

Año de formación


País de origen























Burning are the skies, blinding is sun, the Evil work is being done
The sea turned red, the land is warm - see the omens of the final storm
Biting wind, infernal chant, no dead is rising from the grave
Ferocious trance and frantic dance, all the dognas are falling apart

Absorption of the sun - apocalyptic flash
All forces from beyond the time now gathered on earth

For thousands of years the Evil has been penting up its rage
Waiting for so long with only aim to take revenge on Christ
Spreading the spawn (here on earth) of self-sacrificing beasts the darkness' breed
Preparing human kind to fight against the Holy Trinity and its greed

Serenity is tubid once and for all
With death's blessing I will win

Like living candles fighting winds from the abyss' depths
(It is only)insanity that can keep you from the stark reality
Evil perfection - all dead things are dying again
Like living candles fighting winds from the abyss' depths

Absorption of the sun - apocalyptic flash
All forces from beyond the time now gathered on earth

Serpent's eyes from the nest of filth derived
Raping fire inhales the Serpent's wisdom of The Incantations!

Sorrowful march of human crowds, infernal flames burning them down
Violent dirge from the abyss' gates, humanity your end has come!
Relics are past, religous signs blew down by a ust of rage
When ancient gates are open wide nothing can restrain the death

Absorption of the sun - apocalyptic flash
All forces from beyond the time now gathered on earth
Look at the Tree of Wisdom - clever trap for human kind
Its fruits are holding poison and its branches suffocate
Its beauty is so tempting while its secret is deadly sin
Death and suffering is the name of the tree of divine kindness

Giving you a gift, bribing your soul
Deceiving your sensesm watching you from above

Sorrow, death, wickedness, fear, uncertainty, pain
Falling stars never shine, you are betrayed...

Tempted by dog-serpent lurking quietly upon the Tree
You are not aware of consequences, of breaking God's holy interdict
Counting only on your senses with livid instincts fighting inside
Under a burden of earthly suffering you would finally understand...

That wasa trap, divinity took off the mask and what you
See is a creep, nothing is divine, just composition of
Fear and deceit, craving for greatness - even
At the expanse of suffering of millions, harm of millions
With no mercy!!!

Sorrow, death, wickedness, fear, uncertainty, pain
Falling stars never shine, you are betrayed

Giving you a gift, bribing your soul
Deceiving your sensesm watching you from above

Look at the Tree of Wisdom - clever trap for human kind
Its fruits are holding poison and its branches suffocate
Its beauty is so tempting while its secret is deadly sin
Death and suffering is the name of the tree of divine kindness

Giving you a gift, bribing your soul...
They're only scared of their god's reprimand
Brave nights the purest among the pure
Exterminate those who don't trust the cross
Repeople lands that were conquered...

Deceitful is their religious plan
The deadliest trap ever laid
Fast spreading are the promises - lies
So great is the stubborn ones' pain

Eagerly sacrificing their lives
They kill being conscious of the prize
After death they will be equal to god
Live in glory with purity in their hearts

They are convinced that the world can be their overnight
The light of the saint has faded away

Deceitful is their religious plan
The deadliest trap ever laid
Fast spreading are the promises - lies
So great is the stubborn ones' pain

Eagerly sacrificing their lives
They kill being conscious of the prize
After death they will be equal to god
Live in glory with purity in their hearts

Deceitful is their religious plan
The deadliest trap ever laid
Fast spreading are the promises - lies
So great is the stubborn ones' pain

They are convinced that the world can be their overnight
The light of the saint has faded away...

Sectarian murder - display of pride
No extreme action before they die
When the unfaithful men extinet
There will be only Satan's will

Scaring times - the time before Antichrist return
Magic thrill - awakening of the ancient winds of Sheol
Opened tombs - his aim is world wide conflict never seen
Equality of gods - is the first step on the way to ruling the earth

Your daemon protectopr will stand beside your life
His ruling inevitable you must take a bow
Blessed are those who worship his uncountable name
Through hate to eternity is your only way

Satan's words never die, his call now burns in minds
No voice from hell - their pain needs sacrifice
Satan's words never die, his call now burns in minds
No voice from hell - their pain needs sacrifice...

Wake up and stand before the Antichrist
Evil unwind - contradiction of love
He is only god, so worship his name
Pick up the fruit with which he temptates

Your daemon protectopr will stand beside your life
His ruling inevitable you must take a bow
Blessed are those who worship his uncountable name
Through hate to eternity is your only way...
Your shame that you feel as a knife stabbed
(after os many years of failure and remorse)
Never left your holy mind and it's been growing in strength

Die from regret - with no respect
From world you created so bad
Nothing is forgiven, no one will forget
While experience every day your work

I summon you to touch - tears of the tortured who fall at your feet
Here, down in this world - built on a debris of that happiness of Eden
We are drifted here by your will - just to wait for death in tranquillity and grief
Feeling tried and bruised - with the bitterest taste of the destiny's disgrace

I don't look for your forgiveness
Your lips are dripping weak excuse
My answer is mercilessness
I despite your forgiveness

I summon you to see - tears of the tortured who fall at your feet
Here, down in this world - built on a debris of that happiness of Eden
We are drifted here by your will - just to wait for death in tranquillity and grief
Feeling tried and bruised - with the bitterest taste of the destiny's disgrace
Hanging on the cross with pecked eyes
Monstrously deformed, feeling breath of demise
Wearing a crown of disgrace
Dying line common thief, divoid of respect

Son of god not recognized
Sentenced to death for usurping god
Went through the unguish of the world
Died in vain like everyone

Died of himself
Forever dead

Considering his life on the cross
Christ, you cannot defeat death!

Screaming at the skies in despair
Begging for his father's mercyful hand
Mourning over world drowned in tears
This resurrection feels like dying in vain

Son of god not recognized
Sentenced to death for usurping god
Went through the unguish of the world
Died in vain like everyone...
Two men as one, the same blood they shared
Born from one mother and divided by hate
One other chose the dark side - its torture and bliss
In the underland

Homicide - no human ever crossed the line
Rebirth - when deepest rage is Cain's right
Thirst of blood - one taste means millions lives
Heredity - like his you conscience growing numb

Distant whispers drilling your mind
Blood hunger staring through your eyes
Freezing scent permcating your spine
Black rain's sounding intensified

Full of pride his name, unbending his will
He left behind the impassable to challenge the son
Of the universe

Holy men the prophets, deceptive Christ's dogs
Reject all empty words they ever spoke
Die in hate, experience suffering of the damned
Live inside bloody circle in the Sheol

Distant whispers drilling your mind
Blood hunger staring through your eyes
Freezing scent permcating your spine
Black rain's sounding intensified...
Hail Evil Gods! Remember me, I am your destiny!
To glorify your majesty I summon you to see
The sacrifice of human-mice trembling there between
Heaven and hell - trapped in spell, where Satan lord has dwelt

There is nothing to reieve the pain of human sacrifice
Now their salvation drowns in doubbts, they will never see the prize
For the wicked is this world, open up your eyes
Forever under will, you will die, you will have to be despised

Prize never received, Holy Trinity will be brought to grief!!!

There is nothing to reieve the pain of human sacrifice
Now their salvation drowns in doubbts, they will never see the prize
For the wicked is this world, open up your eyes
Forever under will, you will die, you will have to be despised

Burn holy cross as like it was when the Evil Gods
Reigned the world with naked sword killing those who were worth
To be sacrifice, made for Him, broken, trapped in sin
Parricide in the final fight, until false gods will die!!!

There is nothing to reieve the pain of human sacrifice
Now their salvation drowns in doubbts, they will never see the prize
For the wicked is this world, open up your eyes
Forever under will, you will die, you will have to be despised...
Perpetual ceremony
Emerged from the shadow of stars,
Unbridled force of the nameless
Devouring astral lights
Nothing is sacred, nothing is useless
When face Mother of Time
The inevitable is her domain
Inside which everything is lost

She's a guard of transcendent laws carved in eternal fire in the beginning of things
No heredity belongs to her roots, her every breath fluctuates the time

Perpetual endless flight towards eternity
Lividity from the stars - fed on astral lights
Chaotic is her nature - dynamic tangle of winds
Forever transcendent - born from the elements
Future is mayhem!!!

The fate interdependence
Is the strongest driving force
Of everlasting crucifixion
Through anguish and remorse
No thought, no incantation
Is mightier than her breed
In turbid pattern of the ages
Forever Hatred lives

Trapped in the spell with their eyes fixed on past
The name of the chaos is written inside
In the abyss they live burning skin stigmatised
Archaic descent from the universe's depth

Rebellious angels stigmatised
Yearning for a holy sacrifice
They are living on the eternal flame
Unmasked divinity - Chaos is the name
Forgotten and mystified ones
Die for them!!!

Plucked out my eyes but I still hold the force you can't contain,
Sucked out my blood but darkness is still throbbing in my veins,

Cut out my tongue but my words still hold eternal might,
Fed me with lies but the Serpent has taught me how to read the signs,

Oblivion & death to the gods!
I'm the emptiness, I'll break your soul and give you mine,
Embodiment of the fire!
The Nephilim's wrath comes back to life when the sun turns black,
Oblivion & death to the gods!
Take last breath before you see your lord in hell terrorrized,
Oblivion & death to the gods!

I change the times, yea through your suffering I exist,
I instigate every war and madness you may ever taste,

Oblivion & death to the gods!
I'm the emptiness, I'll break your soul and give you mine,
Embodiment of the fire!
The Nephilim's wrath comes back to life when the sun turns black,
Oblivion & death to the gods!
Take last breath before you see your lord in hell terrorrized,

Burning souls is what I smell,
Defrabax Rexulon Habrak Mercim,
Zippreus Ukkazal Xelobran Styx!
No endless torment, no punishment for the evil life,
No ritual, no name of god, no sacrifice,
There'll be no next life, no heaven's bliss, no prize you'll see,
What you worship is madness born from your fantasy,

Obey the Serpent his truth is the light of wilderness,
Obey the wicked in their everlasting blasphemy,
You taste the filth and blood of your god of agony,
Once you are dead your eyes are shut forever,
And your soul dies free!

Having ten crowns upon your head you are dead,
Choosing the cross you sacrifice your flesh-ness,
Having great wrath you give power unto beast,
Loosing yourself for the icons of you madness,

You are dying free!

Having ten crowns upon your head you are dead,
Choosing the cross you sacrifice your flesh-ness,
Having great wrath you give power unto beast,
Loosing yourself for the icons of you madness,

Only the mindless will obey your god of agony,
He won't be there to help you die of your sick fantasy,
In the sea of writhing flesh you understand my spells,
You'll embrace your lifeless corpse and fade away,

You are dying free!
Where the blood forever rains,
They speak within my soul,
Where time devours the stars,
Spread your wings and let them go,
This everlastingness traverseth time for million years,

Rule my mind!

Behold, I'll show you a mystery,
We shan't sleep but shall be changed,
At the last sound of the trumpet,
The dead will be raised speaking my name,
This everlastingness traverseth time for endless sacrifice,

Rule my mind!

Fathers! Your enemies are blind in the depth of Sheol,
Future! Belongs to your minds that control this world,
You are back! Once upon a time from the grace you fell,
The Nephilim! Your voices echo in the eternal sea of mayhem!

Enemies! They'll be trodden down as the mire on the streets,
Suffering! They'll be as nothing as the thing of nought,
Spirits! Your spirits soar to the land where they're kings,
Hatred! With Satan at your side you rule this fucking world!

Rule my mind!

The pain of god makes us strong,
His suffering makes us fly,
Killed god, where's his glory?
Killed god so where's the light?
This everlastingness traverseth time for million fucking years!

Enemies! They'll be trodden down as the mire on the streets,
Suffering! They'll be as nothing as the thing of nought,
Spirits! Your spirits soar to the land where they're kings,
Hatred! With Satan at your side you rule this fucking world!
Smell your flesh burning down at blazing stake,
Watch your kingdom dies as my hell is rising down there,
You will deny the cross when we finally reach the end,
You will take my side and be like me in my realm of flames,

Yea, I am the one you (...)

I am divine rival and darkness speaks through me,
My time, my time has come, my legions march as heavens bleed,
Yea, I execute, I punish, I take revenge,
Upon the freaks of god, minds of weakness melting in my flames,

I am the one you kneel before!

I'm entertained with your torment,
Dragging you through thousand years of Hate
I'll never bow down before your god,
We rejoice as your kingdom dies!

I twist your mind with my spells of hate beyond the nothingness,
You die a death each day, through your death you live, for your death you ever pray,
To heaven or to hell, to the grave or stars, your mind is torn apart
From the crypt you rise, eyes that mesmerize, take your sacrifice,

I'm entertained with your torment,
Dragging you through thousand years of Hate
I'll never bow down before your god,
We rejoice as your kingdom dies!

I am divine rival and darkness speaks through me,
My time, my time has come, my legions march as heavens bleed,

I twist your mind with my spells of hate beyond the nothingness,
You die a death each day, through your death you live, for your death you ever pray,
To heaven or to hell, to the grave or stars, your mind is torn apart
Beyond the nothingness!
God Hate inside, forever be as I want you to be,
My raging sword bringing all the saints to grief,
The shround of pain, great wonder, mindlessly worshiped by weak hearts
Is my gift that makes them shed their tears on my cold lips,

Killing your god we never spoke out his name,
Drinking his blood when darkness calls out my hate,

World unseen is out there behind the virgin's eyes,
The light so value, behold this light with no source behind,
They are urged to speak with great voices now in the name of the god,
But silent whisper is the living voice of the ancient ones,
This world is wondering after me,
My words are eagerly spoken by your lips,

Killing your god we never spoke out his name,
Drinking his blood when darkness calls out my hate,

Vocem Necris Tribullaes Tannem!
This world is wondering after me,
My words are eagerly spoken by your lips,

Those who worship fetish be condemned for eternity,
Those who see the light of darkness shall be ruling over this world,

This world is wondering after me,
My words are eagerly spoken by your lips,
Those who worship fetish be condemned for eternity,
Those who see the light of darkness shall be ruling over this world,
Living after life, suffering among the damned, devouring the light of gods,
Living after life, suffering among the damned, devouring the light of gods!
Embodiment of Hate is what are my lord,
Each of your ten horns makes war with the lamb,
Blood is your prize,
On war you ever feed,

You shall magnify yourself above every god,
All that dwell upon the earth shall worship thee,
Mesmerized the earth,
The death all bow before,
This pain I deify (...)

Here the time is unreal,
Here eternity has a name,
The death all bow before,

You lift you sword against those who aspire to the light,
Religions die and the holy power will keep silent,
War is your prize,
Through hell you ever live,

The circle of fury that starts in hell and reaches earth,
Turning man against his brother till man exist no more,
Sorrow is your prize,
Tears of blood is your gift,

This pain I deify to the end of my days (...)

Your Hate takes none alive,
Exterminate divinities,
Death to those who failed,
Free from the Sun they live in hell,

Enter the gates to hell,
Where you with us dwell,
Free the evil within,
As you body rots away,

Now the evil control the energy - the rest is dust and air,
Tormented souls dream of vengeance through your lips they speak
Cursed are the feeble for they shall be blotted out,
Eyes cannot penetrate the light and darkness at down at endless night,

Here the time is unreal,
Here eternity has a name,
The death all bow before,
I am Satan's blood and you're Satan's blood,
We're on uor way down to hell,
We're the worst enemies of god,
War will speak through us forever,
Arise Satan Lord lay your hands on me,
Let me drink the doctrine in,
Your future is just like mine,
The ancient force we share will rise!

Resurrect me in hell or make me die,
Fill my soul with mercilessness,
Take me from among the unborn ones,
Let me cross the fields of flames,
I'm the evil one, you're the evil one,
We carry Hate for the living god,
We're a pain he tastes each day,
Black Sun Horde is our name,

We are Satan's blood together we fall down straight to hell,
With purest Hate we spit on the holy cross and feed on ancient spells,
We have no flesh but our mighty souls can take every life,
When the Liar awakes our ruling is restored we bring eternal night,

Darkness speaks through us for eternity we stare down into the depths,
War is our prize, forever we destroy Christ by the stars condemned,
The feeble sun is no longer shining we stare down into the depths,
In my afterlife I will kill again Christ by the stars condemned,
Darkness speaks through us for eternity we stare down into the depths,
War is our prize, forever we destroy Christ by the stars condemned,

We are Satan's blood together we fall down straight to hell,
With purest Hate we spit on the holy cross and feed on ancient spells,
We have no flesh but our mighty souls can take every life,
When the Liar awakes our ruling is restored we bring eternal night,
Don't run away form the spiritual pain,
Always exalt me down in your heart,
You will breathe my war and join my hordes,
Where spirits hold the ancient force,
The ones who cherish are the ones who will go,
Into the ashes of a tortured world,
Your heart is beating for the last time,
Your sins against god I justify,

Serve! Serve god, rely on me!
Serve! Serve god, rely on me!

When the Evil crash your innocent mind,
Your every sin is justified,
Worship me to the end of your days,
Your only way is to go my way,

Serve! Serve god, rely on me!
Serve! Serve god, rely on me!

Be warned against your god's insidious mind,
That has not won over death and sin,
I am the essenxe of the underworld,
I am the first and the last I am!

Don't run away form the spiritual pain,
Always exalt me down in your heart,
You will breathe my war and join my hordes,
Where spirits hold the ancient force,

Serve! Serve god, rely on me!
Serve! Serve god, rely on me!

Read the Hatred deep wiothin my eyes and bow to me,
Pain is my reward I become majesty,
He turned water into wine, I yurn wine into flesh,
He animates the dead I make the scream out their rage,

Blood sipped into soil of this earth and made me breathe,
In the coldness of a land without light I await his death,
Virgins speak my words craving for my coldest touch,
In frenzy they adore serpent's skin bowing their heads,

The strangled, the burnt, the tortured let him hear your spells of death,
The killed, the raped, the stabbed rise and scream out your hatred,

He turned water into wine, I yurn wine into flesh,
He animates the dead I make the scream out their rage,
Scream out their rage!
Scream out their rage!
Here among our graves,
Our beautiful bodies lie silent in the ground,
We are left to decay relieved of our pride,
The light is suffocating us from within,
We are dead inside lost upon the earth,
Never to be seen..
Entangled in woe,
Our faces bear such pain,
Never to be suffered again,
You know nothing to be the same.,
Ripped of our dignity,
We lie dead silent in the ground,
Until the seeds of darkness,
Grows high to give us relief,

Wish I had a dagger sharp..

Empty to the core we are frozen in our path trapped in woe,
We are the army of empty souls beyond healing,
In the dark of the obsidian night we stay still & secret out of sight,
Black wings that tremble the night and hearts never cease to burn,
Never cease to bleed,

No recovery, no life, no morphine,
To kill this heart aching pain,
Just look at us, we lie dead silent in the ground,

Entangled in woe,
Our faces bear such pain,
Never to be suffered again,
You know nothing to be the same.,
Here among our graves,
Our beautiful bodies lie silent in the ground,
We are left to decay relieved of our pride,

Wish I had a dagger sharp..

Empty to the core we are frozen in our path trapped in woe,
We are the army of empty souls beyond healing,
In the dark of the obsidian night we stay still & secret out of sight,
Black wings that tremble the night and hearts never cease to burn,
Never cease to bleed...
(chant of the Nephilim)

Find the darkness in yourself!
Yea! Try taste the blood from a thousand cuts,
Bless your enemies with your razor's kiss,
Bring 'em blinding shattering silver tears,
See the world behind you dead and gone,,
Where no one lives but the beasts alone,

Rise and see, rise and see, rise and see,
When the moon will share the pre-dawn sky,
Rise and see, rise and see, rise and see,
There's more to darkness than meets your eye,

Hear the eternal swallowing cosmic cries,
See my anger rising from its core,
Putrid piles of fucking human waste,
Wandering from king to king in hell,
Burning crystalline devil's flame,
Apocalyptic haunted futures seen,

Rise and see, rise and see, rise and see,
A bloodshed in the flight of dawn,
Rise and see, rise and see, rise and see,
When the moon will share the pre-dawn sky,
Rise and see, rise and see, rise and see,
There's more to darkness than meets your eye,

With wanton ecstasy,
We smile and the world spins around,
You're churning me, twisting, sucking on the life,
In chaotic bliss,
See us in the world where sanity is just a fiery myth.
Toxic blood flows from our veins, in chaotic bliss,
Like skin falling off a bone,
You're churning me, sucking on the life,
With wanton ecstasy,
We smile and the world spins around,
We'd rather crawl from king to king in hell.
Than give your god a single bow!
Angels with their eyes dripping blood,
Writhing in pain bleeding for ecstasy,
Myriad of times bringing misery,
Sons of war, hexed, unleash thy fury!

Be my lords! Reach out and rule!
Be my lords! Defeat the skies!
Destroy humanity - the vermine of Christ,
Tiger Sirens, rise from your shrines,
Consume this world with your leprosy,
Make my bliss complete!

My hatred blazes eternal light,
Sacred flesh drenched in my suffering,
Empire of tears thrives on sacrifice,
Sheep-minded herds plod into bottomless pit,

Resurrect your vanished hearts,
Consume this world with your leprosy,
We rule like risen morning stars!

We're invoking a new order in your minds,
Shattered are the icons of the worthless,
We, the bornless ones are taking the blame,
The sin is tied in the veins of our bloodkline,

Be my lords! Defeat the skies!
Destroy humanity - the vermine of Christ,
Tiger Sirens, rise from your shrines,
Consume this world with with your leprosy,
You slaughter dolls, queens of the damned,
I'm spreading your disease to the bitter end,

Resurrect your vanished hearts,
Consume this world with your leprosy.
Dancing upon your graves we desecrate this world divine,
Suck on the remains of your serenity, devour your lives,
New breed is born of our ectoplasmic witchery,
In minds possessed it grows to tear your wretched souls,
Paralysed with wonder and delight,

We are drinking blood from God's brow,
We shall surrender to eternal darkness,
As moonlight intensify,
A morbid hunger for blood appears in your eyes,

I watch you drown in the sea of hatred ,
Cast in irons, your flesh of white of snow,
You go where your don't exist any more,
Where the devil has no wings,

We stare at a thousand dark eyes, a stare that brings you torture,
Chanting a sick lullaby, a song of the damned in the night,
We are the strongest of minds, with pain as feed we're waiting,
Inside your silent cries ripping apart the old and new,

I'm falling when the abyss calls me,
At night when the corpses rise,

Your voices cry my words of malediction,
You become the slaves paralysed with the death divine,
Now you can see there's glory in destruction,
Mass religious suicide to become!

Dancing upon your graves we desecrate this world divine,
Suck on the remains of your serenity, devour your lives,
New breed is born of our ectoplasmic witchery,
In minds possessed it grows to tear your wretched souls,
I watch you drown in the sea of hatred ,
Cast in irons, your flesh of white of snow,
You go where your don't exist any more,
Where the devil has no wings,

We are drinking blood from God's brow,
We shall surrender to eternal darkness,
As moonlight intensify
With the guise of innocence we're burning bright,

When our hell is open wide,
We'll sacrifice a thousand of your lives,
We are a shadow among the lights,
A morbid hunger for blood appears in your eyes,
No grave can hold our bodies down, we crave for ecstasy,
Beyond time we stand stand as phantoms go one by one,
Follow me right through the skies totalitarian minds,
In death we take our pride, in flames we drown the flesh of Christ,

Mad warrior, let the war begin!

God is nothing more than me! I challenge doctrines of all time,
No rest but of a mortal sleep, no god but in a prophet's lie,
I'm the way into the dark, the twisted universe,
Sneaking up the spine of the world to spill its guts across the skies,

Let's kill like no tomorrow, let the crosses burn..

Disguised in a human skin in this world devoid of free choice,
I was the first to take your pain, yes I let it in,
To make futile your death on the cross,
I've the coldest eyes the world has ever seen,
Blood's the life that revived my soul,
I've locked myself deep inside, let madness in,
To survive in the void..

Breeding lust, cruelty and greed
We have taken lead upon your heed,
Burning souls like tumble weed and bones,
You're on the way towards deepest void and darkness,
Locked in chains lusting after hellish games,
We survived the cold and fire to take revenge,
Sneaking up the spine of the world
to spill its guts across the sky,
We are on the way into eternal sorrow,
In death we take our pride, desecrate the bible of fools,
Let's begin the war against your gods,
Hey Messiah! How many have you betrayed?
How many have given you their lives?

Let the war begin!

Follow me right through the skies totalitarian minds,
In death we take our pride, in flames we drown the flesh of Christ,
God is nothing more than me, I challenge doctrines of all time,
No rest but a mortal sleep, no god but in a prophet's lie,
I'm way into the dark, the twisted universe,
Let's kill like no tomorrow, let the crosses burn.
Here comes the night of challenge my razorblade,
The night my life's about to end,
I shed blood and tears my razorblade,
My heart full of hell's about to be torn,

I'm leaving the dirt behind me,
Yea, I'm indifferent to cold,
Your blade, your blade kisses me deeply,

Cut my flesh, my skin, my razorblade,
Got the light unclean shines on me,
All alone in my misery I'm trapped here,
The bridge ahead is torn and shattered..

Peel my skin, make me scream,
You've taken my blood, taken my soul, invoked my ecstasy,
Cut is my flesh, I see the eyes of death, world full of hell,
Devoted to agony. My eyes go black!

Was it my scream in torment my razorblade?
I just can't feel the wounds you've done to me,
You've sunk so deep, got my soul, my razorblade,
Taken my life to the bottom of the unknown!

I'm leaving the dirt behind me,
And I'm indifferent to cold,
Your blade, your blade kisses me deeply,
Take me to the bottom of the unknown!
We've no creed in the realms of fire where our mystic souls
Have no limit of a mortal life in the world of filth where we exist,
Arise and come I'll take you safe across the river Styx.

Back to the filth, back to the light of Assyrian gods,
Praise them alive and praise them dead,
Risen Morning Stars!

Come and taste the blood of the Serpent just underneath my skin,
Here the tongues of fire whisper about your destiny million times,

Lost words behind those wounded-doe eyes,
I bow before the queen of lies, my hiding malice is getting bolder,
Someday you'll receive our pain,
You caused us to cry tears of utter nothingness,
Sliding through a tunnel, destination unknown,
Lost words in eternity, a forbidden delight,

Come and taste the blood of the Serpent just underneath my skin,
Here the tongues of fire whisper about your destiny million times,

Remove your blindfolds, now you want to breathe my words,
Our eyes are dust, we share the blame,
Our pain is a doorway, we believe in nothing else,
In the shroud of my madness I'm freed and destroyed.
I'm ending the torment I stare upon the open skies,
Put me out of my misery, just slit my fucking throat!

Back to the filth, back to the light of Assyrian gods
Praise them alive and praise them dead
Risen Morning Stars!
The heavens break to cover us with shattered sky,
Grasping ground with crooked claws, hateful serpentine,
I'm winter see my heart split into a million shards,
There is no freedom where I'm bound to the sound of your demise,

Spites of fire march in rows,
Bloody warriors, mother fury still it grows!
And I die in depths of heartlessness,
Thor! His hammer hit the ground,
Destruction prey and fire dine!
Bloody warriors churn the clouds
Thunder thy unearthly cry,

Dawn breaks open like a wound that bleeds afresh,
In blackest misery the lifeless lie in squander,
Insane you sleep falling deeper into farthest fear,
Now your disease has worked its way through your fucking veins,
Infernal suffering to the Nazarene,
Thy rotten soul in darkness dwell in the mouth of hell,
The worms are feeding on your lies within, you're drown in sin,
Born from the blind, feeble mind of the greatest whore!

Open shrines the children of the Nile!
When fountains of thy blood reach heavens,
When you're gone, mystic rites we'll carry on,
To explore into the shadows of thy scorn,
Tranquilized, smite your foes that they may die!
In the sun you'll see the shape of things to come,
When you're gone, mystic rites we'll carry on,
To explore into the shadows of thy scorn,

Dawn breaks open like a wound that bleeds afresh,
In blackest misery the lifeless lie in squander,
Insane you sleep falling deeper into farthest fear,
Now your disease has worked its way through your fucking veins,
Infernal suffering to the Nazarene,
Thy rotten soul in darkness dwell in the mouth of hell,
The worms are feeding on your lies within, you're drown in sin,
Born from the blind, feeble mind of the greatest whore!

Open shrines the children of the Nile,
When fountains of thy blood reach heavens,
When you're gone, mystic rites we'll carry on,
To explore into the shadows of thy scorn,
Tranquilized, smite your foes that they may die!
In the sun you'll see the shape of things to come,
When you're gone, mystic rites we'll carry on,
When fountains of thy blood reach heavens,


Cling to truths unknown
They flow like sweet wine
You follow them down
One voice of two breaths
Destroys his perfect design

Reality transforms
It changes all what lies behind
I can see all this now
Cause I'm finally awake

Remain faithful to the core of the obsessed mind!

Come and watch the blackest sea
It runs deeper than you dare to dream it could be
Come and watch the blackest sea
It runs deeper than you dare to dream it could be

We remain faithful to the core
Free from our confines
Awaken the light, chaos and fury
Irresistible force
Come salvation!
Come and revive us in the graves
We pay with our blood, flesh and regret

Aeons of suffering to find there's no life
We're all dead from the start
Future's nothing, it's pure deception to taste
Each second by your blind minds
Save yourself from thyself
If you ever really fucking cared
To know why we came
Come bloody judgement
In heaven as on earth

Where pain bounds our souls
Where darkness never fails
Come across the Styx
And find my Emptiness
And secrets remain untold
We're spinning round and round
On our way to hell
Would you die for my sins?
In the end to find
There's no life, we're all dead
From the start...

Come and watch the blackest sea
It runs deeper than you dare to dream it could be

Aeons of suffering to find there's no life
We're all dead from the start
Future's nothing - it's pure deception to taste
Each second by your blind minds
Save yourself from thyself
If you ever really fucking cared
To know why we came
Come bloody judgement
In heaven as on earth...

Where pain bounds our souls
Where darkness never fails
Come across the Styx
And find my Emptiness
And secrets remain untold
We're spinning round and round
On our way to hell
Would you die for my sins?
In the end to find
There's no life, we're all dead
From the start...
Wickedness within those words you told
Death watches us of every second of the day
It makes us suffer!
Thy beautiful disease is what they envy
You know what lies ahead
But not a single man ever cares!

Decades of decadence
Fill the abyss with our Hate divine
Lost within a piercing trance of eternal masquerade

Your ice never shatters, dead and dreaming
Why did you leave us on this fucking earth?

We got rid of our lives to live in everlasting world
Got rid of our lives to live in everlasting world

God speaks in serpent's tongue, you listen
You feel the fucking flow...

We got rid of our lives to live in everlasting world
Got rid of our lives to live in everlasting world

Trapped and broken bled to death
A hypnotizing suicide
The domain seeks to tear your life
Into a million shards of strife

Everlasting world...

Decades of decadence
Fill the abyss with our Hate divine
Lost within a piercing trance of eternal masquerade
Same today, same tomorrow, same when the world ends!

Call me foe as you enter my domain
This is not the perfect end...
The shining ones, the keepers of fire
We were exiled and disgraced
You took our world and bled it dry
Into the heart of all space

Call me foe as you enter my domain
This is not the perfect end...
The shining ones, the keepers of fire
We were exiled and disgraced
You took our world and bled it dry
Into the heart of all space

Trapped and broken bled to death
A hypnotizing suicide
The domain seeks to tear your life
Into a million shards of strife

Everlasting world...
Everlasting world...
Look at my wounds, with fresh blood they cry
It's so much bliss to bear the holy thorns inside
I'm your messiah, god re-rising from the flames
Above the masses overmesmerised
Instant salvation through this self-defile

This pig will never fall! yeah!

My eyes have seen the madness
Now they're breeding blind
I'm falling into the abyss to suicide-end my life
Warm river of my blood will flow over the crucifix
This is where I die...

We are the prophets of a New Disease
Come and worship in our church of blasphemy
We bring you torment, death and madness you adore
We spit your bowels in the face of the greatest whore
Aeons of evil mean eternal bliss...

The coldest death embrace stare of darkness smile of flames
Come listen to your god his words are childishly insane
And when you come to leave all this fucking flesh behind
See my reflection in your wide open eyes...

Cease to oppose us!
Cease to oppose us!
Each second in torment together we bleed

Cease to oppose us!
Cease to oppose us!
Now that you can see the truth behind the deceit

Count down to the end
Rise above your pain, death desires
Rise above your god, sucking on thy heart, destroying your soul
Free the abyss that lives deep inside of you
Breathe me in!
Get back to where you belong
Slowly leave for the place a million miles away

The coldest death embrace stare of darkness smile of flames
Come listen to your god his words are childishly insane
And when you come to leave all this fucking flesh behind
See my reflection in your wide open eyes

Cease to oppose us!
Cease to oppose us!
Each second in torment together we bleed

Cease to oppose us!
Cease to oppose us!
Now that you can see the truth behind the deceit...
In this sadness we rot
In the graveyard of immortals
We're reborn, we've seen the light
Of the mourning sun-rise!
Hold the curse of mortality
Death comes down on the flesh
Once we used to be tyrants
Now we're icons of pain and regret

Tired faded words that once held identity
Embrace now your destiny
Lift your wings!

Let the drums play louder
To the silence beyond our fate
There's bloodshed up there
On the cross to celebrate, yea!
Our bodies lie cold
Inside coffins of gold and silk
Once we used to be tyrants
Now we're icons of pain to be burned...

Tired faded souls come embrace now your destiny
Cast down mortality, lift your wings and be free
No death to come, wash away the agony
Restore thy identity...

Awaken from mortality
Let me be your crucified god
Million souls to steal
By the resurrection machine

We hail downfall! we hail the pain!
We serve the rain of black tears
And blood of the innocent spilled
Without us you'll fade
You'll not remain
Cause we're one blood and soul
Of the same machine
Let me be your crucified god...

We hail downfall! we hail the pain!
We serve the rain of black tears
And blood of the innocent spilled
Without us you'll fade
You'll not remain
Cause we're one blood and soul
Of the same machine
Let me be your crucified god...
Son of the dawn i say to thee
The fountains of blood reach the skies
All the dead will worship thee
Hungry brains and thirsty knives

Join the trance of Everlasting Hate
The march on the forsaken path
Let the flame grow higher
Up to the garden of heaven's delight

The evangelistic pain
The evangelistic pain

So where is your god of disbelief?
The fire that burns through the night
Nations drowning in my tears
My thought has cracked their minds

Our way's so illusive it's so hard to trace
The end is failing, no need to remain
The world's a disease that can't be cured
Warm rivers of blood will flow...
The truth is a voice that can't be heard
The end is failing, no need to remain
You don't know what's to come when the night is through
No messiah to teach the word

The evangelistic
The evangelistic

Our way's so illusive it's so hard to trace
The end is failing, no need to remain
The world's a disease that can't be cured
Warm rivers of blood will flow...
The truth is a voice that can't be heard
The end is failing, no need to remain
You don't know what's to come when the night is through
No messiah to teach the word!
Tears of blood I shed start to open up the skies
On headless cross ask yourself if you remember
Who destroyed your fucking world divine?
The time is slowing down in their dirty little hearts
Hypnotic sound of sirens hasten bloody rivers
They won't let you leave this world divine

We're walking down the forsaken path
To starless skies, to one horizon
With malediction in our minds
We shape the future
Destroy this fucking world divine

Let's spill the water made to wine!

The light is the answer forsaken for a million years
Hidden flash behind the rivers of creation
The eye of center, dawn of our race...

Why have you waited for the world below?
Life's poison, it's addiction to gore
Let's spill the water made to wine...

Let's spill the water made to wine!

The time is slowing down in their dirty little hearts
Hypnotic sound of sirens hasten bloody rivers
They won't let you leave this world divine
The light is the answer forsaken for a million years
Hidden flash behind the rivers of creation
The eye of center, dawn of our race...

I'm your lord crucified
Come taste the blood from my wounds before I die
I'm your lord crucified
Come taste some blood from my wounds before I die...
One more thing before you leave this secret path
One more word before you vanish from this sacred place
I'll make you remember all you know is a lie
All you see's the replica o'paradise

Erased from your minds
Erased from your minds

You're too blind to see the light that permates the air
You're too deaf to the manifests from the other side
Too shallow to see how profound is death
Too human to notice the astral oceans around

Erased from your minds
Erased from your minds

One step closer to the graves
One breath closer to the living Hate
Erased forever from your minds
The ancient birth of tragedy

One step closer to the graves
One breath closer to the living Hate
Erased forever from your minds
The ancient birth of tragedy
The hell of your eyes
The empty shell of lifeless skin and bone
One step closer to the cold of your breath

One step closer to the graves
One breath closer to the living Hate
Erased forever from your minds
The ancient birth of tragedy
The hell of your eyes...

Lux aeterna! Here comes the light shining bright,
Like mighty Phoenix in His final moment,
Create and destroy galaxies,
Between veils of ash,
Spewed from a billion dying suns,

Shine on! Through pestilence! Through infant light of worlds!
Shine on! Through mighty chaos! Through sultry eyes of God!

Here comes the sun unconquered!
In wombs with the infant light of worlds,
Here comes the sun, eternal might!
Ya birth the cells and eat them out:
The death apostle - The one that is all,
The one! That is all! The one!
In sultry eyes of God!

We are but dream within a dream,
We seem so sane yet doomed from the start,
Feed on misery, anticipate death to come,
Forced to live until we see the eternal light,

Shine on! Through pestilence! Through infant light of worlds!
Shine on! Through mighty chaos! Through sultry eyes of God!

In the blackness of this world I crave for a single beam of light,
The blackness of my stare as I fake the game of life,
You breathe within my chest, gaze outwords through my eyes!
And there's still no rest...
For those who live in glory of their past lives!

Blades shines bright horizon to horizon,
Without a cloud in sight, space itself seeps sanguine,
This is my poem to enlightenment,
I'm here to bring new extinction to the world!

The air is turning into endothermic blast!

There's still no way...
To wake up from slumber of thy past lives!

The core implodes in gravity's embrace,
Nuclear runaway fuses atoms from hell(ium) to iron,
The soil screams, sears the sky with shockwaves,
Flings death's fertile ash across the void!

The world is turning into endothermic blast!

If tomorrow is promised, why does it hold a gun to its head?
Who said this day would ever come?

Mighty Erebos! Heal my wounds!
Mighty Erebos! Heal my soul!
Mighty Erebos! Heal my conscience!
Mighty Erebos! The whole sky is bleeding red...

The black clouds, they spill out rains of blood!
Now anyone can see one true God,
Monarch to the kingdom of no end,
Holding burning torch in Her hand...
Lacerations carved from coffin nails,
Puncturing your soul with the wickedness,
Quivering flesh becomes the canvas,
Hate fills my wounds with salt,
Quintessence of higher suffering!
Quintessence of a dying God!

Eat my heart as it beats my contempt,
Suffocate me with your lust for pain,
Taste the rage as old as time,
Rape my consciousness and lay the blame,

Quintessence of higher suffering!
Quintessence of a dying God!

Deny me not! 'Cause I am salvation,
I breathe through your skin,
Inhaling the flaws you could never hide,
Can you feel me inside your ever pore,
Let it transform, separating us from mortality...

Quintessence of higher suffering!
Quintessence of a dying God!
Quintessence of a higher suffering...
I got the memory of every grief,
I got a war to fight...
Never found our way,
In this maze of torment!
No more can I say,
Frozen to myself...

We are the war accelerators,
Let it all burn! Let it all die!
In the search of enlightenment of our souls!

If I were to numb my pain, I'd rather fade away
'Cause my soul has been dead for so long...

My voice is so unclean,
My intention so unclean,
My spirit is so unclean,
My tongue is so unclean,
My blood is so unclean,
My thoughts are so fucking unclean!!!

I propagate the darkest Hate!
To the world of Man,
That's so fucking insane,
I can't hear your whisper,
When my heart wants to scream,
I can't hear your scream,
When the world burns around so loud!
Why should I forgive you
After all that I have seen?
Should I let you go,
After all that you have done?
I feel sheer Hate, no more can I say,
Machine gun is the only remedy...

Wow! I swear to God... I am in pain!
Horror shall rain, I feel like hell,
I swear to God... I am not me!
I cut you up and it set me free...
I sealed you up inside of me,
I swear to God, that's what I did,
I can't hear your whisper,
When my heart wants to scream,
I can't hear your scream,
When the world burns around so loud!

In need of victims,
In need of war,
In need of destruction,
I'll kill until I fall!

I'd rather fade away!

In need of victims,
In need of war,
In need of destruction,
I'll kill until I fall!

If I were to numb my pain I'd rather fade away
'Cause my soul has been dead for so long...

I swear to God... I am in pain!
Horror shall rain, I feel like hell,
I swear to God... I am not me!
I cut you up and it set me free...
I sealed you up inside of me,
I swear to God, that's what I did,
I can't hear your whisper,
When my heart wants to scream,
I can't hear your scream,
When the world burns around so loud!


Time is a tyrant!
Life is a symphony of dust!
We're mechanized slaves withering in torment!
Trapped in a swing of a hexagonal prism,
In oblivion we're mystified and lost...

These wild hearts run like machines,
Even deeper, burning through until they die,
Their song remains insane,
It goes on!

Stuck in the now with no future,
Our will is dead, our will is lost...

All I hear is the symphony of doom, of dust, of roar!
My name is lost, my name is found, redefined in a hexagonal prism,
Omnipresence of time? It's a trap! It's a dead end!
You cannot move these rocks, you will never find a way!

Time is a trap! Time is the eclipse of tainted lives!

Motivation comes from beyond,
The storms, you're riding the storms,
Enter the faith, penetrate thy wound, penetrate...
Faith! Faith is a weapon, a sharp blade, transgression of the laws...

Time is a tyrant!
Life is a symphony of dust!
We're mechanized slaves withering in torment!
Trapped in a swing of a hexagonal prism,
In oblivion we're mystified and lost...

In oblivion... You have become mechanized,
See the desert in front of your eyes, see the desert of life!
So cold, cold is existence...
You're no longer born in flesh,
Seven hundred and twenty degrees of hexagon...
Blood on my road as I march it down,
I would smile at every dying life,
Through rotting shells of dying trust,
With blackened sun, sun that will never rise,
Nowhere to leave the pain,
Nowhere to channel the nagger of the soul,
To end this stare of dying eyes,
To smite the world in just one fatal blow!

Downwards... To meet our minds of regression!
Downwards... To meet our minds in regression!

The blackened sun where light is gone,
Eternal night so vibrant and insane,
With open wrists I am going down,
The reign of death is preordained,
Somewhere... Beyond the flesh,
Lays the vain,
Which flows with all our Hate,
With destiny as vacant as void,
We stare with eyes, eyes that cannot see,
This reign of terror!

Downwards... To meet our minds of regression!
Downwards... To meet our minds of regression!
Downwards... To meet our minds of regression!
Down, down to wilt away...
Downwards... To meet our minds of regression!

Confined within our faith alone in this cage,
With icons that'll never grow,
Confined within our fate...
Reign of terror!

Downwards... To meet our minds of regression!
Downwards... To meet our minds of regression!
Downwards... To meet our minds of regression!
Down, down to wilt away...
Downwards... To meet our minds of regression...
Blood, pain... No matter what it takes,
You remain the last divine!
Because each cry brings me closer to your realms,
Where the night is gone I see the final dawn,
Come forth the monarch of our minds!
From grave to reach the crown...
Because I'm rising!

Imprisoned minds!
The judgement day is here,
A kiss worth dying for...
Break chains! Soon everything shall fall,
Existence fades away...

I hold a dark side - A part you'll never see,
Where chaos reigns my soul, where shadows lurk...

Blood red skies give rain to the heroes,
When the time of death approached kingdom of the heroes!

The fires burning outside,
Zenith has been reached - Emperors die in horror,
The borders of afterlife are marked by death,
Of this world of sodomy...
Behold the eyes of the dead,
Ablaze, insane, eyes of the forlorn,
And then each soul is denied to enter the gate,
Of the kingdom of all joy!

Ya strive and fail, ya stumble and you fall,
In this world of hurt...
Thy ink be still and slowly fade away,
Beyond the borders of the afterlife!

Death do us part! But life inside of thee lasts beyond the grave,
Once more you're reborn!

Death do us part! Life inside of thee last beyond the grave,
Once more you're reborn!

Streams of chaos ring within the deafened ears,
One by one each shall fall!
No one can stop, can stop the hands of time,
And time will stalk you throughout eternity...

Blood red skies give rain to the heroes,
When the time of death approached kingdom of the heroes!

Death do us part! But life inside of thee lasts beyond the grave,
Once more you're reborn!

(the air we breathe and ground we stand on)

Black fucking disdain!
Regenerate! Get it back to life!
Torrents of infernal blasphemy euphrates!
Let the fire grow in me!
When sky is still and venom works its way
Now we exist in perfect beauty of this plague
Reanimated blessed new earth!
There is a world to win
There is a world to win
and be restored!

There you stand!
Humane or humiliated by your inner ugliness
Humane or humiliated by your true inner holiness!

Illuminated as the serpent in the night
as radiant disease!

Infinite power of Eternal Might is the key
the shining star, the (only) reason I like to bleed
I drink this wine - The deadlist poison from this mouth
Immense hatred I breed!

We are exchanging eternities!
We exist in thy glory
a God is born and others die
the purpose revealed!

Illuminated as the serpent in the night
as radiant disease!

There you stand!
Humane or humiliated by your inner ugliness
Humane or humiliated by your true inner holiness!

Mighty Shamash illuminate!
Mighty Shamash eliminate!
Reach out and clash!
(peta babkama luruba anaku)

Concentrate and dissolve!
Solar force - Flaming rage

Behold! We march together against the faith!
We march together to smite the paradigm of life!

Let me drink your blame. Let me breathe your falsehood
We burn the halls of mystics. We have come to open the graves
May the gods be forsaken on altars of shame

May they wear crowns of thorns
May they swallow all despise!

Sacred doorways where darkness decends
Slaves in raptures sick of unknown disease
Feeble minds lust for oracles

Blasphemous rites as old as the earth
We burn and cut the living flesh
Years of silent sorrow grim and dark
Buried in eternal night!

Mystic descent
Solve et coagula
Where the stars await
Fractal light of all galaxy
The center of slow entropy
To find the core, the eye, the key...

I witness the astral existential truth unfolds!
The archetype, the light bearer
In the cycle of omega star
Black riders of anunnaki fight time - The great oppressor
Masters of transition, vice and perverse
Set the fractal light free!

Alchemy of Blood!
One who reveals its secrets will prevail
Ruling over nature - The light search to save the grain
Desecration and tragedy
It is time for verdict...
(usella mituti ikkalub altuti)

Praise the dwellers in ethereal realm of dust
From timeless void comes all existence
They still walk through countless years to come
They still march with shining blade reflect the sun

Seeking solace crimsom death - The shifting sky
Swallow dust of a thousand years to come
Infectious star - thou art terror incarnate
Infectious star from black heavens!

Giant maze - The seed of mortality
Giant star devouring all galaxies
Kingdom of dust - Revelation of the end
Kingdom of dust to set the world in flames!

The sun is fire that burns the soul
The sun is a virus that slowly kills
It brings you closer and closer to hell
Takes its toll. Do not spare a single soul

Shamash illuminate! Caught me in trance in your spell
Clash with the underworld!
Shamash illuminate! Caught me in trance in your spell
Clash with the underworld!

Praise the dwellers in ethereal realm of dust
Frim timeless void comes all existence!
They still walk through countless years of chaos
They still march with shining blade reflect the sun

Seeking solace crimsom death - The shifting sky
Swallow dust of a thousand years to come
Infectious star - thou art terror incarnate
Infectious star from black heavens!

Giant maze - The seed of mortality
Giant star devouring all galaxies
Kingdom of dust - Revelation of the end
Kingdom of dust to set the world in flames!
(eli baltuti ima idu mituti)

We have faith in poison!
Suicide! Suicide! Please make it today!
A wound from a perfect blade
Oh, that is what I crave!
Suicide! Suicide! Just come and release
A stream of blood from my wrists...

Slave cult for the worm-face
Like a dreak in darkest of corners
Saviors and martyrs of a deadly disease
Darkness and time will hide
Will destroy every trace of mine

Slave cult race!
Slave cult race!
Insanity devouring what is left of this reality
Murderous shining lust!

Oh, set me ablaze!

Have no voice. Have no pride! My self is denied
I am a slave and a martyr
Genocide! Genocide! The dawn of new world
Pain is only a weakness
Genocide! Genocide! Is what we designed
Death is just an escape!

Slave cult race!
Slave cult race!
It is nothing but blindfold - Life
Will destroy every trace of mine
Devouring what is left...

Insanity devouring what is left of this reality
Murderous shining lust!

Slave cult for the worm-race
Like a dream in darkest of corners
Saviors and martyrs of a deadly disease
Darkness and time will hide
Will destroy every trace of mine
Life is nothing but blindfold
... Is nothing but blindfold!
Lost in the burning sun
Lost in a void so black
Forsaken by destiny
Amidst this empty night
I wander through the fields of pain
I live for my endless disdain

Torment - Is it a blessing or a curse?

In the eye of blasphemy
Where the essence speaks to me
Can your hear silence stare?
Can you see riverbeds rise?
A place where the essence dwells
Elusive and hard to trace

Torment - Is it a blessing or a curse?

I retreat into my disease
Thousand ways to erase this life
Never find salvation from Hate
I will show you what it is...
A wound hard to heal!

When the seas turn into blood
Every word of mine comes true
In the name of the antichrist
My end will be fall of man

Torment - Is it a blessing or a curse?
I retreat into my disease
Thousand ways to erase this life
Never find salvation from Hate
I will show you what it is...
A wound hard to heal!

The soul exile immune to pain
Get the gun! Get the knife! Cleanse this waste!
A sequence of stabs, a sequence of shots thrills the air
In the silence's stare sadness will last, last forever!
(Harsag zalazalag)

Bring me solarflesh!

The gospel of filth eternal source of the dawn
The dazzling shine of a hidden earth
fuel for the flame, if it is good or evil
It crashes down from the skies!

Cosmic descent!

I follow death chasing infinity
I destroy all shadows with silence
I can see through your fake reality

I wish and pray for the world to collapse
For destruction to prevail
I wish and pray for death of millions
For thy hopes to be wasted
I wish and pray for genocide
For breasts to feed on thy flesh
Burn all the Icons, wipe up their names
May my fire feast on them!

Chaos and bloodshed in the eye of disdain
In the hour of penance millions in pain
Everlasting malice - Devourer of life
Perfectly obscured from a hundred stares

Raise the hidden flame
Lucipher destroying the divine
Elevate me to death - New existence
In the final rebirth!

I follow death chasing infinity
I destroy all shadows with silence
I can see through your fake reality!
I repossess the power of darkness

Cosmic descent!
Endless purity - The last direction
Of this wander through void and cold ways
Purity of life
Embracing the sadness

The night and fall
Unhealing wounds
As I reach the soil
With my last breath

In this weak shape I beg
To follow the journey
Through life of salvation
Through blood from my veins
I opened for thee...

Purity of light
Under the storm of regression

The night and fall
Unhealing wounds
As I reach the soil
With my last breath

There is no cleaner shine
Than your rays
There is no deeper void
Than I life behind for you

There is no higher pleasure
comparing to your caress
There is no greater love
Than thy embrace

Endless purity - The last direction
Of this wander through void and cold ways
Purity of life
Embracing the sadness

The night and fall
Unhealing wounds
As I reach the soil
With my last breath...
I watch the bright crimson drops
Hit the sink
I watch the bright crimson drops
Against white backgrounds
The pain lasts a while
But then turns to joy
It lasts forever
And then turns to death

Mesmerized with the sight of blood!
Soulless ritual
Over funeral sky
Mesmerized with the sight of blood
Soulless ritual

It is the way I release inner pain
No one can do me worse than I can do me
Sticky blade saws through my skin and veins
The lies. The Hurt. The shame.
Leaving me going down
The drain

Mesmerized with the sight of blood
Soulless ritual
Over funeral sky
Mesmerized with the sight of blood!
Black cold sea is all we can feel
Wound of fire is a burning torch
Wound of fire!

In the realm of pain we live
Razor's edge has no remorse
Razor's edge - The warmaker
Shifting channels of perception
We found holy grail of insanity

Flames that rise devour flesh of God
Black cold river flows through this
All life is bound - Interconnected chain of death
For everyone is born in grave
Born in grave!

Inhale! Pain! Divine!
Hatehammer! Let the darkness grow!
Hatehammer! Black starlight!

The idol crusher - Perverted blood
Yeah, we exist in thy glory
Kings of pain, kings of sadness
We have come to this...

Annihilation of all life
Death is so pervert and bright
Silent and calm the faceless queen of chance

Flames that rise devour the flesh of God
Black cold river flows through this
All life is bound - Interconnected chain of death
For everyone is born in grave
Born in grave!

Inhale! Pain! Divine!
Hatehammer! Let the darkness grow!
Hatehammer! Black starlight!
Hatehammer! The warmaker!
Hatehammer! Black starlight!