cruci-fucked
And you're out of luck
If you put your faith in the flock
Your only sin
Is when you piss in the wind
They've never had any key to the lock

I believe in nothing
Least of all in the word of shit
So hide in your shroud of urine
Because I can't take the smell of it
In life you're moving forward
But sometime for the worse
Always keep a step ahead
Never in reverse
The cars are stacked against you
In everything you do
But you try to get out alive
When you don't have a clue
You always feel the tension
Breathing at your back
To be the best that you can be
To be on the attack
Kicking down the wall
And kicking your face in
Means I'm moving forward
My new life can begin

Forward march in your face
Taking back, taking place
Before you die, living fast
Take a chance, hauling ass

Never, no never, no never
Move in reverse

Here I am, I'm moving straight
Fuckin' forward, and I'm taking all
The steps to blow on right past you
I'm never gonna back down to you
And all your people who think that
You're the best, no one can
Beat you, well I've got
Some news for you, you motherfucker
There's a new man in town who isn't
Any sucker, so if you don't back
Down I'll put my bat to an
Angry motherfucker such as yourself

Now I'm going to wipe out
All those who say they're first
I'll be the first in line
My attitudes the worst
Because I am so spoiled
And never second best
I will leave you in the dust
And lay your ass to rest
So never understimate
The mind of evil thoughts
I will bring you down
Spit you out before I'm caught
Because I have to power
And the upper hand
Everybody in the way
Will know that I'm the man

Forward march in your face
Taking back, taking place
Before you die, living fast
Take a chance, hauling ass

Never, no never, no never
Move in reverse
They're everywhere and everyplace
Scum of the human race
Sticking to my skin like a rash
Society's their scapegoat
But I am the antidote
And it's time to take out the trash
The world's a big cesspit
Of puke and piss and dog shit
But I ain't gonna be its whore
Follow and I'll lead the way
Predators are now the prey
Results like these are hard to ignore

You may think I'm insane
Or maybe just a little absurd
What you don't understand is
I'm just culling, I'm just culling the herd

I know I'm not the only one
Who thinks that something must be done
To clean the garbage up off the street
Dare to look me in the eye
I bring the truth, never lie
To me, they're just another piece of meat
The punishment will be swift and sure
For this disease, I am the cure
No problem, the doctor is in
My prescription for a better life's
A riffle or a razor knife
Remove whoever's under your skin

But please, don't call it a murder
Cause murder's such a dirty word
What you don't understand is
I'm just culling, I'm just culling the herd

When will everyone realize
Some people should be sterilized
Their tubes are only fit to be tied
All they do is shit and breed
To ignorant to ever succeed
Stupidity should not be multiplied
Lend them not a helping hand
Or the future will be damned
The world will take a turn for the worse
The human race should be purified
Or we'll all be mongrelized
Implement the cure for the curse

You may think I'm a madman
Or maybe just a little disturbed
What you don't understand is
I'm just culling, I'm just culling the herd
The honeymoons over and the loves gone sour
Her nagging has got you down
But you picked the wrong way to deal with it
You chose to slap her around
When you exchanged your wedding vows
Nobody said "you may now fist the bride"
Now that the little woman went and got her gun
The love ain't all that died

She knows you can't live without it
The bullet's speed
Cutting right through all your bullshit
Wedded bliss
Begane for her when the bullet's hit
Sixteen rounds in case she missed
Sealed with a fist
When she took your hand in marriage
It didn't mean right across the face
Small woman, big man, it takes a lot of guts
You're just a pussy in the first place
But now that your wedding chamber's
The one the bullet's in
Brave man, look at you, not so tough
When the hammer's cockin'

She knows you can't live without it
The bullet's speed
Cutting right through all your bullshit
Wedded bliss
Begane for her when the bullet's hit
Sixteen rounds in case she missed
Sealed with a fist

The little woman had all the shit that she could take
Her intuition said "lock and load"
He-man, what's your plan to get out of this
She's gonna fill your ass with bullet holes
Guess who's bigger when she's squeezing the trigger
I got news, it isn't you
When they carry your body out over the threshold
You'll wish you never said "I do"

She knows you can't live without it
The bullet's speed
Cutting right through all your bullshit
Wedded bliss
Begane for her when the bullet's hit
Sixteen rounds in case she missed
Sealed with a fist
Forgive and forget
A sign of weakness
No more mouths to feed
Say what you will some hearts bleed
Stay away from me
Now my conscience feels no more
Hold my own from no one
No degree of guilt possessed
Now I suppose that I am hated

I can't deny anything
I'm sick and tired, I'm burnt
You can't rely on me
To be the one who saves you

I get off on negativity
Makes me laugh to see your strife
I won't succumb to your numb
I owe nothing to no one
Are you sick of me
I don't care
Never be a kiss ass
No degree of guilt possessed
Now I suppose that I am hated

I can't deny anything
I'm sick and tired, I'm burnt
You can't rely on me
To be the one who saves you

Feed me the blame like it's my fault
I'll put it back in your face with an assault
Crack in the back and I'll raise up
To crush mindless fools like you

Throwing down
Comes from the land where night is day
The people live in fear
Been this way for oh so long
Another four thousand tears
Everyday he hunts to kill
You know he can't help himself
Same routine time after time
A way to seize the wealth

Drinking blood don't mean a thing
Life means even less
Impale your wife, slay your son
Another gory mess
Born in hell, left to die
Now out for all your blood
Living his life day to day
To stake you to the mud

What you see, he don't care
Now you bleed, start to stare
Cut you down, rip you up
Watching warm blood run

Crush your skull strike him well
When you land, just impaled
Freshly done, there's no hope
Watching warm blood run

What you see, he don't care
Now you bleed, start to stare
Freshly done, there's no hope
Watching warm blood run

When you feel the darkness calling out your name
Don't try to fight the power surge
Don't you laugh, for this is not a game
Your powerless, don't resist the urge
So many black hearts answering the call
Legions of the musically possessed
Congregations joining in our free-for-all
Unleashing all the rage they've repressed

Come to us
Succumb to lust
Giving in to our ministry of sin
You know the drill
Do as you will
Dance like the demons of the din
All will yearn
For our nocturne
The dawning of our cult is at hand
Come and pray
We know the way
Bow to the tempo of the damned

We are all leaders of the horde
Keepers of the apes of wrath
Heed the call of the volume lord
High priest of the bloodbath
Serve unto us, surrender us your souls
And great rewards you'll receive
And when the tempo has taken the control
Even the heretic's will believe

Come to us
Succumb to lust
Giving in to our ministry of sin
You know the drill
Do as you will
Dance like the demons of the din
All will yearn
For our nocturne
The dawning of our cult is at hand
Come and pray
We know the way
Bow to the tempo of the damned
Let's start a fire, biggest one you've ever seen
You bring the matches, I'll bring the gasoline
Ignite it, delight it, the flames grow higher
Burn the world upon a funeral pyre

Light this motherfucker like a roman candle
Burn this bitch staight to the ground
Let's not worry about consequences
If it's standing we'll bring it down

Destroy it all, show no inhibition
Revel and rejoice in unbridled demolition
Smash it, fuck it, nothing will remain
Detect it and wreck it but never take the blame

Light this motherfucker like a roman candle
Burn this bitch staight to the ground
Let's not worry about consequences
If it's standing we'll bring it down

We have ignition!

Shake the earth from its very foundation
Lay waste to the world without hesitation
Break it, take it, you don't have any reason
Fuck it, destuct it, its domolition season
Life spent with lips on glass
Another hit, just onemore blast
How long can you make it last?
Hit the pipe and vaporize
Feel the rush, so energized
Your lungs begin to crystalize
Try to stem the tide
From another five day ride
Don't you know you're dead inside?
The world spins out of control
All amped up, no where to go
A glass house is all you know

Poison cloud hangs in the air
Breathe it deep, your only care
It's a nightmare, not a dream

Spun and sleep deprived
The calender burns before your eyes
Another hit, for now revived
So many sleepless nights
Only wet your appetite
Strike a match, the torch ignites
See the shards start cracking back
Watch them turn your world to black
While waiting for the heart attack
All your dreams are dead and gone
I tell younow, it won't be long
Before death ends this marathon

Poison cloud hangs in the air
Breathe it deep, your only care
It's a nightmare, not a dream

Withered and sucked up
You're wasting away
Eyes sunked deep in you skull
You care not about yourself
Nor any other
Only if the pope is full
Lick your lips
As you hover around the glass
Anxiously awaiting your turn
Depressed and paranoid
It's all gone to hell
Inhale as your world burns
Lost everything you own
Now waiting by the telephone
For the dope man to come home
All your friends and family
Are sickened by your need for speed
Only driven to exceed
So many years, so little time
For you, to halt your life's decline
Your're not to read the signs
Everything has come unwound
You've got to trun this shit around
Before you're six feet underground

Poison cloud hangs in the air
Breathe it deep, your only care
It's a nightmare, not a dream
Unrelenting vengence
On man for all his sins
Ruthless eraclication
Day of reckoning to begin
The human race is a cancer
Fueled by power and lust
Punishment is the answer
And payment is your blood

Death and destruction
Hellish cries are the sound
Headlong into hell
Detribution is now
Inflict the suffering
Let the punishment fit the crime
I belong to vengeance
And vengeance is mine

Choking out the life
Of every living thing
History repeats itself
World brought down by greed
Prositute the truth
Stealing from the blind
Arrogant indifference
The raping of mankind

Death and destruction
Hellish cries are the sound
Headlong into hell
Detribution is now
Inflict the suffering
Let the punishment fit the crime
I belong to vengeance
And vengeance is mine

Killing just for profit
And weeding out the weak
Ruling with an iron fist
The sure fot the disease
Driven by the madness
Driven by the greed
Infected by a cancer
Lust and debauchery

Death and destruction
Hellish cries are the sound
Headlong into hell
Detribution is now
Inflict the suffering
Let the punishment fit the crime
I belong to vengeance
And vengeance is mine
You hit rock bottom, now where do you go from here
Sunk-down, locked-up, all you do is disappear
All your promises areall just a pack of lies
Your've got nothing, something you can't recognize

Why don't you take some responsibility
You're pointing fingers and blaming everybody
Shudder to think if I lived like you
They would be shaking too, if they only knew

I can't take any more excuses
No longer needed and you don't have any uses
Washed up, washed out, what more can I say
You better start filling out your resume

Why don't you take some responsibility
You're pointing fingers and blaming everybody
Shudder to think if I lived like you
They would be shaking too, if they only knew

Everything was there for the taking
Too Busy with the lying and faking
Drugged up, fell out, too many second chances
Nothing else to do under the circumstances

Why don't you take some responsibility
You're pointing fingers and blaming everybody
Shudder to think if I lived like you
They would be shaking too, if they only knew
I am affliction
The cause of all that ails you
I am addiction
That binds and assails you
Through all confusion
I am the chaos
I'm the thing that makes you hurt
Laughing at your loss

Just underneath you skin
Is evils origin
Come see the face of devastation
You are me, I am abomination

I am the bleeding
When you open up the vein
I am the overdose
That rushes to your brain
I'm all you've come to loath
All you've known to hate
I am the hunter
When you come to take the bait

I am Jehovah
I am the virgin whore
I am the battlefield
I'm pestilence and war
I am the monster
That lurks beneath your bed
I'm all perversions
Trapped inside your head
Unholy pedophile
Praying on the innocent
Protected by the papacy
So-called men of enlightenment
Children fingered by the hand of god
Raped in the name of Christ
They took a vow of chastity
Yet have torn asunder so many a life

Chickenhawks of the Catholic Church
Out to save and destroy
They have become the priest of burden
And he's become an altered boy

Men so benevolent
In a position of trust
Molesting children by the score
Rendering youg life staight into dust
They're church is their Golgotha
Their chucified by the priest
Child becomes the victim
Holy father becomes the beast

Chickenhawks of the Catholic Church
Out to save and destroy
They have become the priest of burden
And he's become an altered boy

Multi-million lollar payouts
Resitution for their crimes
This vile sickness
Cut to many down in their prime
All the bishops and the cardinals
Tried to hide it away
In the parish and cathedrels
The pedators come to prey

Chickenhawks of the Catholic Church
Out to save and destroy
They have become the priest of burden
And he's become an altered boy
A straight razor and a flick of the wrist
Brass knuckles and a willing fist
A big knife and a little-scream
They do wonders for my self-esteem
Warm blood and a cold embrace
The catch is better than the chase
They all ask why I'm doing this
Violense is bliss

What you see
All I know to be
Is a madman out of a killing spree
One thing I say
I did it all my way
Gave rise to the dawn of the dying age
When I feel the urge
And it's starting to surge
Soon I'm blowing like an atom bonb
When you comprehend
Your life's coming to an end
I'm going, going, going, going, gone

Two things that I can't ignore
Dark nights and an unlocked door
I get the feeling and I follow through
I get high like I'm sniffing glue
It's time to let the games commence
This really helps my self-confidence
Blood only for this hedonist
Violence is bliss

What you see
All I know to be
Is a madman out of a killing spree
One thing I say
I did it all my way
Gave rise to the dawn of the dying age
When I feel the urge
And it's starting to surge
Soon I'm blowing like an atom bonb
When you comprehend
Your life's coming to an end
I'm going, going, going, going, gone

I never leave any tell tale traces
Only fear fronzen on dead faces
An orgasm of depravity
It's the best kind of therapy
I always flee the scene of the crime
No victims, left to drop the dime
So many lives yet to be dismissed
Violence is bliss
Bloodied, cleaved and mutilated
Dead bodies amputated
Mans bloody inclination
God's final abdicaton
Angels weep on bended knee
So begins the tyranny
The fallen one will rise again
So ends the time of man

My will be done
Now they death day come

Never more the sound of laughter
Misery for ever after
The cries of suffering
Are what the death day bring
No one gives the benediction
All hear the maldication
Lucifer makes his accent
No words for mans laent

My will be done
Now they death day come

On black wings I take to the sky
Scouring the land
Rejoicing in and laughing in
The folly of man
Centuries of hatred
Centuries of fear
Have led you to the end of days
And the one you so revere

The gates of heaven have been shattered
Wings of angels torn and tattered
All due to mankind's thirst
For war so well rehearsed
When you see my demon eyes
Too late to aplolgize
Can you feel the irony?
War for all eternity

My will be done
Now they death day come
Can't withhold my anger won't control my rage
My bloodlust will be sated
I'm locked and loaded ready to engage
Kill everything I've always hated
A motherfuking Van Gogh with a gun
About to paint his masterpiece
Blow the world into oblivion
Paint with the blood of the deceased

Fire away
Put your body on diplay
Build myself a tower of decay.
A symphony
Written in human debris
Art and murder true synonymy
No appeal, no "I got a raw deal", I don't give a fuck
One thing is clear I've got a deaf ear
You better shut your mouth and duck
When I get a taste of laying everone to waste
My hunger won't subside
I won't ever stop till the last body drops
Let the bullet be my guide

The virtue of vice
In my bloody paradise
A portrait of gore
My .44
My .44 magnum opus

Bodies are the canvas, ammo the cision
For my greatest work of art
I'm waging my own inquisition
Tearing everything apart
I'm building a monument to horror
A temple to divine
Remembrance to those I've massacred
Death the grand design

The virtue of vice
In my bloody paradise
A portrait of gore
My .44
My .44 magnum opus

The virtue of vice
In my bloody paradise
A portrait of gore
My .44
My .44 magnum opus

Bodies are the canvas, ammo the cision
For my greatest work of art
I'm waging my own inquisition
Tearing everything apart
I'm building a monument to horror
A temple to divine
Remembrance to those I've massacred
Death the grand design

Fire away
Put your body on diplay
Build myself a tower of decay.
A symphony
Written in human debris
Art and murder true synonymy
No appeal, no "I got a raw deal", I don't give a fuck
One thing is clear I've got a deaf ear
You better shut your mouth and duck
When I get a taste of laying everone to waste
My hunger won't subside
I won't ever stop till the last body drops
Let the bullet be my guide

The virtue of vice
In my bloody paradise
A portrait of gore
My .44
My .44 magnum opus

People will stare in disbelief and awe
When they see what I've created
Still life, no life beatiful and raw
The world will be captivated
Never have they seen something so ambitious
Like nothing done before
A work so terrible and vicious
A masterpiece of gore

Fire away
Put your body on diplay
Build myself a tower of decay.
A symphony
Written in human debris
Art and murder true synonymy
No appeal, no "I got a raw deal", I don't give a fuck
One thing is clear I've got a deaf ear
You better shut your mouth and duck
When I get a taste of laying everone to waste
My hunger won't subside
I won't ever stop till the last body drops
Let the bullet be my guide
Tank treads crushing over piles of broken bones
Siege engine revving and coming to atone
Poisonous black smoke billows from it's eyes
Unholy war machine can't be compromised
Fueled by the corpses feted fleshed
Never turning back forward to the death
It's only mission is killing everything
It's the shovel headed kill machine

Here to sarifice
Infernal hate device
Satan's go between
Kneel and die before the
Shovel headed kill machine

So inhuman you don't speak it's name
It's artillery sets the world aflame
Mechanical demon rolling 'cross the sand
Blood stained thing scorching black the holy land
Skin made of iron heart made of steel
Lubricated by the blood beneath it's wheels
Reclaiming the world for it's king
It's the shovel headed kill machine

Here to sarifice
Infernal hate device
Satan's go between
Kneel and die before the
Shovel headed kill machine

Here to sacrifice
Infernal hate device
Satan's go between
Knee and die before the
Shovel headed kill machine

Rise up and revolt
Overthrow the government
Level all the temples
Destroy the monuments

Return to anarchy
Defy the Christian law
Prepare for mutiny
Prepare for coup d'etat

So begins our final riot act
Now that your in, there'll be no turning back
Smash everything, wreck it all with pride
The power of our revolution won't ever be denied

Reduce the halls of power
To ruin and to ash
An end to Christianity
An end to holy mass

The dawn of an iron age
Return to Pagan law
Lex Talionis
We rule by fang and claw

So begins our final riot act
Now that your in, there'll be no turning back
Smash everything, wreck it all with pride
The power of our revolution won't ever be denied
Let not the sun go down on my wrath
I let it shake the world
Vengeance is the grudge I bear
flag of reckoning unfurled
You are the architect
of your own demise
so smile no more
I am the gatekeeper,
and you are mine for evermore

Come greet the reaper
You know the time is nigh
This is the day of reckoning,
your time to die
Brave men they spin in fear
At the sound of my voice
Say goodbye to life so dear
You no longer have a choice

Burnt black and silent,
rust and blood
upon my reaper’s blade
I come collect the tolls
gather up all the debts unpaid
I call when you least expect
but when you deserve it the most
Behold the timekeeper
the end is getting close

Come greet the reaper
You know the time is nigh
This is the day of reckoning,
your time to die
Brave men they spin in fear
At the sound of my voice
Say goodbye to life so dear
You no longer have a choice

The dead no longer have
A cross to bear
The dead no longer have
Need to despair
Death has come
And set the snare
Death will come
When you are unaware

The misbegotten have the gall
to think them safe and sound
They try to cheat the reaper
scatter, hide, no matter, found
The wheel of life is standing still
For them it turns no more
Now comes the soul keeper
and you become my whore

Come greet the reaper
You know the time is nigh
This is the day of reckoning,
your time to die
Brave men they spin in fear
At the sound of my voice
Say goodbye to life so dear
You no longer have a choice
Brainwashed into madness,
your children are killers without fear
Manipulate and dominate,
stealing their lives for your hate
Twisted perverted minds,
think as we do or you die
Demagogue, fanatical tyrant
a false prophet seething with lies

I you fear, seeing through your lies
You I fear, raping of innocent minds

Follow us blindly or die like a dog
Blood mixed with sand for this holy war
Your saviors a killer, you die for Allah
You are all children of a worthless god

Propagation of violence
your one god a disease upon man
Execution, crucifixion
the answer for those not in your plan
The penalty for contempt against your god
is death and nothing else
Ignorant infidels
are subhuman and will all burn in hell

I you fear, seeing through your lies
You I fear, raping of innocent minds

Follow us blindly or die like a dog
Blood mixed with sand for this holy war
Your saviors a killer, you die for Allah
You are all children of a worthless god

Smite the perverts and the obstinate
praising the death of the free
United States of Islam
that's what you would like it to be
Violate the unbelievers
praising crimes against man
Human rights mean nothing
Doctrine of death a scourge upon man

I you fear, seeing through your lies
You I fear, raping of innocent minds

Follow us blindly or die like a dog
Blood mixed with sand for this holy war
Your saviors a killer, you die for Allah
You are all children of a worthless god
We didn�t pay attention
to lessons learned in the past
Soon the sands in the desert
will melt from the atomic blast
Mesopotamia�s ground zero
for the coming of world war
Thousands die in the sand
And I still don�t understand what for

As it was, as it soon shall be
We�re teetering on the brink
of a world war III
A repetition of history
as you soon shall see
As it was, as it soon shall be

War mongering leader of ours
waves the flag of democracy
Sending our men out to die
in the name of bureaucracy
The oil fields of Iraq
are overflowing with blood
Another man dies but the lies
rain down like a flood

As it was, as it soon shall be
We�re teetering on the brink
of a world war III
A repetition of history
as you soon shall see
As it was, as it soon shall be

No weapons of mass destruction
no threat to me
Just one man�s agenda for war,
not a land of the free
I never gave a shit
about the Middle East
But now we lie in the bed that we�ve
made, start the atomic feast

As it was, as it soon shall be
We�re teetering on the brink
of a world war III
A repetition of history
as you soon shall see
As it was, as it soon shall be
The glorious frailty of the human mind
Leads us to deceive the mother of mankind
Nature is our master, we serve her through our deeds
She teaches us that only death is guaranteed
If there was a hell, there must I ever be
Eternal life in heaven is but a fallacy
So if death is nothing, but a path to be trod
Walk with me and let me introduce you to your God

Come see an exhibition of atrocity
An ocean of eternity
One in which the shore you’ll never see
Or your God of make believe

You speak to the sky and no one answers back
And yet you wager the word of God is fact
The horrors we imagine in vivid clarity
Become a spectacle, your God’s atrocities
A mirror image, reflection of your soul
Just nature’s play, all her children have a role
God’s an actor, the world nature’s stage
Our fates are scripted like so many
letters on a page

A composition of atrocity
The Story of Christianity
A fairy tale of tyranny
Recipe for catastrophe

Man’s inclination
Is to bend those who oppose to our will
Does your great creator think
the good are better made by ills?
Dream after dream, time after time
he who conquers endures
The grand design of the mother
We the disease, and her the cure

Unsatisfied longing for the slaughter
The master often slays her sons and her daughters
Death is but and undress of skin and of bone
When you return to her, no sins to atone
The ending is the same for the vile and devout
Let all the poisons that lurk in the mind
Hatch out
She has predetermined our end
Nothing more she will portend
Man creates the god
and the god destroys the man
Betrayed by their own invention
the shepherd butches the lamb
A lion at the head of an army
of sheep when comes time to feed
Like Saturn devoured his children
they’re consumed by belief

I am the chosen one
and I hold the key
Behold the prodigal son
This good I do lives long after me
Let iconoclasm set you free

Christ is the same yesterday
and today, forever a lie
They concocted the heavens
to keep all the puppets in line
Narcotic, addictive desire
to believe they won’t go to hell
A dog that has bitten its master
that it once knew so well

I am the chosen one
and I hold the key
Behold the prodigal son
This good I do lives long after me
Let iconoclasm set you free

Figment of imagination
Oracle of ignorance
Corrupter of society
killer of reason and innocence
An object of man’s creation
made to fill the hole inside
But that abyss has only been opened wide

Wolves they guard the flock
And they slaughter the sick and the weak
Sorrow is all that they find
When salvation is all that they seek
The truth is the greatest lord
where no fool commands the wise
Religion ten times undone
no room for compromise

I am the chosen one
and I hold the key
Behold the prodigal son
This good I do lives long after me
Let iconoclasm set you free
Viscerated bodies
planted deep beneath the earth
They fertilize the soil
and feed for all they’re worth
Within the garden
of unearthly delights
True meaning of horror’s found
and hell’s within our sights

He plants the seeds
The germinate
Black misdeeds, they pollinate
Within the garden of bleeding’s
where the devil waits
to introduce you to your fate

Endless orchards dot the land
of corpses up on spikes
Beauty’s in the eye of the
beheaded on a pike
Bathed in lakes of fire
until a cinder’s what remains
The stench of death it makes
the flowers bloom in his domain

He plants the seeds
The germinate
Black misdeeds, they pollinate
Within the garden of bleeding’s
where the devil waits
to introduce you to your fate

Bodies hang from branches
like grapes hang from the vine
Garlands made of human flesh
they decorate his shrine
On the wind and through the trees,
the cries of suffering
For this is the garden
of the king of the unclean
Turn on the havoc
let confusion reign
Random acts of violence
shall not be done in vain
A din of destruction
an overture of rage
Countdown to bedlam
let the mayhem
Soon we all
will celebrate

Feel the primal urge
adrenaline surge
join the altercation
To the third degree
at full capacity
with no discrimination
Total oblivion
no phenomenon
just par for the course
To the starting line
your time to shine
On my mark we

We subjugate
We bring calamity
Everybody cooperate
Let’s start the bedlam

Anticipating the
coming of the brawl
Collide like cannon fire
but only on my call
I provoke the melee
and I fan the flame
Coerce the herd into a
They salivate
We aggravate

Feel the primal urge
adrenaline surge
join the altercation
To the third degree
at full capacity
with no discrimination
Total oblivion
no phenomenon
just par for the course
To the starting line
your time to shine
On my mark we

We subjugate
We bring calamity
Everybody cooperate
Let’s start the bedlam

On my command
everybody run amuck
Slam into everyone
never stop to give a fuck
This is the pinnacle
of tumult,
It’s what you’ve waited for so
let the vortex
On this day
We commemorate

Feel the primal urge
adrenaline surge
join the altercation
To the third degree
at full capacity
with no discrimination
Total oblivion
no phenomenon
just par for the course
To the starting line
your time to shine
On my mark we

We subjugate
We bring calamity
Everybody cooperate
Let’s start the bedlam

Lecherous inhuman monsters
Piteous crimes carried out
Patriarchs to the lunatic fringe
They venerate what has been done
They turned a small town in northern California
Into the haunt of the damned
Devoid of all comprehension
The most vicious hateful part of man

Dragging their victims into lunacy
And putting it all on film
Wretched dregs of society
Killers of children
Rapists of women
Sado-sexual violence

Immoral killing with indifference
Aroused as your victims cry
Unjust pain they love to inflict
Breaking their souls, then their minds
Malevolent and rancid perversions
The outcome is always death
Bodies thrown down into a hole
Maggots consuming the flesh

Dragging their victims into lunacy
And putting it all on film
Wretched dregs of society
Killers of children
Rapists of women
Sado-sexual violence

Fear-A macabre madness
Fiendish carnage with rabid butchery
Pain-sadistically tortured
Rejoicing in their victims slavery
Rape-forced violations
Malicious desecration of the thrall
Slave-depraved exploitation
A sickening anguish for them all
Sado-sexual violence
Sick-twisted rituals
Vile defiling of the enslaved
Lie-decimate aspirations abused
At the hands of the deranged
Kill-and slaughter the damned
With gruesome and heinous suffering
Death-merciless killing
With despicable and cruel agony
Sado-sexual violence

Excoriate the legal system
Exposing all of its flaws
One kills himself with cyanide
The other makes a mockery of the law
The act of killing eroticized
Dismissive to call you insane
Committed horrific and brutal crimes
Then laughing with total disdain

Dragging their victims into lunacy
And putting it all on film
Wretched dregs of society
Killers of children
Rapists of women
Sado-sexual violence
Sinners heart can't think or feel
The sharp sting of slicing steel
Punish, kill, repeat
The death caress, so bittersweet
I live outside the rule of law
My one decree is shock and awe
Black sheep of my kind
Progeny of hate refined

Suffering spreads like the plague
Reasons why, still oh so vague
The siren song of slaughter summons me
To inner demons I succumb
I know not that which I've become
Exhibit A in man's atrocity

Take the gun, take the knife
Take the pain, then take the life
My taste for homicide
Is rising up and amplified
Bloody deeds, my only friend
With me til the bitter end
Together we are one
And our work has just begun

Suffering spreads like the plague
Reasons why, still oh so vague
The siren song of slaughter summons me
To inner demons I succumb
I know not that which I've become
Exhibit A in man's atrocity

Plea for mercy
To no avail
Killers of my kind live
Beyond the pale
In this world of mine
They say I don't belong
Something that feels so right
Could never be so wrong
Plea for clemency
You're wasting time
My routine
Is the scene of the crime
I make the Devil laugh
And Angels wail
Forever I will reside
Beyond the pale

Heartless bastard cold as ice
Victim of my own device
The strong prey on the weak
Dead men, they never speak
All part of man's condition
On this path to our perdition
We kill along the way
Death never takes a holiday

Suffering spreads like the plague
Reasons why, still oh so vague
The siren song of slaughter summons me
To inner demons I succumb
I know not that which I've become
Exhibit A in man's atrocity

Plea for mercy
To no avail
Killers of my kind live
Beyond the pale
In this world of mine
They say I don't belong
Something that feels so right
Could never be so wrong
Plea for clemency
You're wasting time
My routine
Is the scene of the crime
I make the Devil laugh
And Angels wail
Forever I will reside
Beyond the pale
Born again harder
Than I was before
Bringing the hammer down
Is more than metaphor
I live by the steel
Die by the blade
What reason is there to be
If you're living life afraid?

The hammer is my symbol
The banner that I wave
The motto of my creed
Carved upon my grave
I life for the here and now
I live for the knife
My coat of arms
Is the hammer and life

Fear and cowardice
Harbingers of demise
Strength and the will to fight
Will lead you to the prize
Glory to all of those
Who conquer to the end
Honor the hammer
On it you can depend

The hammer is my symbol
The banner that I wave
The motto of my creed
Carved upon my grave
I life for the here and now
I live for the knife
My coat of arms
Is the hammer and life
Everything around me ignites my rage
I'm burning with animosity
Everywhere I look another war to wage
Filled with purpose of singularity
Got my hollow points, got my magazines
Wrote my manifesto of decay
Commencement of the killing at the university
Antipathy, the lesson of the day
They never should have pushed me away

Student bodies lying dead in the halls
A blood splattered treatise of hate
Class dismissed is my hypothesis
Gun fire ends the debate
All I ever wanted was a little affection
But no one ever gave it to me
My hate primer's the result of my rejection
You'll die for it, and I'll die for thee

The halls of learning now a shooting range
My final exam with a gun
Killing everyone who ever thought me strange
My bloody dissertation has begun
Pomp and circumstance replaced by bullet wounds
The smell of gunpowder on the air
Murder is the nightmare of this afternoon
My malevolence, your cross to bear
All because of my despair

Student bodies lying dead in the halls
A blood splattered treatise of hate
Class dismissed is my hypothesis
Gun fire ends the debate
All I ever wanted was a little affection
But no one ever gave it to me
My hate primer's the result of my rejection
You'll die for it, and I'll die for thee

Hate lives in me
Hate lives in me
Hate-I need it and it needs me
Hate-I feed it and it fed me
Hate-I breed it and it bred me
Hate-I read it and it read me
Hate-I lead it and it led me
Hate-I bleed it and it bled me
I breathe it in, and it breathes through me

While SWAT teams swarm all around the quad
The symposium of slaughter carries on
Smith and Wesson is my only God
And the line in the sand has been drawn
Valedictorian of violence
Graduation day, one bullet remains
Charles Whitman set the precedent
I pull the trigger and blow out my brains
They never knew I was insane

[Chorus]Student bodies lying dead in the halls
A blood splattered treatise of hate
Class dismissed is my hypothesis
Gun fire ends the debate
All I ever wanted was a little affection
But no one ever gave it to me
My hate primer's the result of my rejection
You'll die for it, and I'll die for thee

I instruct you
And I destruct you
I deconstruct you
Until my hate has fucked you
A crumbling empire
Where angels fear to tread
Into the ruins of a civilization
A society ripped to shreds
No semblance of order
Into the world which I abjure
Where the bloody blade is forged
Am I the cause of the cure?

Our destiny is soon revealed
Battle strewn, no way to heal
We spread the wings of failure
For the world's last goodnight
In the flames of the burning lands
Who claims to have the upper hand?
Bonfire of the vanities and spite

Like Sodom and Gomorrah
Forsaken and alone
Look how the mighty all have fallen
We reap what we have sewn
When all the marble palaces
Are blackened, sacked and burned
Will we understand man's ignorance
Through all the lessons learned?

Our destiny is soon revealed
Battle strewn, no way to heal
We spread the wings of failure
For the world's last goodnight
In the flames of the burning lands
Who claims to have the upper hand?
Bonfire of the vanities and spite


So quick to claim the credit due
Yet no one takes the blame
Like Nero played his violin
While watching Rome in flames
Implosion of our nations through
Decisions of its kings
Downfall of our creation
It's the end of everything

Our destiny is soon revealed
Battle strewn, no way to heal
We spread the wings of failure
For the world's last goodnight
In the flames of the burning lands
Who claims to have the upper hand?
Bonfire of the vanities and spite
Do as they say, not as they do
March to the tune of the Christian right
Hypocrites, their rules they don't apply to you
Parading in the name of Christ
Former leader in a hotel room
Smoking crank and sucking cock
Guilty as sin yet innocence presumed
Still they talk the talk

Christian soldiers
Trudging off to war
Behind the cross of Jesus
And still they...

It's the march of the sycophants, they
March in time to the rhythm of the right, they
Here come the sheep, all promenade, they
Everybody loves a parade

Masters of hyperbole
They claim to know what's wrong or right
The mob led to believe so easily
Like a moth to a light
Pro-life, anti-life and so sincere
Battalions of the dull of mind
Obeying all they read, see or hear
The ignorant leading the blind

Christian soldiers
Trudging off to war
Behind the cross of Jesus
And still they...

It's the march of the sycophants, they
March in time to the rhythm of the right, they
Here come the sheep, all promenade, they
Everybody loves a parade

Brain dead plebeians
Rally 'round the Bible and the flag
Their prophets are a plumber
And a small minded rifle packing hag
One nation under God
And one under the thumb
Marching to the beat of a different kind of drum
It's the march of the sycophants!

Town hall rabble
Cry liberty and justice for the few
It's the end of they world as they know it
That's what they'll say to you
Conspiracy theories eaten raw like meat
Fed by the mother of lies
They suck straight from the teat
It's the march of the sycophants!
Sadistic soldiers of the rising sun
1937's when the rape had begun
The ancient city fell under imperial rule
By an engine of war and lust, savage and cruel

Assembly line efficiency of killing machines
Unbridled fury of the sick and obscene
Systematic sexual degradation
The more perverse the greater exaltation

Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run
They turned the waters of the Yangtze red with blood
Cast aside and brutalized
Terrific horror made to terrorize

Bestial and violent, six weeks of suffering
So black was the day they marched through the gates
Their fate was beckoning

Tanks ran over men nailed to boards
Decapitations with an officer's sword
Gang rape of women, both the young and the old
Frozen to death in waters ice cold

Disembowelment, some are buried alive
Suicide's preferred for those who survive
The stench of corpses everywhere in the streets
Dogs feast on the rotting meat

Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run
They turned the waters of the Yangtze red with blood
Cast aside and brutalized
Terrific horror made to terrorize

Bestial and violent, six weeks of suffering
So black was the day they marched through the gates
Their fate was beckoning
It was the rape of Nanking

Thousands forced into prostitution
So many years and still no restitution
The carnage of Carthage so easily outdone
Add all the blood you get 1200 tons

Massacre removed from history books
No mention of men hung from iron hooks
All counter to the rules of war
They made a city an army's whore

Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run
They turned the waters of the Yangtze red with blood
Cast aside and brutalized
Terrific horror made to terrorize

Bestial and violent, six weeks of suffering
So black was the day, they marched through the gates
Their fate was beckoning
It was the rape of Nanking
Land of enchantment and fake reality
Where they put in vitro breeding machines
On the cover of a magazine
Trailer trash and human freaks
They grab their minute of fame
And still the puppets watch
And everybody knows the names
That's why I say

Burn, hollywood, burn
When it's dead and gone we'll never miss a thing
Burn, hollywood, burn
No more rotten to the core little sweet sixteens
Burn. hollywood, burn
Time's running out on their minute of fame
Let's douse the fire by pissing on the flames

So young, bitch and famous
Hotel heiress, glamour queen
The only reason we know your name
Is bad night vision pornography
From the "real" housewives of botox hills
To the cunts of Bel-Aire
You can't look away from the cathode ray
Why does anybody fucking care

Burn, hollywood, burn
When it's dead and gone we'll never miss a thing
Burn, hollywood, burn
No more rotten to the core little sweet sixteens
Burn. hollywood, burn
Time's running out on their minute of fame
Let's douse the fire by pissing on the flames
Monsters, proudly displaying their deeds for the world to proscribe
Demons, walking the earth hell bent on their genocide
Complete destruction, blood lust seduction
Drinking warm blood with a smile
Beyond the horror, they're born to suffer
Hundreds of thousands defiled

Show no mercy, slow executions
Laugh while mutilating
God be damned, war is hell
God be damned

Dissected while still alive, the violence you live to endure
Cleansing, inherently violent, purging the world for the pure
Triumph of evil, hatred primeval
Unenlightened corrupted souls
Orgy of murder, heartless and vile
Merchants of death in control

Show no mercy, slow executions
Laugh while mutilating
God be damned, war is hell
God be damned, war is hell
God be damned, war is hell

Monsters, proudly displaying their deeds for the world to proscribe
Demons, walking the earth hell bent on their genocide

Show no mercy, slow executions
Laugh while mutilating
God be damned, war is hell
Immortal subjugator, usurper, dominator
Blood ruler of the dark
Lord of the shadow world, flag of black unfurled
Foul, unholy patriarch
Enslaver of mankind, king of all unkind
Light ender in black domain
I fear only the dawn, at war with the rising sun
Eternal dusk ordained

I lurk beside you, never to abide you
I live inside you, always to divide you
I stand between you, certain to unclean you
The night is my savior
The sun is my destroyer

Despotic tyrants liar, judgement always dire
Unrepentant fear machine
Dream world paralyzer, re of man, none the wiser
Beneath the surface, site unseen
My only enemy, the day, behest color, shades of grey
Rejoice in the coming of the night
Nightmares come all too real, dest horror soon revealed
Rising with the dying of the light

I lurk beside you, never to abide you
I live inside you, always to divide you
I stand between you, certain to unclean you
The night is my savior
The sun is my destroyer

In my dominion, day meets its demise
Ultraviolet adversary, like an open wound to cauterize
The night's assailant is the coming of the morning sun
Illuminescent antagonist, smashed to oblivion
I am god here, in the bowels of the human mind
Creature of imagination, born of the impure and unrefined
I prey on your fear, take all you hold dear and then I use it against you
So unwise for you to close your eyes
That's when I come to dispense you

Malignant dream accuser
Pleasant thought reverser
Loathsome bringer of dread
Slumber now vitiated
Sweet dreams abominated
Terrors better left unsaid
Villainous machination
Sub conscious tribulation
Tremble at the coming of the twilight
Rising with the setting sun
Returning when the day's undone
Ensuring an end to all goodnights

I lurk beside you, never to abide you
I live inside you, always to divide you
I stand between you, certain to unclean you
The night is my savior
The sun is my destroyer

Cesspool in orbit, our end has begun
We live on the third lump of shit from the sun
Planet in peril, but why give a fuck
Soon the earth will run out of luck
Wreck it all until the land is stripped
Rejoice in the coming apocalypse
Sing loud the world's last lullaby
But my replies

Good riddance, goodbye
So long to this fucking world, sit back and watch it fry
Good riddance, goodnight
Adios planet earth, now die

Parasitic infestation, never ending procreation
Our shit stained constellation headed for its cancellation
Eternity of desecration, another misread calculation
Give the earth one last ovation before it starts the final
Crash and burn

Get down to business, cut to the chase
It's time for mankind's fall from grace
The end's coming sooner than you'll ever know
So sit back, relax and enjoy the show
No time to cry, I won't shed a tear
This is, after all the event of the year
You testify, but my replies

Good riddance, goodbye
So long to this fucking world, sit back and watch it fry
Good riddance, goodnight
Adios planet earth, now die