

Año de formación


País de origen

In the Devoid of Sorrow
The Air and my Heart full of Luster

Behind the Mountains
There must be a key to the Gates

Right passed easy Talk
We can once again walk the Path of Sorrow
Let the Turn of Search bring you away


Two Shades of the Midnight Fire
In the Night Sky
You waiting Child walk with me
Walk by Side of Fall
The Essence to open those Gates
And still we must walk the Path of Sorrow
The secret Lights in the Sky
All one
It seems

The Blades are sharpened
They will all learn
Yes, Destroy your Dream
Your Desert of Dreams
It´s undeserved
For Dark Medieval Times

Here, upon the Hill
You all find Wisdom

Waiting for a lot of
Endless screaming


Desert of Dreams
Eternity in your Dreams
Here you are
Dark Medieval Times

Vi er vikinger av det kalde vinter
land en trone av svarte sjeler
As I walk
With a Spirit
Into the binding Forest

In Fog and Darkness
I walk
I disappear
Into the mighty Forest

It´s beyond the sweet
And tainted Landscapes
The Shadow walking

Your Sanctity
Soughts the Story
Of Generations

Dark Forest Trees over the Funeral,
All day the Army ride
They moved in deeper
So Dark that they weren´t even...
Too lead us passed this wicked Dense
I can fell the Presence of the Shadowthrone in the deepest Dark
When cold Winds Freeze
When Night came and dark Fog came over me
Let that Horde come to me
As they walk right by
When all the Death is near
I wander eternally
Invincible Fog is near
We walk the Fields of War
The Cloak of the Moon it can slip all them through
And the Flame is the Wrath of his Sword

[Satyr:] Kampen mot Gud og hvitekrist er igang!

Evig minnes vi de tapre som levde under vår hordes hammer
Evig er krigen mot de av lyset, til de míter dødens ansikt, dødens kulde
Vinder av kulde skal komme, for å fryse kristenmanns blod

Vært korstog har begynt og hvert skritt er en stake gjennom hvite krists hjerte

Vl brenner guds barn på bålet
Vl brenner guds hus
Tidens mírke skal dekke for solen
Perleporten skal knuses

Og hver torne i hans skalle, hver spiker i hans kropp gir liv til nye
Sjeler fodt under dødens mektige trone

Vi går vårt dødningtog til dødens land med de endelíse vidder
Når korsfarerne dingler og hvite krists ånd er død
Når månen skinner blek og ensom, skal lyden av en dødsmarsj bestige
nordens mekrige fjell

Borte var de av guds jord, bak en mørk sky månen så rå og kald
Sungen er siste tone av en gravsang
In the mist of the shadows by the river of the fogpalace
Two great spears and a flag of dominion and hate
Over the chasm riders of doom

And sometimes the water dares to reflect...
As days pass by and the light is becoming weaker
I can watch the death of the sun from my enormous view
Still sometimes I thought my own eyes were deceiving me

Many a misty morning´s battle. Further on more experience
Soon it´s time to hear the sound of the horn in far distance
The deathtone call for war

In the mist by the hills the day darkens
In this forest death rules
Over this chasm riders of doom and face him with a deadly pale spectre face
Grim as stone, ride to the deathfields... Blackness and doom
A total eclipse of the sun
Die by the northern triology in the mist by the hills
In grey depressive autumn times I wander the woods to eternity searching for
him trying to remember while the same shy still rules the night
We knew then. That these were the children of god
The ones who betrayed me and my desire

This must be the desolate land. this is the kingdom of the shadowthrone
centuries have gone beyond time, and we in the land beyond the forest, we
burnt them in the purgatory, them the children of god. Barely forgotten these
times are, but not for a soul whose rest hasn´t been found.
Langt inn i mellom hoye fjell og dype daler
Gjennom norske skoger og mørke huter
Bak her en drøm for over tasen år siden
Til hordaland kom pesta og bragte død og pine
Thekseskogen ble plantet røtter for et rike som skulle komme

Hedningenes land vikingland
Svarte sjelers land vikingland

Mens telemarks fosser og bekker enda renner i strie strímmer som
Evigheten selv

En ny tid kom hår turdenbrakene dundret og jorden skalv
Som når trollene kriger om høm som skal herske ijotanheimen

En ny tid kont... Hvor vinteren blåser og pisker
Det er ikke ly å finne for den ensomme
Pandere som måtte søke fred i nordland

Her oppe på fjeller ved inidnattsilden kan man endu se
De komme som ville dyr ut av skogsmørket
Over trellberg...
From beyond come the storms
Landscapes turn to ash before my pressured eyes
Nothingness turns to nothingness
And my imagination fades like dustclouds over
This deserted land feel to now satyricon
Wonder how stormclouds rage
And all you can feel is the cold winds of
Funeral times, timeless they are

He saw lived and died
In these dreams of demons
Wondering how he could open the gate to
Dark medieval times and bring forth to the domains
of satyricon, two great spears and a flag of dominion
And hate

Above it all creations fall
Living for the quest and the search
Dying for the key, living for the domains
Arise northern spirit and come forth under
The might of the castle satyricon
He wander the fields of death... In eternity wandering our own path
Which has been the quest of immortality
Yet to conquer for me, but dreams shall not be torn

He is spirit
He is stone
And he is immortality
The king of the shadowthrone

And even the conqueror (of death)
Fell as a stone from the mountain
And time led to destruction
Once he left, he knew then in the past
That the seeds should be worthless
Spirit rise from your rest and return for them

I am spirit
I am stone
And I am immortal
Summon thy hidden wisdom, gather the unholy hate
Winter is at hand, frozen my tears will be
Created by blasphemy
The edge of my sword, the powers of my mind

Winter is at hand, as two torches blaze in the dark
A warrior dressed in black, granted eternal life
Black winds blow my hair, as the voice of the night
Whispers my name

Blackened ground, misty sound
Hear the call for war, the master calling his
Warriors to explore by the sign of the horns
As the dawn arises the souls of a thousand
Young men shall go wild
As the fire shines into the night they´re sitting by
The campfires awaiting the dawn
Through years of knowledge, man rode the wings of evil
Through the enormous winter, three years without summer
Prepared for the battles of the north

I sat on my throne and watched between
The skies of a cold northern light
Knowing this was my ground, but those who turned their backs
Against my throne, only got my sword on their back!

I rose from my throne, and walked away with the wind
Through centuries of weakness
Only the strong follow me, on my crusade of darkness
In this land where the forest is my throne
I have come to re-hunt

Come come infernal war awake beasts of hell
free yourself from the chains that have been holding you for 666 years
We await sodomy and destruction

It is the night of the triumphator (starts the burning of heaven)

On this night in the pentagrams power we shoot the angels down from the sky
(and we) sodomize the dirty whores of babylon... on christian ground

On this night we torture the betrayers
Night night holy night of the triumphator
(rape the nuns, hang the priests, cut the throat of the crying christians)
This is Armageddon

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse:
And his name that sat on him was Death
And Hell followed with him. And power was given
Unto them over the fourth part of the earth,
To kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death,
And with the beasts of the earth".

And then again "I saw and beheld, a black horse;
And he that sat on him had a scythe; And a crown
Was given unto him and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
And there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black
As sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.

And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth,
Even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs,
When she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven
Departed as a scroll when it is rolled together,
And every mountain and island were moved out of their places."
Almighty mountains and rocks, I beg you fall on them.

For the great day of wrath is coming, and who shall be able to stand?
Forhekset av tidenes vind, Besatt av Nattens kolde gufs
Under ravnsvart himmel de bedriver Blodskam og hor
Med skingrende stemmer de pækaller Dypets makter
I en sirkel bundet av Grimme visjoner

Bæret av dyrets Glans, Omfavnet av dídens vinger
Av det dypeste hat i det sorteste av det morke
I en eng av torner... Næ i fullmænens besettende lys

De nagler englene til jorden med sjel og kropp
Kaos hersker over de hvite domener
Profetier blir oppfylt
Jorden stær i et hav av flammer
Mother north - how can they sleep while their beds are burning?
Mother north - your fields are bleeding

Memories... The invisible wounds
Pictures that enshrine your throne (gone?)

A Future benighted still they are blind
Pigeonhearted beings of flesh and blood
Keeps closing their eyes for the dangers that threat... ourselves and our nature
And that is why
They all enrage me

Sometimes in the dead of the night I mesmerize my soul
Sights and visions prophecies and horror
They all come in one

Mother north - united we stand (together we walk)
Phantom north - I�ll be there when you hunt them down
Du som hater gud og kristent liv
Fíler hans n´rv´r som en bitter kreft
Her mæ det skjendes og skjendes kvasst
Himmerikets enger dynket i blod

Hater av gud
Og lyspesten

Se inn i guds lamme íyne
Sæ soytter de i hans æsyn
Slæ i hjel hans ynkelige lam
Med klibbe

Gud med diff og dine
Har du lagt mitt norgesrike i ruiner
Fordumstiders staute skikk og bruk
Kvestet du med dine stygge ord
Næ skal du bort fra vær mark
I am the beast in passionate pain
I am the grim being of the highlands
Of the other side...
I am winter when you freeze
I am the hammer and you are the anvil

Forever in warfare my heart is
With my passion of despair
Still though I was there when the hills were born
And when the wind blew for the first time
So there are reasons for my existence

Seems like I dwell in a circle
Somewhere in the Nordic Hemisphere

Where the howling winds rage
And the mountains are majestic
I can breathe and where there is
Human flesh I feel strangled

Open the gate to immortality
I stand proud awaiting the glory
Of a new morning... darkness
Eder har gjort vårt rike raattent
Eder har gjort vårt gull rustent
Og flammene fra de veldige sletter alt vi har å minnes
fra verdig manns tid

Eder har bragt i -- i kvalmende lys i dragens hule
Eder har malt kors på hammer
Og vi har siktet pilen -- pilen på menneskesønnens -- menneskesønnens usle trone

Nemesis divina splinten i øyet på jehova sager
Nemesis divina kniven i hjertet på guds sønn

Eder har bragt oelsk til fiende
Eder har gjort ravn til due
Men def olme øyet er vendf mot eder
og hevnens klokke ringer

Eder er vitnesbyrd
om brente broer og glemte sanger
Eder er barn hjertig hetens fedre
og milleniumspestens budbringere
Dog skal en dag nå komme

da eder bårn i tre skal henge

Nemesis divina splinten i øyet på jehova
Nemesis divina kniven i hjertet på guds sønn

For stridsmenn har nå hevet øksøn og bespotølsøns tegn æ reist
Nemesis divina - før strawøn må komme

This is Armageddon

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse
And his name that sat on him was death
And Hell followed him, and power was given
Unto them over the fourth part of the world

To kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death
And with the beasts of the Earth."

And then again "I saw and beheld, a black horse,
And he that sat on him had a scythe, and a crown
Was given unto him and he went forth conquering, and to conquer
And there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black
A sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood

And the stars of heaven fell unto the Earth
Even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs
When she is shaken of a mighty wind, and the heavens
Departed as a scroll when it is rolled together
And every mountain and island were moved out of their places."
Almighty mountains and rocks, I beg you fall on them

For the great day of wrath is coming,
And who shall be able to stand?

Forhekset av tidenes vind, Besatt av Nattens kolde gufs
Under ravnsvart himmel de bedriver Blodskam og hor
Med skingrende stemmer de pkaller Dypets makter
I en sirkel bundet av Grimme visjoner

Bret av dyrets Glans, Omfavnet av dodens vinger
Av det dypeste hat i det sorteste av det morke
I en ang av torner...N i fullmnens besettende lys

De nagler englene til jorden med sjel og kropp
Kaos hersker over de hvite domener
Profetier blir oppfylt
Jorden str i et hav av flammer
I am the one Orgasmatron
The oustreched grasping hand
My image is of agony
My servants rape the land
Obsequious and arrogance
Clandestine and pain
Two thousand years of misery
Of torture in my name
Hypocrisy made paramount
Paranoia the law
My name is called religion

I twist the truth
I rule the world
My crown is called deceit
I am the emperor of lies
You grovel at my feet
I rob you and I slaughter you
Your downfall is my gain
And still you play the sycophant
And rebel in your pain
And all my promises are lies
All my love is hate
I am the politician
And I decide your fate

I march before a martyred world
An army for the fight
I speak of great heroic days
Of victory and might
I hold a banner drenched in blood
I urge you to be brave
I lead you to your destiny
I lead you to your grave
Your bones will build my palaces
Your eyes will stud my crown
For I am mars the god of war
And I will cut you down
Without beginning, without end (our lifeblood)
the road for the spiritual outlaw is never ending
and so is the hunt for all those answers
the devil may hold your truth, what a fucking relief it would be (to know)
bluecold and the grim truth stands before you, all you ever wanted ?

Descend and fly away to another day, another night
sleep forever or serve to justify

The brand that you wear speak of what you are made of
It leaves you like an open book for everyone to read
Is this it, is this what you wanted?
The eye of the rest on your back
To be a part of the masterplan is the only way
to spiritual hell
drink to that and never forget where you came from
cause there�s no such thing as one way ticket to hell
what a fucking relief that is

Descend and fly away to another day, another night
sleep forever or serve to justify
They say that you´ve born to the eternal kidness
And that was conceived by divine grace
That came to finish with the pervertion and evil
And died on the cross to humanity save
The pervertion and evil only start after you came
Because you was only a crazy lier
False saints were with you on your insanity
And the more stupids belived on you
Thieves and corrupts
Now eleited priests
They sellet pieces
Of cloth saying it were yours
The chief of insanity
Now is reigning at home
The pervertion and evil
Only start after you came
Eder har gjort vårt rike raattent
Eder har gjort vårt gull rustent
Og flammene fra de veldige sletter alt vi har å minnes
fra verdig manns tid

Eder har bragt i -- i kvalmende lys i dragens hule
Eder har malt kors på hammer
Og vi har siktet pilen -- pilen på menneskesønnens -- menneskesønnens usle trone

Nemesis divina splinten i øyet på jehova sager
Nemesis divina kniven i hjertet på guds sønn

Eder har bragt oelsk til fiende
Eder har gjort ravn til due
Men def olme øyet er vendf mot eder
og hevnens klokke ringer

Eder er vitnesbyrd
om brente broer og glemte sanger
Eder er barn hjertig hetens fedre
og milleniumspestens budbringere
Dog skal en dag nå komme

da eder bårn i tre skal henge

Nemesis divina splinten i øyet på jehova
Nemesis divina kniven i hjertet på guds sønn

For stridsmenn har nå hevet øksøn og bespotølsøns tegn æ reist
Nemesis divina - før strawøn må komme
Salvation: A merciless hand
from below holding the melancholy of
a million strangled souls Part, melancholy

So warm and glorious
embraced in a black mass
a mass which holds
the pain of oppression Part, oppression

I´ll reach out for that salvation hand
and accept its shinig blessing
so that I can bear their pain and longing Part, longing
Sinful woman walk with me cause I´m the wolf on your shoulder
but complain not to me, cause I´m the accuser
If you dare to withhold the immense power and the greed
you shall walk among us to subterranean fields

Why don´t you come with me
and dance the snake pit dance
rhythmic moves to the eerie bells, the boiling blood
evils breath on your neck, the morbid rite
I´m tied in bronze chains
(so) where do all the flowers come from (in October 1997)
I am tired, should I care anymore?
The rusty claws who reach for me are too far away
sense no anger for that, be at one
The sleaze on the Wall is all gone (anyway)
it´s just flowers, flowers
Come, come let´s join the orgy
decay and wine, sodomy all the way
no rest for the holy
forbidden fruit is always best
dirt ´n filth tastes so good

I see the cross of Peter overwhelming their coward countenance
Oh you´re so damned clean, now take my dirty whore, hell fire is inside her
contaminate the clean, woman. Let him feel you´re venom
It´s the only way to release the chains
My candle is burning at both ends, I just want to be released before I go
It´s a harsh voyage, to the land of sin
I had to make sure to bring ´em down with me
I am the last of my kind and I´m tied in bronze chains
Filthgrinder, no-love machine, cleaner
unknown to remorse and pity
cynical, electric fuckin´ murderer

What a scenery, the heavy pulse beat of the
Unholy Alliance and the white fear
Take a look around and understand, (that) your days are numbered
the demon on the Wall and the ticking clock
closing in (on that final) grasp for air, do you still believe?
The future beast is rising and tyranny has come for 777 years
reach out for mercy, it´s just a bygone anyway
Filthgrinder - practice aggression
Filthgrinder - protect the wealth of the Elite
Filthgrinder - tremble upon the ugly
True-born creature, twist that Firm grasp of yours
like in days of old
He can feel it, he knows they can´t
to be in league with the underworld can´t be mistaken
you don´t believe, you know!
He chants a primitive gospel, so very hard
The mechanisms of destructive behaviour can be an art form in itself
The beast risen represents no so called dark mercy
evil knows no good, good knows no evil
but a saviour he is in all forms, but religious
a Grand engine carrying years of built up Hatred
and Powers. You know that, isn´t that why I can smell your fear?
Your heart trying to rip its way through your chest

Filthgrinder a beastified being risen from the collective
hatred of an oppressed people.
A people representing Pride, Dignity and Honour!

Wonder how it would be to be the great Redeemer
the one to bestow upon you life and death
the one to poison you when you´re down
or to be the one to hand you the crown of thorns
when your hands are sore
(and) to save you from the everything you care for
Are you bitter when you see how pale you are?
Do you feel hate without direction?
A kind of seed inside you that never blossoms
It is at the gallows end one forgets that everything
has to have a greater meaning
An unrecognisable call drags you towards the unspoken word
to suffer Martyrdom for the others
The Saviour cut off your wings, somehow just to remind you that He exists
Those who wait for His salt with open wounds have a way to go
the shadows of your must rest (first)
Though I ask, why do you dig your own grave when others do it for you?
The force behind the hit can not be mistaken
´cause He´s the saviour with magnanimity and
...a light in the dark

Maybe it is intimidating more than lighting the way,
where is the road going? To a place where you can wash the blood of your hands?

Where did the knowing go?....With a saviour to transcendental kingdoms
or to the valley of the forgotten?
behind the vault of the sky´s mystery lies a dream
damned or saved, how could we ever know?
He would kill the white-draped men
He would kill all holy men
He would kill the powers in control
to waste these jokers in this pathetic game
He would choke the sleaze pig
He would shepherd the sheep off the cliff
He would crush all organs of speech
to start the process of renewal
He would avenge the dead
He would crave divine protection
He would sing the songs of darkness
to call upon it to manifest
He would "mirror" himself in the tundra frost
He would rape its virtue
He would disable its ways of hurting him
to give him that advantage
This would be the way of the misanthrope
in order to create you must destroy
We would greet the nuclear morning mist
We would smile at all life dying
We would cherish each and every moment
and celebrate the return of Sin
We would bow to the planet´s Iconoclast
we would march under the flag of Dominion and Hate
we would burn all conspirators
and their works with ´em
We would reveal the only truth
we would make them really sorry
we would show them Sovereignty in true fashion
and then be a reflection of their loss
We would soak up the last joys of our lives
we would Hail that grotesque destiny
we would walk on to the last glory
and hope for blessing to come
A rotating silver-colored plateau, drops that dance down the columns
Blue, cold and the raging star wind
glowing colors at fearful speed
indistinct pictures of prophets and visionaries in a galactic fog

in outer space on an axis
In another reality on a supersonic journey
inevitably he can see it, the lights are going out and he knows
if he just could make us understand
In the emptiness there is nothing that can draw the picture you want
just a stillborn child on hands that fumble
Raging, raging at incomprehensible pace
the colors blinding, the plateau falls in outer hell
They disclose that we had to die... We bit the hand that fed us

in outer space on an axis
In another reality on a supersonic journey
Is this what is yet to come, or a madman´s reflection of the soul?
As when his heart cried out in pain when he perceived what
burdens we were to bear

Without beginning, without end (our lifeblood)
the road for the spiritual outlaw is never ending
and so is the hunt for all those answers
the devil may hold your truth, what a fucking relief it would be (to know)
blue-cold and the grim truth stands before you (all you ever wanted?)
Descend and fly away to another day, another night
sleep forever or serve to justify
The brand that you wear speak of what you are made of
It leaves you like an open book for everyone to read
Is this it, is this what you wanted?
The eye of the rest on your back
To be a part of the masterplan is the only way to spiritual hell
drink to that and never forget where you came from
cause there´s no such thing as a one way ticket to hell
what a fucking relief that is
Descend and fly away to another day, another night
sleep forever or serve to justify

Break down all conventional forms and create chaos to reinvent order
Rebel against all circles and dead ends
fight your way with your mind set on the masses
execute with mechanical aggression
arrogance and extravagance
march on unapproachable
shut out the outside pressure
or are you too weak?
when shall they see the real darkness?
In a world where our justice is replaced by mercy
...mercy for the inferior
The serpent´s maelstrom is already here
just waiting to be unchained
so feed the fire with the vile and let sincerity rule
why can´t you see that the armoured hostile aura is meant to keep you away in all your primal simplicity
(it seems like) fright procreates the downfall of the mind
such a sin isn´t it... the stagnation of it all
You must collect your instruments of battle
and protect, to emancipate that which lives within you
Rebel against the chains
Break down the embodiment of your pain
Attack with robot precision
Rise and Shine under Wings of Divinity
Now pick me up night and whirlwind
and let me ride with you
to peace of mind and nothing to Rebel
On my signal, unleash Hell

Who made deceit into the ultimate award?
Who told you, you´re not poisoned?
I see the snake coiling inside you
I see the venom in your eyes

You can´t stab me, or even touch me
You can´t betray me, it´s just an illusion
I built the pain inside you
I spawned the snake

It will gradually tear you apart
It will eat you from inside
No longer sweet revenge
No longer emotional triumph
Pity you, led to believe (in own willpower)
Pity you, (resting) on withered laurels
Can´t you see, the world´s on fire...
Can´t you feel, you´re getting burnt!

There´s a day coming, for me to rip and to rape
There´s a winter coming, for you to be swallowed
Swallowed by emotional cold
Swallowed by a power much greater than yourself

Who made deceit into the ultimate award?
Who told you, you´re not poisoned?
I see the snake coiling inside you
I see the venom in your eyes

You can´t stab me, or even touch me
You can´t betray me, it´s just an illusion
I built the pain inside you
I spawned the snake
Born into a field of flowers, to slowly wilt away
Sheltered by wings, delicately smothered by blindness
Released among the wolves, thus molded by resistance
Ridden by the clawed hoofs of tyrants

The fruit of other worlds, but grown by loneliness
Concealing a black soul, and but sensing the beyond
Uniquely grown from within
Shimmered by a darker night, but left to solitude

How can one disclose a darker night,
If one but rests?
Or evidence the suffering,
By wordly gauge?
Or comprehend the long-drawn agony
When pain and evil never trod one down

Like a warring sun, from a better kingdom
Beautiful, free, of different steel!
Dearly prized, and equally broken
He should have gone free of you!

An emotional tumour, gnaws from inside
Of heartless, spineless treason
The darkest night now weaves its loom
Soon to release its spawn
Scornful, relentless memory
Ripped of all but drive
Undressed by betrayal
Zero tolerance for the souldead
Wish I was the violence,
Inflicted upon you

Fuel for Hatred, air raid siren to mankind

Little you,
Still like a claw in my eye
Pulsating organic rage
I should have let you off of the hook
Mind drifts
Into dynamic pain
Universal onslaught
I�m on my own (One soul, one hate)

Fuel for Hatred, air raid siren to mankind

Damnation, holocaust
Devil horns for you to ride
Time for the angel
To spread his wings and fly
World opponent,
Wishmaster of gruesome pain
Stormtroops� frantic fury,
Demoniac spitfire!

Abortion of religious life, distinguish the rot
I hate you
To a level of intoxication
Don�t feel alone,
I�ve got enough
I wish you slow death,
Slow death by grinding

Fuel for Hatred, air raid siren to mankind
Crawling down the road of life
Another hopeless speech
Gruesome soul numbness
People stare, do they know
I am suffering the tyrants

Every gesture is a malicious attack
A firm fist of misery
But it shall not coincide
With the Lion´s downfall

There are no tears
No feeling of guilt
Nowhere to channel the anger
Nowhere to leave the pain

How can they feast upon the Lion without knowing?
...He will eventually rise again

Hunt him down (when He is at his weakest)
Tempt him down (on His knees if you can)
Stronger than all (so it´s futile)

All there is left (right now) is personal pride
Enough to return with rays of light
Mourning the decay
Bitter ungodly enemy
Cast into heavy woe
Left in the corner of the world (we are possessed)

Out of the maze, with clearsight - at the brink of one´s abyss
Out of the maze, with clearsight - cold eyes at the world
Out of the maze, with clearsight - disbelief and scorn
Out of the maze, with clearsight - not poisoned by your fraud (we are possessed)

The realisation of the position
No longer vulnerable
Having played the music no one could understand
Serenade to the devil´s den - He, the final frontier!

Defaming judgement
Upon the starving souls
Mourning self-made pestilence
Cannon fodder for the

A haunt for every unclean spirit
Lord of the flies or kingdom of death
Circle the prey, show them your eyes,
They bear witness of centuries of might

Predecessor who blessed us with grace
In sempiternal fight
Excessive aggression -
Fire is the definite sign of rebirth!

The elders´ electrons channelled through you
Carried by thy night Supremacy
Born to win this battle, defeat is the tongue
Of the whore
Do we need another bastard nation...
Another force-fed disgust
Do we need another bastard nation...
Aiming at us clinically
Like an insect-swarm
Towards the shapeless mouth
Of a dead whore
We need the spirit, the voice, the angel of light
Arising from melted mass
We need the spirit, the voice, the angel of light
Taking invincible shape
To standing ovation
Repossessing night and her hand´s godly touch

The unbearable feeling of hitting that
Dark wall is a scene that must come to an end

Eartly decay in front of our eyes
Now, now it´s killing for a living

No more repined bastard nation
A generous gesture to a people so blind
No more repined bastard nation
Fumbling, descending, away from the light
It takes a non-poisoned creature
To withstand a monster that has grown and spawned,
A darkness, I can not tolerate
A darkness we must bury
Do they feel, do they absorb our pain...
The search to justify one truth
Do they feel, do they absorb our pain...
The greater understanding

It takes a non-poisoned creature
To defeat and destroy a monster,
That has grown and spawned
A darkness, a darkness we can not tolerate
Past tense icons
Locked up in cages
A disgrace to us, (and) a vital sight of (impending) doom
Upheld by insane aggression
No tender repentance, (just) denial of ugliness
With the rain come their conquest

Behold those who ride black winds
Satan, the kings are heading home

No harmony on the horizon
When our haven burns silently
An image of absolute mutiny
Against those who pertain to the dearest hell

Monotonous graveyard plains -
The soul exile
Quintessence of pain -
A higher form of suffering!

(Why should man be protected,
What has he done to justify it?
This is why we embrace animals;
They represent the innocence man doesn´t have)

Monotonous graveyard plains -
The soul exile
Quintessence of pain -
Satan, the kings are heading home
Grey heavens, no light shed
Bleak day, change is ahead
Oval mountainside, naked cold
Unreleased powers, no fright

Slide down sorrow, smell what comes with the breeze
Cold chambers, punishment awaits
Hollow tone haunts, anticipation´s choir sings
Turn around, face the depth of inner sanctum

Autumn in the air, (the) smell of Black Metal 90-95
World moves, in mysterious ways
Body onwards, mind drifts
You die, then we hail (to our relief)

New age dawns
Face all wrath
Sickness; won´t understand,
Burning first
Grace falls
Volcano shaking
Fates are being sealed

Heavens blunder,
No turning back
Will you or will you not
To heroism walk

Black Lava, drifting down the mountainside
Black Lava, you can´t fight

Pernicious flow, redemptive perpetuity
Unholy drive, the gods arrogant grin
If my world´s a joke, do you see them smile?
Hellbound me - on a throne of gold

Wastelands prey on dying cattle
Desert sucks on poor man´s thirst
Glimpse of glory, walk ahead
Slaves of Nazareth, can not be fed

Black Lava, drifting down the mountainside
Black Lava, you can´t fight
Gods of the land remember him
For he has served the purpose
And sworn to thee

Master of the mountains
Spirit of the sea
Bringer of justness
Lord of the dark ways

Flee from him, for he is pure
As any soldier can be
Fighting a cause
Free as any wanderer

Armed with flame
Blazing force
Risen from time
Rebel´s son

Remember the fallen
And what they did
Memory is how to
Understand the future

Troubled by those
Whose spirit is torn
From mind and body
Never surrender!

Destined by the elders
And by them acclaimed
Ascending from the abyss
Sunset for the Triumphator
The soul (when) stripped of all
Lies in the hands of what?
Inner chaos roars, nerves boil
Now, where to go...

A lifetime of slow inner death,
How torture is that?
Chocking fear, is life real?
And what is dying?

What if void is a shellshock´s aftermath?
What if Eden is all poisoned fruit?
What if hell is forever pain?
What if life is a blindfold, and death is punishment?

Global puppetshow, made by hands of transcendental divinity
Blood rives cascades, could be virtual reality
World war slaughter, could be the final act
And graveyard paradise could be eternity´s curtain
Who are the ones with the keys?
Will they lead us...
Life is nothing but untimely answers
To our existential fear-questions

Fear - reared its ugly head
Death - came to me on a somber morning
Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns

Beholding the might
In its dawn of grace
In its beauty and light
In its pride and glory
Rushing torrent - time and space
Elder lords - crack the soil
Gone or dead - you´ve never been
Kingdom come - hear the roar
Climbing down
To rule the earth

Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns

Upon high places
With their heads up high
With their lives at stake
With their blades at hand
Triumph come - beyond the gate
Giants rise - from the pits
Worlds collide - chaos reign
Dawn of gold - age of gods
Climbing down
To rule the earth

Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns

Lightning strikes - wake up now
He the fourth - hate the weak
Summon all - make the signs
Legions march -earth to void
Climbing down
To rule the earth

Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns
Overture of evil
Aggressive force
Stamp of authority
The world is his stage
Always rise when down
Never bow to doubt
Pain is temporary
Pride is forever

The Destroyer

Resisting fire
Firm as a rock
Smelling fear
Unleash the storm
(If) they lust for death
Give them death
What they want
Is what you´ll give
The chase is on
Reverie dies
Stand up be counted
This world that we hold
Will never kneel
Fuck you - you can never win
You never had
Our persistence
It´s an honor never bestowed upon you
We´re wide - awake
All senses alert
We´ll brush you off
Like dirt on our skin
A lifetime under devil wings
Has forged a shield of unpenetrable strength

´cause they want
´cause they need
´cause they are
Made to be
Now, Diabolical

Countless nights of ferocious anger
And grinding teeth
The jaw is clenched
The spark is lit
The target locked
We want you dead
Your head on our plate
You wanted war
And war you will get
You sorry man - you never knew and you (were) never prepared

We cannot
We will not
We never have been affected by you
We will always fight
We will never rest
We will not mourn

Those who got lost
We entered this world and thought nothing
Of no one or anything
This world that we hold
Came to us with our lives
You always thought
You never knew
You never grasped our existence
A shallow mind in an empty shell - no good to this world
Both feet on the ground
Firmly positioned
Our boiling blood is pumping
Damn you all for being so small
You cannot kill
What you cannot see
Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns

Beholding the might
In its dawn of grace
In its beauty and light
In its pride and glory
Rushing torrent - time and space
Elder lords - crack the soil
Gone or dead - you�ve never been
Kingdom come - hear the roar
Climbing down to rule the earth

Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns

Upon high places
With their heads up high
With their lives at stake
With their blades at hand
Triumph come - beyond the gate
Giants rise - from the pits
Worlds collide - chaos reign
Dawn of gold - age of gods
Climbing down to rule the earth

Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns

Lighting strikes - wake up now
He the fourth - hate the weak
Summon all - make the signs
Legions march - earth the void

Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns
Hellbent and raw
Armed to the core
Walks with the wind
Determined and strong
Inherit his laws
Adopt and obey

Rise my friend - march to war
Time is up - shadows dance
Fight my friend - tyrants pull
Time is up - burn the world

Driven by sin
Let the scavengers loose
Power from hell
Siege and advance
Silence the foe
Fire and smoke


From the slumber arise
Triumphant Beast of forgotten times
The Pentagram Burns
And the clock strikes the hour
The Final Hour
Retreat, divide
What moved, what blurred
What spun, what changed
Our perception of reality

Awaiting the battle destined
Reflecting the ending desired
On bloodstained soil
The circles meet
Face him
On bloodstained soil
The fog dispersed
Come forth - A new enemy

Unknown, begone
It stirs, it tears
It rips, it shreds
The bizarre nature of our kind

Awaiting the battle destined
Reflecting the ending desired
On bloodstained soil
The circles meet
Face him
On bloodstained soil
The fog dispersed
Come forth - A new enemy

For what, for whom?
No rule, no sense
Awaiting the battle destined
Reflecting the ending desired
On bloodstained soil
The circles meet
Face him
On bloodstained soil
The fog dispersed
Come forth - A new enemy
Freedom, urge, faith - and deeper he falls
Hatred, rage, fear - the stronger denial
Anger, heat, lust - the higher he climbs

Slave - the shackles are off
Act - Do it your way
Horns - the abyss ascends
Now gather the earth
It´s the coming of the Dark Lord
All tribes unite
This is the rite of our cross

Viewing, judging, killing - A formula known
Fading, paling, rotting - A story too old


Wielding, might, just - Now throw me the fight
Glowing, thriving, winning - The truth will be told

They´ve come into this sphere
With (their) natural born fire
To spread and protect new found truth
No man is man more noble the the cause he fights (for)

From the heavens
From the abyss
From the depths of man
From the mind
From the heart
From the soul

In the day and hour of depression
Fate is on our side
The twilight is soon over
And heads are turned northwards
Behind the wall of sleep is and always was

From the heavens
From the abyss
From the depths of man
From the mind
From the heart
From the soul

The will to win and timeless strength
Holy holy union made in hell
No dark force for you to overcome

From the heavens
From the abyss
From the depths of man

A bitter blow - A darkened maze
Can take you down
A fearless man - A shattered spirit
Will immerse in misery

Come see it - Come feel it
It is here
Come see it - Come feel it
It´s alive

Delirium - Out of bounds
Delirium - Dying inside
Delirium - Left to wither
Delirium - Infernal Majesty

Count me in
(Let´s) ride the storm
(And) fend them off
Set Me Free

A source of light - A tower call
Can lead the way
A scent of blood - A lust for life
Will take you home
A broken mind - A Fiery soul
Will stand the pain
A tightened fist - A will divine
Can break the chain

Come see it - Come feel it
It is here
Come see it - Come feel it
It´s alive

Delirium - Out of bounds
Delirium - Dying inside
Delirium - Left to wither
Delirium - Infernal Majesty

Count me in
(Let´s) ride the storm
(And) fend them off
Set Me Free
I Lost Touch With me
I was And Still Am Fire
Ignite! To the Mountains

Live Breath Sense Move
I know It pains me too
Ignite! To the Mountains

Lies, deceit
Fright, escape
Caught, burdened
Gone, trapped
Get up, on your feet
Give me, your very self
It´s time to Rise!

Persist Progress
Chin up
And Ignite!
To the Mountains

Cast the light - deadly trail
I see it now
Sky is lit - opens up
I want my share
Lift me up - carry me
I need you now
Heal the wounds - bloody deep
I have to stop
Ignite! To the Mountains
In the house of lords
We control the movement
Of your limbs
There is endless beauty
In the might that we possess
Dragons are creatures
Of (our) own imagination
And dragons... Dragons breathe fire

We throw stones in the water
And see the waves
That we create

We push - Push hard
Predatorial instinct, built for the kill

Commando - Stones in the water
Commando - The Age of Nero

Keep looking for morning
In the shelter of night
(While) we renew our strength
Transfusing my blood

New layers to the core
I am ready now
As the world kneels

We push - Push hard
Predetorial instinct, built for the kill

Commando - Stones in the water
Commando - The Age of Nero
She´s roaming free
Tucked with a lifeline
She´s haunting me
Rocked by the netherworld

Consciously comes to me
Down on her knees
Painfully she moans indeed
Rapidly aggressively
Daggers shine and daggers kill

Nightfall (the nights that gods can´t undo)
Chaos Alive (looking for the faith I had)
Demonic (their faith brings me another battle)
The Wolfpack

Your path is lit
Look for the alpha
Drugged to the bone
In the devils grip

Consciously comes to me
Down on her knees
Painfully she moans indeed
Rapidly aggressively
Daggers shine and daggers kill

Nightfall (the nights that gods can´t undo)
Chaos Alive (looking for the faith I had)
Demonic (their faith brings me another battle)
The Wolfpack

Warcraft of the witch
Ceremonial ritual
This is the dream
That came to follow me

Nightfall (the nights that gods can´t undo)
Chaos Alive (looking for the faith I had)
Demonic (their faith brings me another battle)
The Wolfpack

Hidden under its wings
The darkness you wish to hide
Bearer of ugly truths

Somber morning
Through blurry glass
The black crow

Here comes the messenger
Found bringer of dark days
Here comes the messenger
Black crow on a tombstone

That reeks of death
The posture
Makes you tremble

Here comes the messenger
Found bringer of dark days
Here comes the messenger
Black crow on a tombstone

(She�ll) seek
And find you
Make you remember

Here comes the messenger
Found bringer of dark days
Here comes the messenger
Black crow on a tombstone

Hidden under its wings
The darkness you wish to hide
Bearer of ugly truths

On a grey
Somber morning
Through blurry glass
The black crow

Here comes the messenger
Found bringer of dark days
Here comes the messenger
Black crow on a tombstone
They ride the winds
Avoiding resistance
Choosing not to fight
Wanting to live
To lie another day
Pale figures in life

And so in death...
A painful existence
Wanting so much
Yearning to be
You know you lose
And I´m glad it hurts

Die by my hand
As close as you´ll ever get
Die by my hand
Accept defeat and find peace

You seek the truth
That you define
Waving the flag
Of the pitiful (kind)
You could never prepare
For my battle cry

Die by my hand
As close as you´ll ever get
Die by my hand
Accept defeat and find peace
My skin is cold and the birds fly free
Over my head, where winter grows
A heathens call, stand up or fall
This world is yours, for you to rule

This, the blood of sin
Flows freely
This, unstoppable force
In the naked flesh
My skin is cold - your skin is cold

Black metal rock and a scent of leather
And bloodstained gold
With rain and wind come times of change,
and dream come true
I go with you, on the path we make

This, the blood of sin
Flows freely
This, unstoppable force
In the naked flesh
My skin is cold - your skin is cold

Snow covered mountain
I gaze in awe
Wondering who and what was here before
I made my mark on that sacred soil
This phoenix rose from a pit of pain

This, the blood of sin
Flows freely
This, unstoppable force
In the naked flesh
My skin is cold - your skin is cold

One nations man carrying the weight,
of a peoples disgrace
This is the turnaround!
Driven by birthright and godsent will
The time has come for you to rule

This, the blood of sin
Flows freely
This, unstoppable force
In the naked flesh
My skin is cold - your skin is cold
Axis of faith
Raw, and untamed in spirit
To do and undo...
We chew this world
And Spit it out

Opinions rise and opinions fall
At the end of days
The trident stands tall
With limitless range
Illuminates all

Answers to no one
Certain and bold
It makes us
Stick to the cause

The wear and tear
Of agony stretched
It makes us...
It makes us stick to the cause

The dustcloud left
From a charging bull
Broken bones and bridges burnt
Fuck them all - It never stops

The Sign of the Trident
Stands paramount, eternal and tall
With tears in our eyes
Above them all

Answers to no one
Certain and bold
It makes us
Stick to the cause

The wear and tear
Of agony stretched
It makes us...
It makes us stick to the cause

Nothing, no nothing can challenge this call
Larger than life, soul and sound
Of undying tribal war

The cracking whip
Held by and iron fist
Determined and loyal
A constellation of bright shining stars

Answers to no one
Certain and bold
It makes us
Stick to the cause

The wear and tear
Of agony stretched
It makes us...
It makes us stick to the cause
Death´s raw warrior
Enslaver of youth
High-bound sorcerer
Celebrated overlord

Last Man Standing!

Unmasked emperor
Scavenger and bait
Wrathful conqueror
Reverend and overlord

Last Man Standing!

Death´s new warrior
Powerful, not vain
Newborn, not blind
Celebrated overlord

Last Man Standing!

Unmasked emperor
Ready for more
Shadowlain wanderer
Reverend and overlord
I det stille Rom
I det klare sinn
Et nakent lerret
Foran han
En urørt mark

Av riket stort
Den siste var

VÃ¥r siste stund
En kjempes slag

Det bor i han
Et storslått hjerte
Den siste kriger
Som aldri ga seg
Som skulle frem

Den siste stund
I naken drakt
Nå står vi her

PÃ¥ avgrunds mark
Den siste dag
Vi visste kom
PÃ¥ moder jord

Fordervet sjel
Vrir sitt indre
Fordømte barn
Av Satans sol

Du skynker
For eget seil
Forbannet vaere
Ditt daue sinn

Sett dem fri
I storsinns tegn

En langsom ferd
For en herdet sjel
Det ville seg
Det måtte skje
Naturens gang

Av rike stort
Den siste vår

VÃ¥r siste stund
En Kjempes slag

Et skjaer av lys
Som kaster håp
PÃ¥ en fattig mann

Som ikke vet
Hva bor i han
Et salig tegn
PÃ¥ undergang

Den siste stund
I naken drakt
Nå står vi her

PÃ¥ avgrunds mark
Den siste dag
Naturens gang
VÃ¥rt endelikt

Sannhet og tro mot en makt
Gudløs, men aldri forlatt
Naken mot alle mann
Lucifer, hvor er daggry!
Min sønn og min byrde, jeg er her for deg
I dag og i morgen, vent på mitt tegn

Et skjær under stormens bølger
Knuser, legger dødt
River, herjer, vrir seg omkring
Vi blåser i horn, nå er det krig

Mot det andre
Kalde blekne tone
Mot et annet rom
Klart over, uten under
Vissheten om det...

Ruiner, ulmende glød
Sevjen av gammel vrede
Vi tror deg, vi ser deg, marsjerer for deg
Templene brenner, det er dagry

Mot det andre
Kalde blekne tone
Mot et annet rom
Klart over, uten under
Vissheten om det
Tro og kraft

Flakkende lys fra det veldige dyp
Stråler, her er evig

Mot det andre
Kalde blekne tone
Mot et annet rom
Klart over, aldri under
Vissheten om det
Tro og kraft

Across the night sky
Tears the black open
Towards the earthbound
Breaks the light down

This moon
This moon
This night
This night
This sign
This sign
That symbolizes to me what must be done

Shadows that mirror and nurture the spirit

My world crumbled
Your world
A star
Our world, it rumbles tonight

No mask
Pure will
One hand
One blade


Summon the unwanted
And gather for a (final) journey

My world crumbled
Your world
A star
Our world, it rumbles tonight

Into the night
My long suffering friend
We´ll be reborn again
Right here where everything ends

Face to the sky
A trail of smoke in the air
Pass into emptiness
New life´s awaiting you there

Slave to some wretched old imagination of yesteryear
All that grows in the skulls of the living are flowers of fear

The morning red
A sun god calling you back
Down through a thousand years
White embers whistle and crack

Await the dawn with her kiss of redemption, my firebird!
You were the queen of the souls of men before there was the word

The morning new
The morning red
The fiery promise
Mad swirling smoke
Wheels round her head

Dedication to the queen of souls,
Her lost disciples
And when the fire´s work is done
Our time to be reborn

By pagan streams
A wind whips the leaves from the trees
And it is revealed to us
That we are dreams within dreams

Born from some wretched old imagination of yesteryear
Now all that grows in the skulls of the living are flowers of fear

The morning new
The morning red
The fiery promise
Mad swirling smoke
Wheels round her head

Dedication to the queen of souls,
Her lost disciples
And when the fire´s work is done
Our time to be reborn

The morning new
The morning red
The fiery promise
Mad swirling smoke
Wheels round her head

Dedication to the queen of souls,
Her lost disciples
And when the fire´s work is done
The phoenix now reborn
In darkness
The above
Son of a tornado
He lies in the slumber of (dark) clouds

Born by a thought
He flies through the thunder of wars

Ultimate destroyer
Unspeakable avenger
Walker upon the wind
Hunting, piercing
(The) ultimate, roaring
Walker upon the wind

Son of a tornado
He lies in the slumber of (dark) clouds
Mourned, feared, adored
Accursed one, torn one, marked one

Ultimate destroyer
Unspeakable avenger
Walker upon the wind
Hunting, piercing
(The) ultimate, roaring
Walker upon the wind
I gave you a sign
with my bare hands
from the underworld
I drove you around
with no remorse
and now I´m dead to you
You saw my head spin
with your own eyes
I´m not immortal
it´s broken you down
and torn you apart
and now I´m dead
Find me
take me
to the void. To the crooked nest
to Nekrohaven
The bestial screams
a life devoted
to the occult
the flickering lights
my dream came true
and now I´m dead
Find me
take me
to the void. To the crooked nest
to Nekrohaven
Now all men weep
in my bare hands
´cause the lion
no longer roars
and now I´m dead

Find me
take me
to the void. To the crooked nest
to Nekrohaven
The winds
Sing their song
And I listen
They always sing
For those who listen

The lonely dark
Morning haze
Mountains who speak
Of time before time
Scattered snow
Hold the fort!

Winter - wake me
Fire - burn me
Fearless with horns
Ageless northern spirit

Faint cries from ocean birds
Rays of light down the valley
Tore me out of my rhythm

Winter - wake me
Fire - burn me
Fearless with horns
Ageless northern spirit

Introspective and grateful

Winter - wake me
Fire - burn me
Fearless with horns
Ageless northern spirit

To the front!
Stand up!
With heart
Tuned in
Ageless northern spirit
Take me down to the core
Of the innermost deep within (myself)
Show me and help me capture
The seed of my existance
And understanding of my purpose

Guide me in grasping the nerve
Of my own melody
Golden star
Shining light
With power to dissolve

The most scattered mind
Into a state of contentment

Hunter, warrior
Crawls his way through the universe
Hunter, warrior
The stage is yours
I can no longer rule

Who made who...

A few naked trees in an open field?
Or something with a higher purpose
And sense of being

Dance with me
And try moving
To my rhythm
You and I...
We can move together, together

Hunter, warrior
Crawls his way through the universe
Hunter, warrior
The stage is yours
I can no longer rule

Make the world spin and heads bow
Know that devotion is our daily bread

Faitful ye, hear me now
The golden star is here

Hunter, warrior
Crawls his way through the universe

I must carry this torch with him
Bring us all together to the finish line

Fire dance—in the morning sun
Altars burn—we celebrate

God of no gods—I´m slave of none
I pledge to fight—your cause is mine

Against—the against
From soul to soul—I speak to you
God of no gods—I´m slave of none
I pledge to fight—your cause is mine

Withered leaves fall
towards frozen grounds
Coiling, twist and turn
Midnight Serpent
do you fear my heart

Blazing fire roar
against the blackened sky
Floating, hell and moor
Midnight Serpent
do you hear my cry

Tundra swept—in my longing mind
Mortal winds—the towers kneel
Sunrise never came

Withered leaves fall
towards frozen grounds
Coiling, twist and turn
Midnight Serpent
do you fear my heart

Blazing fire roar
against the blackened sky
Floating, hell and moor
Midnight Serpent
do you hear my cry

Against—the against
Soul to soul

Call of the wild
Coast to coast

Onboard the vessels
we all know will get rocked
And yet with shame sail forward
hoping that none shall see
It´s demise

Face of morbidiy
spotted through the keyhole
Unlocked by the persecuted
who wants nothing but the sunlit meadows

Liberate, extirpate, pull up by the root
Let another song reverberate
Above the winds, soaring
Turn to the sun and let the cloak drop to the ground

Sunrise never came
It´s cold again...
At the gate of nightfall
with the sword of ages
comes the spring of darkness
on the plains of nowhere
blood runs hot with my buried fathers


will to stand
(to) stand alone
face the loss
face the glory

[spoken part:]
River runs down the upstream
light forcing its way, through the surface
anarcy and free will
thus spoke the elders

Blood Cracks Open The Ground

Ravens flee
Pitch black
Another mind
Another dawn

Blood Cracks Open the Ground

Distant Roars
Dying Stars
Fading Blades
Never forget
At the gate of nightfall
with the sword of ages
comes the spring of darkness
on the plains of nowhere
blood runs hot with my buried fathers
Forgotten days, forgotten thoughts
in the hour of chaos
pass the torch to your brethren in the dark

forever torn, forever gone
through the mirror, of despair
pass the torch to your brethren in the dark

Tomorrows dream, tomorrows gleam
its the burden in sorrow
pass the torch to your brethren in the dark

October sky, October leafs
and the silence, of nightfall
pass the torch to your brethren in the dark

These stories, distant and untold
These stories, of a world long gone

To your brethren in the dark

Nocturnal light, nocturnal cold
on the mountain, now star it
pass the torch to your brethren in the dark

Eternal flight, Eternal void
with the spirit of chaos
pass the torch to your brethren in the dark

These stories, distant, and untold
these stories, of a world long gone
In the darkest storm through the cold of night
We hear the wolves cry at my chamber door
The path of evermore from the dawn of time

In the rain alone with your demons claw
Now, let your brother help if the palace falls
And the dragon dies we�ll let the mothers mourn

In the forest old, when the moon rises and the shadows fall
Deep Calleth upon deep
And in the forest old
Deep Calleth upon deep

With a fearless heart and no one�s dream torn
Just like the fire burns on the hillsides north
You will tear the skies and we will never die

In the forest old, when the moon rises and the shadows fall
Deep Calleth upon deep
And in the forest old
Deep Calleth upon deep

In the forest old, when the moon rises and the shadows fall
Deep Calleth upon deep
And in the forest old
Deep Calleth upon deep

Through time, to the waters below
My song, for the silence above

The spirit of promise, on the table of stone
Under my skin—all the life you have ever lived

Seal the law
and pierce through the haze of time
The Ghost of Rome

No life lost behind that veil—just the death of broken hearts
The Ghost of Rome

At night, in the temple we lost
One throne for the kingdom forlorn

The waves of North—No tail broken it is
Over the wall—Veins rush from hate never trapped

Seal the law
and pierce through the haze of time
The Ghost of Rome

No life lost behind that veil—just the death of broken hearts
The Ghost of Rome

Through time, to the waters below

The spirit of promise, on the table of stone
Under my skin—all the life you have ever lived

Seal the law
and pierce through the haze of time
The Ghost of Rome

No life lost behind that veil—just the death of broken hearts
The Ghost of Rome
The nihilist trapped
in the corner of his head
Deconstruct and destroy
(This), the pathway out
of the corner of his head
Troubled, warped and mislead

Blasting through
The winds of misery
Hellbent and broken

My energy, my strength
My given right to march
No deep unvisited
Embrace the twisted
Accursed or not
It´s Dissonant

Flying high
Above the storm
Freight train coming
Hellbent, broken and patched up

The abyss of man
His own worst enemy
Where is the awe?
Ambition stranded on the
doorstep of hope
Torn down by his (own) shadow

The prince of darkness
(His) distorted patterns
across the landscape

Dismantling the chord of pain
The longest ride
On the muddy roads of destiny

Behold—it´s the nihilist
On the shores of madness

My energy, my strength
My given right to march
Embrace the twisted
It´s dissonance
Silently moving in the snow covered mountains of North
Krieg—and the whispering cold winds
of death, in the snow covered mountains of North
Freedom, through the memories buried by time

Silently moving in the snow covered mountains of North
Cries—death will set me free,
in the snow covered mountains of North
Quietly breathing—knowing this is the day when our fire burns brighter than yours

Memories fading
Bloodthirst and truth

Black wings and withering gloom
And bloody broken feet
In the throes of war with unscarred youth
Death takes no prisoners
Blood back to earth

Silently--in the snow covered mountains of North

Memories fading
Bloodthirst and truth

Black wings and withering gloom
And bloody broken feet
In the throes of war with unscarred youth
Death takes no prisoners
Blood back to earth

No Triumph or glory
in the painful suffering of loss
No victor or king
Just the bloosoaked armour of Tyr
Set me free
From the misery distorting my mind
No triumph or glory, no victor or king
Just the bloosoaked armour of Tyr

Black wings and withering gloom
And bloody broken feet
In the throes of war with unscarred youth
Death takes no prisoners
Blood back to earth

Ashes to ashes
and dust to dust
No son forsaken
but many forgotten
Their names written in the sand

Black wings and withering gloom
And bloody broken feet

Silently--knowing this is our fate in the snow covered mountains of North
Hear the call
Hear the winds
Hear the trumpets
Hear the hooves

and the earth shakes
with a cursed fate

when the night wakes
and the waves break
The seabed rumbles
Heads bow mourning it´s the Burial Rite

Sound of fear
Sound of fortune
Beast of pain
Beast of hunger
Leviathan—let´s hear the Burial Rite!

when the night wakes
and the waves break
The seabed rumbles
Heads bow mourning it´s the Burial Rite

World of storms
World of promise
Trail of death
Trail of sorrow

when the night wakes
and the waves break
The seabed rumbles

Lurking deep
In the soul of man

and the waves break
The seabed rumbles

“How shall the Burial Rite be read?
The solemn song be sung”?

and the earth shakes
with a cursed fate
It´s the Burial Rite